Friday, December 24, 2010
Where Are The Real Conservatives?
How many of you watched in dismay as Pelosi and Reid continued to set the agenda in the “lame duck” Congress? How many of you sat there in abject horror as the “conservative” GOP went to bed with the enemy?
The new Congress, taking office next month had better find new leadership because Senator Mitch McConnell has shown himself to be a feckless leader! Why in the hell did this man allow any significant legislation to reach the floor for a vote? He proved he is just another Harry Reid: Making “deals” behind closed doors with no input from anybody! Mitch McConnell is as transparent as lead! He rolled over and “played dead” for Mr. Obama and the ‘progressives’ and that makes Mr. McConnell my enemy and the enemy of every freedom loving American!
McConnell says, “It was the best deal we could get and it shows what bipartisanship is!” Easy words from an accomplished liar! We will never know if it was “ … the best deal …” because we saw no fight from the GOP on this deal. What we saw was the GOP “leadership” so anxious to save the Bush tax cuts, they agreed to spending more money we do not have! We saw cowards leading cowards; still heading for financial disaster because they don’t know how to lead!
The American People gave the Congress a clear mandate on November 2nd, and it should have been taken as a clear warning but, obviously, McConnell cannot read or doesn’t have the “cojones” to ‘just say NO’! The man has been drinking the D.C. Kool Aid too long and has a terminal case of Potomac Fever! A true conservative leader needs to be selected and I would nominate Jim DeMint or Tom Colburn for that role!
My cousin, Pat, advised me I shouldn’t condemn the new members of Congress before they get sworn in and I want to make it clear I am referring to the current Congress. But, the new members need to know that they are on probation; the “R” behind the name lost any meaning of Responsibility decades ago! The grassroots voters have adopted Martin Luther King, Jr.’s mantra: “To be judged not by the color of the skin but by the character of the person.” The same can be said of the letter behind the name!
We will be watching the House more closely also and I hope the “rookies” coming in take their direction from the promises they made while running for office and not from John Boehner! Mr. Boehner has been drinking the D.C. Kool Aid since 1995, so we will have to determine whether or not he has contracted Potomac Fever like McConnell. The People cannot put up with feckless leadership in both Houses, so we shall see.
But we do not need Congressman Darrell Issa as saying: "It's pretty clear the American people expect us to use the existing gridlock to create compromise... They [the American people] want us to come together after we agree to disagree." Mr. Issa and the current members of the House had better come to the realization that we are at war with the ‘progressives’ and compromise to them is stealing more of our freedoms, a little at a time! There can be no compromise on American principles; stick to the restrictions of the Constitution and the ‘progressives’ lose! We have to follow Ronald Reagan’s strategy on the Cold War: “We win; they lose!”
All of you were elected with that thought in mind and if you fail in your promised duty, we will find somebody with the intestinal fortitude to get the job done! No compromise! None! Nada! The ‘progressives’ shoved these bills down out throats and we will not compromise our principles! Every time you “compromise” with ‘progressives’ they win a little more, that is how we got here! That is why we have said there is not 10¢ difference between the parties because the GOP has “compromised” away its principles for the appearance of being “bipartisan”!
What happens if the GOP lives up to their campaign promises only to have Obama veto them? Keep in mind, those of you with slow wits or weak conviction, Mr. McConnell: You have a mandate from the People and if Obama vetoes the “will of the People”, the People will elect more conservatives so you can get the job done!
We got this bad off because we, as a nation, forgot our heritage and why our founders created the form of government we originally had; I think Patrick Henry stated it best: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”
I repeat his quote daily because I had forgot about American exceptionalism! We cannot afford to forget it again!
We have reached a turning-point today and if we do not turn back toward our Creator; if we do not beg for His guidance and forgiveness, we are doomed to the annals of history and I don’t think it will speak kindly of us! Because we will have squandered our freedom of individualism and self-reliance for the appearance of security!
We must, once again, become the Beacon of Liberty for the world, so that the people of other nations will try to emulate us out of envy! We must turn away from meddling in other nation’s affairs because we now know that causes them to hate us!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The King and His Court ...
The following is a short speech I wrote for our first Tea Party Rally, April 15th, 2009, held in John Dam Plaza, Richland, Washington. I reprint it now because as effective as the Tea Party movement has been in these last 20 months, the only one of the idiots mentioned in it will be gone in January, 2011, and he had to retire! Chris Dodd retired; Pelosi, Reid, and Frank were reelected!
That tells me the Tea Party groups have a big job ahead of educating the people as to the differences between Free People and Sheeple who keep returning these elitists to rule over us! Just a thought.
Welcome to you all to our Tea Party! And we’re gonna party like it’s 1773! (And we did – Over 1500 people showed up and railed against our out of control government spending!)
Last Fall, our own “King” George scared the Congress into passing the biggest bailout in American history! This wasn’t King George III, this was “King” George W. Bush! After Congress caved in, like a house of cards, and with the stroke of a pen, “King” George made the Treasury Secretary the most powerful Treasury Secretary in history!
And so as not to waste a good panic, they set about to nationalize our banking industry and our insurance industry; almost immediately, the Big 3 auto makers wanted to be bailed out; even flew in on private planes to cry, “Poor me, poor me!” to Congress!
That didn’t happen until we changed “kings”! Now we are saddled with King Barrack Hussein Obama, Princess Nancy Pelosi, Prince Harry Reid, and his Court Jesters Barney Frank and Chris Dodd!
This isn’t something new ~ It’s just the first time we noticed what Washington, D.C. is doing to us ~ By the way ~ The D.C. is short for District of Criminals! And what they are doing is nothing short of criminal!
As I said: This is not something new ~ The congress has been passing “laws” that fly in the face of our Constitution for almost 100 years and we let them! Some of the more egregious ones: In 1913, they enacted the Federal Reserve Act, which made 10 banking families, mostly European, our central bank ~ The Constitution calls for the U.S. Treasury to mint our coinage ~ Paper money would have taken a Constitutional Amendment and they’d already enacted 2 Constitutional Amendments: The Sixteenth, which they use as the justification for the income tax, and the Seventeenth, which is when we started electing our senators!
In 1933, Congress enacted, and FDR signed into law, the 1933 War Powers Act ~ Question: Who were we at war with in 1933? Some constitutional scholars put forth the notion they declared war against the People! It is the law FDR used to confiscate privately held gold bullion, in exchange for Federal Reserve Certificates!
Congress hasn’t passed a Constitutional Declaration of War since WWII ~ They have sent our young men and women in harm’s way with U.N. Resolutions, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and the 1973 War Powers Resolution! They pay lip service to the greatest document created by men building the richest and freest nation ever witnessed by anyone!
Where are our freedoms and liberties today? We have let the government become so powerful, they “allow” us the use of our God-given liberties when it serves their purpose! We have to take our country back and this is but the first step in a long journey and may God help us to victory!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Quantitative Easing?
records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue,
deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments
by controlling the money and its issuance.” – President James Madison
This quote came to mind when I heard Mr. Bernanke tell the world that he was buying government bonds to “ … prevent deflation and stimulate the sluggish economy … ” and he called this maneuver “quantitative easing”! Why that sounds almost empirical; so soft and gentle and with such ‘fatherly concern’ – Almost! “ … money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means … ”! It’s like changing “shell-shock” to “post-tramatic-stress-disorder” – Soften the language to explain a very bad condition! The original term used for “quantitative easing” is “monetizing the debt” and this has nothing to do with ‘deflation’ or ‘stimulating a sluggish economy’! Bernanke is lying, which is what you expect from a Liar and Mr. Bernanke is an accomplished LIAR!!
If you want to see exactly what Bernanke did, look up the Weimar Republic, at the turn of last century (1919) – Monetizing the debt doesn’t prevent ‘deflation’; it causes hyperinflation! I am not an economist but I have studied history! The German Weimar Republic shoved millions of German Marks into the sluggish economy and when the economy turned around, they couldn’t pull the extra Marks out of the economy fast enough and hyperinflation destroyed the German economy, leading to Hitler and his National Socialist Party (Nazis). There is a famous picture in history books and you can find it on the internet of a man with a wheelbarrow full of German Marks heading to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread!
Stand by, this is our exciting future with the Fed’s “help” – Thank you Mr. Bernanke! He was touted as “a student of the Great Depression” – I used to say he flunked the course but I think I was in error – This evil person learned exactly what to do to destroy the economy and, with this administration’s and the Congress’ approval, Bernanke is doing exactly that!
issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought
sooner or later is the People vs. The Banks.” – Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of
That is where we are at: The “issue” is at hand and the banking system, with this ‘fiat’ money is winning because they own America’s wealth; they’ve been headed this way since 1913, with the creation of an unconstitutional central bank, called the “Federal Reserve Act of 1913”!
Are you curious what happens next? Go to this website and sign up for their email alerts: Read what they have said to date and prepare yourself and you family for a very bumpy ride!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The War on Christianity!
As we near the time we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, when we should be happy and in a festive mood, we are again going into battle with 'progressives' in our government and our courts, the ACLU, and the atheists over our freedom to celebrate Christmas! Yes, I’m cranky!
It is time we stand up and be counted! I am so-o-o tired of this war on Christianity! I want everybody to remember what Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”
What part of that is so difficult to understand that we now have to fight for our very existence? The spokesman for the atheists say they are just having a dialog ~ That is a lie! Their posters and signs belie this statement; they are offensive to every Christian I know because they don’t question our beliefs, they state that Christians are living a lie! That’s not looking for “dialog”, that’s trying to pick a fight! They succeeded! Consider me one of God's Warriors and it is time to kick ass!
If they can block off Madison Avenue once a month so the Muslims can pray to their Moon God, celebrate Ramadan without billboards proclaiming they are living a lie, and live their lives freely in this country to practice their religion, why can’t Christians be afforded the same respect?
Why haven’t we seen billboards proclaiming Buddha and his followers are living a lie? Why don’t we see billboards proclaiming the Hindu religion is making people live a lie? Why aren’t there billboards proclaiming the Jewish faith is a lie? Why is it only Christians being accused of living a lie?
One of God’s gifts to man is “free will” and even the atheists should rejoice for that! He has given us all the free will to choose how to worship Him or not worship Him; we, as individuals choose our religion! Atheists have chosen not to believe the Bible, so that is their religion and they do not have to answer to me, you, or the government for not being a “believer” ~ They will only have to answer to God on Judgment Day!
I am a Christian and I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ! I do not pray often enough but my prayers are sincere when I ask for forgiveness. I have belonged to two (2) churches in my life and did not agree with some of their interpretations of Christ’s teachings so I do not attend a church with any regularity. I have practiced tolerance all my life, knowing I do not have all the answers but I will debate most subjects and try to maintain an open mind (very tough for me to do! LOL!) But I sincerely try!
I do not believe there is “one true faith” and would argue that the one true faith is a falsehood because there is no such thing as “collective salvation”, anymore than there is “collective rights”! For proof I would offer that when I go before the Lord, I will face Him, knowing Jesus died for my sins and have asked for forgiveness through His name! He will not be asking if I was a good Catholic, Presbyterian, or Baptist! Even “God’s chosen People” are not guaranteed a reward in Heaven because they are judged by Him as individuals.
Enough about my faith; this Blog is about the War on Christianity, being waged by 'progressive' in our government and courts to separate the People from God, and their henchmen: The atheists and the ACLU! Every session of Congress begins with a prayer, yet the government will not protect our right to worship anyway we see fit ~ The government tells us we shouldn’t “offend” other beliefs with Thanksgiving and Christmas! Bite me!!
I point, once again to Patrick Henry: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”
They say atheists are being discriminated against because we don’t celebrate an atheist holiday; I beg to differ! It was ruled, in court, that an atheist holiday is celebrated every year ~ April 1st in the atheist holiday of April Fool’s Day ~ I cannot think of anything more appropriate!
Another thing to remember is this war: If the 'progressives' succeed and separate our nation from God, we will have lost our Individual Rights because they come from God, not from man! That is the enemy’s goal!
Christians are taught to turn the other cheek and I have tried to do that but my cheeks are so bruised … I have had enough of it and have turned the “other” cheek ~ I had to lower my pants and turn around but now that this cheek is exposed, the atheists can kiss it and get over it!
Speak out loudly!!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What Do We Do About The Fiscal Disaster Coming Our Way?
“If Americans aren’t prepared for the hard choices needed to control the national debt, most voters here must have missed the memo…. Cutting the deficit and debt is the preferred prescription for the economy among 39% of Americans, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll conducted Nov. 19-21 shows. That tops other options, including raising taxes on the wealthy, cutting taxes and increasing stimulus spending.” (USA Today)
First of all, a “thank you” to all the politicians who dug this abyss we’re looking at today and to those who elected them to office (That’s all of us folks!)! That’s correct – We all had a hand in this fiasco! And if you “stayed home” and didn’t vote, don’t think for a minute you don’t deserve some of the blame – It’s our country and we’ve been treating her like a whore!
So let’s stop the “blame game” and face the tough choices we are going to have to make if we want to avert a total financial meltdown! We also need to abandon this “class warfare” the ‘progressives’ are foisting on working families. The richer among us are not our enemies and shouldn’t be singled out to pay for what we all helped create!
Don’t like the “tough words”? Well then, you ain’t gonna like the tough solutions coming down the pike! First I will lay out our ultimate goal to save our nation from bankruptcy and then we’ll list the steps we will need to do to allow for financial health for the nation.
You see, we do not have an “undertaxing” problem, we have an “overspending” problem! We, for much too long, have allowed our federal government to stray into areas not authorized by our Constitution and that has led us to the edge of the financial abyss. This just didn’t happen under Obama, although his congress has sped the problem up, and it didn’t start under Bush, although he and his Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, pushed the envelope out a little further with the TARP; this fiasco has been building since 1913!
Under Woodrow Wilson, a real scumbag, the 16th and 17th Amendments were ratified (supposedly) and the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was passed, creating a private central bank owned by ten (10) banking families. Each one of these events contributed to what we are reaping today and all three events must be reversed or this will happen again and again!
Whether or not the 16th Amendment was properly ratified is a moot point at this time but it is being applied improperly on the American People! It is a lie that the federal government can assess a personal income tax on your compensation but they have been doing it since the end of WWII! The Supreme Court, on three (3) separate occasions, has ruled that the 16th Amendment gave Congress no new taxing authority! But through “words of art” and “color of law”, the IRS will throw your butt in jail if you refuse to pay the tax! But even this is a moot point today because the government has thrown enough Americans in prison, you will not find enough people willing to sacrifice their physical freedom to end the practice. The easiest way to correct this is to repeal the amendment!
The 17th Amendment drew us closer to the democracy our founding fathers feared. With it’s passage, the Senators became elected officials instead of appointed by the several states’ legislatures! This has hurt us in more ways than can be counted. The Senators were to be in the Senate to protect the interests of the State. One of the “checks & balances” of our founding document was virtually destroyed with the passage of this amendment! Since 1913, the Senators have been a “popularity contest” and the position became just another way to vote money from the Treasury and destroy the 10th Amendment! Whether or not the 17th Amendment was properly ratified is just wasted energy; we need to repeal the Amendment or wait until the next financial crisis to rear it’s ugly and it will!
But the ugliest of the ugly was the passage of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913! There is no provision, even today, for a privately-owned “central bank” in our Constitution! The Federal Reserve is tasked with deciding the United States monetary policy. What? I thought that was Congress’ responsibility: Article I, Section 8 – Powers of Congress, Line 4 – “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;” (Sounds to me as if Congress is shirking it’s responsibilities once again!) Not only must we audit the fed, we must repeal the Federal Reserve Act! Creating the “Fed” was just the beginnings of the atrocities against America’s wealth!
Take a look at the Fed’s track record, remembering that their task was deciding our monetary policy: Preventing depressions was number 1 on their “hit list”. Need I say more? The Great Depression? How did they recommend to avert this debacle? “Raise taxes on the Corporations” is what Hoover did after the stock market crash of 1929. Today we know that just slows down a financial recovery. This action actually pushed us closer to the depression! Along comes FDR, you know, the ‘progressives’ hero! How did the Fed help out here? They recommended Keynesian Economics be applied and not only pushed us smack-dab into the worst depression the world has ever seen but prolonged the United States recovery by 8 to 10 years! Even Henry Morgenthau, FDR’s Treasury Secretary, recognized the error of the “New Deal” when he said, “Eight years and all that money spent and it did no good whatsoever!”
Obviously, the Fed cannot prevent depressions, recessions, or financial meltdowns, in fact, they exacerbate them!
Okay, but have they helped us in our monetary policy? In 1913, the United States was on the Gold Standard, and the Congress had frozen the gold price at $18.00 to $20.00 per ounce (Our “Double Eagle” was a 1 oz. gold coin; makes it easy to remember). Prior to the creation of the Fed, the U.S. Treasury only coined money, by Constitution, and when you deposited your gold and silver in the bank, the bank would issue you “Bank Notes” that you could redeem for merchandise from any merchant who recognized the Bank Note; otherwise you withdrew some of your gold or silver to purchase merchandise – Not a real convenient system but an honest one! The Fed started issuing “Gold Certificates” and “Silver Certificates” so you could leave your gold and silver in the Federal Reserve Bank and most merchants were willing to accept the certificates because they were redeemable at any Federal Reserve Bank and not just at the bank of issuance (as the Bank Notes were). This worked just fine and the people were lulled into apathy on the issue and it limited the amount of money the federal government could borrow because we were still on the Gold Standard, which meant the government could only borrow up to the amount of gold and silver owned by the federal government – A spending check that hadn’t been destroyed yet! Then comes the 1933 War Powers Act – Quick question: Who were we at war with in 1933? I have come to the conclusion that FDR and the Congress declared war on the American People in 1933! Using the powers given to the President under this egregious act, FDR confiscated all gold bullion and coinage he could locate from the American People! They confiscated the gold out of the Peoples’ home safes, as well as commercial banks and safe deposit boxes! They confiscated the precious metal and gave Federal Reserve “Silver Certificates” in place of the gold and took the United States off the Gold Standard, placing us in the Silver Standard!
This placated the Federal Reserves owners until 1965 – Called the “Johnson Sandwich” coins, the United States Mint began producing coinage made up of nickel and copper, instead to the silver coins we used since 1796! Named after Lyndon B. Johnson, President at the time, the “sandwich” doesn’t taste like any sandwich you would want to eat! It was at this time, that the United States was removed from the “Silver Standard” and the Federal Reserve began issuing “Federal Reserve Notes”. If you remember anything about Accounting 101, a “note” is the acknowledgement of a debt! In other words, the Federal Reserve began producing “fiat money”. A money with no backing but the good name of the borrower!
Thus began the enslavement of the future generations of Americans to the banking families of the Federal Reserve Bank! Yes, Congress had to have known they were enslaving us but they do not care; their only thoughts are getting reelected! Even Ronald Reagan, one of my heroes, couldn’t stop and reverse this perverse trend; all he could do was slow it down! Essentially, the Fed will print as much fiat money as Congress wants to spend and they put it on contract to repay over time – They used to say that the national debt was money we owed ourselves but that was a lie told to us so we wouldn’t see the devastation of enslavement of the American People to the banking families and now to China and Japan!
Russia and China have reached agreement on oil production from Russia to China and it is not based on the dollar value! The rest of the world will be following suit because we have defaced and now set to devalue the dollar; the world has lost it’s standard due to our overspending by an out of control Congress!
We must repeal the Federal Reserve Act and put this nation back on the Gold Standard so our dollar will be trusted once again by other trading partners!
If we could accomplish all three (3) things today, (repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments and repeal the Federal Reserve Act) it will not save us from the financial meltdown that is imminent. The meltdown is so imminent, we have to do several other things to solve our immediate financial problems; those things are going to hurt! It’s like taking medicine for an illness: The cure tastes terrible but the alternative is death!
Initially, we must cut spending by 50%! We must eliminate entire departments, slash federal employment numbers, and slash entitlement programs! This cannot be an “across the board” cut; it must be targeted cuts that will reduce federal spending by 50%. That’s why it’s gonna hurt! It’s going to hurt because the federal government is trying to be all things to all people and are messing in areas not authorized by Constitution and most of these areas are better handled at the state or local levels!
Everything must be “on the table” for consideration for elimination but a few departments that come to mind immediately are the Departments of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Homeland Security, and Labor; except for Homeland Security, the rest of these departments are not authorized by Constitution and are better handled by the states or locally and Homeland Security doesn’t need to be a department unto itself – It’s function could be absorbed and be a Division of the Dept. of Defense! Other departments could be eliminated and their roles absorbed but you can see there are an over-abundance of bureaucrats and they generate no revenue; they only cost us more tax dollars!
Next, we have to evaluate the entitlement programs with an eye to reducing or eliminating them altogether! Entitlements include Social Security, Social Security Disability, Medicare, and Medicaid. From my perspective, Medicaid and Social Security Disability should be state programs, if there is to be a program at all! It used to be that the family unit took care of disabled family members or hired somebody to care for them and it should be that way today! If the government wasn’t stealing so much from Americans, we could take care of our own – a time honored tradition!
Medicare is another unauthorized federal program we can do without! I had much better coverage before the feds forced me onto Medicare and if I were able to buy my insurance across state lines, opening up competition, I daresay I would get better coverage and my health care professionals would be much happier than today, when they are paid only a pittance by Medicare!
Social Security cannot survive as it is administered today and I hope there is a way to save it for those who rely on it today as their sole income for retirement but it will be forced to change. Again, this is a program that is better suited for the states, rather than the federal government. Government closest to the People governs best, with the consent of the governed!
There are no real answers in this article, just the problems and areas of solution. We need to create solutions for Congress and we had better do it quickly!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Why Are We Fighting Our Government?
A few weeks ago I found out that I "offended" a blood relative because I am the Coordinator of the Tri-Cities Tea Party. I was accused of being against everything my father and uncles worked for and accused of being anti-union! The more we talked, the more agitated he became and I could see there was no reasoning with him at that point so I ended the conversation.
When somebody becomes that agitated, they start spewing things they probably don’t even believe themselves; either that or he has been drinking too much of the Obama Kool-Aid! The ‘progressives’ have been pouring their Kool-Aid for a long time and we have many union members who have been sipping the stuff; the Kool-Aid dulls the senses and allows you to believe their lies and, pretty soon, you stop thinking for yourself and you have become another socialist zombie!
Do I think that is what happened to this relative? I hope not; I am hoping he will think it out for himself and realize I have always been the same ~ I have always believed in individual Liberty and American exceptionalism! My father and his father were strong advocates of this; that is probably the biggest factor in my libertarian approach to life!
My father was a quiet man but a natural leader and the family patriarch; his younger brothers followed him from job to job during the Depression. The 3 of them tried to enlist in the Army; my uncles were accepted but my father was rejected due to a double hernia. My uncles were taken prisoner at Corregidor, Phillipines, and spent most of the war in a P.O.W. camp in Manchuria, China. I had a third uncle who fought in WWII: My mother’s brother fought in Europe and was taken prison by the Germans. Luckily, all 3 of my uncles survived their imprisonment and were liberated by the end of the war.
But, suffice to say, my uncles fought socialism in WWII and my father and my uncles continued the fight against socialism and communism by working at Hanford, supplying plutonium for the nation's nuclear defense and I honor them every day by fighting for Liberty!
I worked with one of my uncles at Hanford; we belonged to the Teamsters union and my uncle was our Shop Steward; he always concerned himself with defending individual Teamsters and making certain they were treated fairly by management. My father, my uncle, and I went on-strike in 1966, for higher wages (a very dumb thing to do!). After 6 weeks, the same union officials who convinced us to go on strike, recommended that we settle for the same contract language we had been rejecting for 5 weeks! We were livid and it left a bad taste in our mouth! My uncle and I went to Seattle to find work so we wouldn’t have to return to Hanford and the Teamsters union. We couldn’t find any jobs at that time so we returned to work with the Teamsters but my uncle and I said we would leave as soon as we had another job; we had families to support so we didn’t allow our pride to harm our families financially. My uncle opened his own business within a year after that and I went to work for another business.
When I went to work at Energy Northwest, a union was trying to organize the security force, of which I was a member; I fought the union coming into our work place but we lost the battle by one vote! I refused to be my squad’s Steward because of the hard feelings between me and the union. But 4 years later, I was approached again to be steward; this time I accepted and served as Shop Steward for 4 years before I resigned from the task (it is a thankless job). I was approached several times after that to be steward again and I kept refusing because it takes so much time from your family but I always consulted with the steward with ideas to make the task easier. I was approached the year I retired to be steward to help secure a new contract with the company (we had been working without a contract for 4 years) and the new security management was violating every established contract guideline, trying to break the union ~ I accepted the task, much to my wife’s chagrin, and we began filing new grievances to re-establish the labor rules the company had been violating ~ We were busy! But we were successful and we were offered a reasonable contract, which the security force accepted. My wife and I went to another security officer’s retirement party several weeks ago and several of my former work mates greeted me with statements like: “It’s changed since you left and we need you back!”
I’m not telling you this to “blow my own horn” but to explain my support of unions because there’s a line I have defined in my work career that also explains my “line” in this fight with our government. I believe in the union locals; not in the national or international unions! The old adage: “All politics are local!” applies to unions as well! If you are a member of a union, make certain your union local is free of corruption and support your local by volunteering and running for offices there; become a steward, learn how to represent your fellow union employees to the company and never be afraid to confront abuse or corruption in your union local or the company you work for! The toughest thing to remember is the union local works for you; not the other way around! Do not let them dictate what you want in your contract, you, the union members, dictate to them what you want in your contract! Above all: Always think for yourself! You study the issues; you research the facts; and you decide what is best for you, your family, and the nation! The International will not like you ~ They hated my guts because I would call them on their propaganda they tried to push off on us as “fact”! Was I always right? I like to think I was always right and true to me and my principles. I didn’t concern myself with what the big union bosses thought of me because I don’t answer to them; I answer to myself, my wife and family, and I will answer to the Lord, Jesus Christ!
The corruption in the national and international unions is monumental and to clean them up will be just as difficult as cleaning up Washington, D.C. (“District of Criminals”) ~ That is the revolution we are embroiled in and it is our fault it has come to this: Our apathy and “party loyalty” brought us this far down into the political slime we find in the nation’s capital today! The same is true for the corruption we see in the international and national unions ~ That’s a fight I do not have time for ~ That’s a fight union members must wage for themselves, their families, and the nation if they are to survive!
We won the Cold War! We defeated communism/socialism and now we have elected officials trying to turn us into a communist/socialist state and I will die before I let that happen!
We won at the Ballot Box on November 2nd; by “we” I mean the American People and specifically the Liberty groups: The Tea Party movement, The 9-12 Projects, Campaign for Liberty, and Independence Caucus. But that is just the first battle in this Second Revolution to save American exceptionalism and re-establish God in our nation! We will throw off the yoke of oppression we have allowed our servants to place on us once and for all! We must re-establish our history in the school books, lest we forget why we established a Representative Republic and not a democracy!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Is the President Going to Mentally Survive His Term?
Many are starting to ask that question. Myself, I hope he survives so he can be destroyed at the Ballot Box!
In ways, I pity the man; he didn’t have a chance for a normal childhood: (1) Abandoned by his father, a communist, at the age of 2; with no father/son relationship; (2) Abandoned by his mother, a socialist, at the age of 10, to be raised by his grandparents who, apparently, were communist sympathizers or communists; (3) Grandpa Dunham felt the need for Obama to have a black male mentor and selected Frank Marshall Davis, a poet, an avowed communist, and former editor for the communist newspaper of Chicago, The Star; (4) Apparently, in an effort to be like his uncaring father, Obama, Sr., Barack, Jr. adopted the political philosophy of his father: Marxism! (5) Now there is evidence surfacing that his parents were never legally married and couldn’t be married in the United States because Barack, Sr. already had a wife in Kenya; which would make Barack, Jr. a “woods colt” under United States law! As I said, “He didn’t have a chance to be his ‘own master’!”
The only political philosophy he ever felt comfortable with was socialism but then, it was the only philosophy he was ever exposed to as a child so why are we surprised when he adopts the ‘progressive’ mantle?
Where did I find my facts for this Blog? You can search the internet; there's lots of information there. A couple of the sites I found information were:
I was raised to distrust communism and socialism; it was called the “Cold War” and the communist party was illegal because they espoused the violent overthrow of the United States form of government! Are you old enough to remember that? I am! But what I didn’t realize was the Marxists adopted a new description to hide their agenda; they became ‘progressives’ and, under the current congress’ radical agenda and a total lack of leadership from Barack Obama, Jr., they are bankrupting the nation! I do not just “mistrust” communism and socialism, I despise communism and socialism!
First, you must understand the difference between the 2 philosophies and there is but one discernable difference between them: Communism is socialism imposed by the barrel of a gun!
Next, you come to realize that these philosophies will rob every man, woman, and child of American exceptionalism: The ability to select their field of endeavor, or develop a “better mousetrap” and reap the rewards of that better idea, or just be the best you can be, no matter what it is! The government decides what you will be, based on what fields “need” more workers! The government decides how much you will be paid and how much you can earn on a new idea! The government decides how long you will be allowed to live, based on a cost analysis of what you have to offer the government and how much it will cost to keep you alive; so, for most of us, the government wants us to stop “wasting” air, food, and water ~ Just die! After all, it will make it better for the utopian society they envision!
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. has never had to work at a “job”; he’s been coddled by the ‘progressives’ because, in him, they seem to feel he is the ‘messiah’! He is not! He is a very troubled and confused young man with no strong family base and too old and arrogant to learn the truth from his own studies of Liberty and Freedom, as opposed to socialism and communism!
That is why I want to see him mentally survive until November 5th, 2012: To see him soundly rejected by the American People and our “Ship of State” turned from the brink of disaster and returned to the path directed by Divine Providence!
God bless America!
Monday, November 1, 2010
American “Exceptionalism” – What Is It and Is It Real?
It is real! It is obvious to every other nation but marginalized by our own government! To what end is our government dismissing American Exceptionalism? I believe it is part of the ‘larger plan’ of the ‘progressives’ to enslave the American People so they can create their one-world utopia! But because American Exceptionalism is part of our American DNA, they will fail and fail miserably! At the same time, because of the Bush/Obama, Democrat/Republican ‘progressive’ agenda and spending spree, they may very well bankrupt this nation!
Even if they succeed in bankrupting us, we will survive because that is part of our exceptionalism! Legal emigrants come to this nation and are assimilated; part of the assimilation is American exceptionalism. To understand American exceptionalism, you must study this nation’s history and how our Constitution was created. It was created by very wise men who studied history of governments and mankind; they saw what worked and what didn’t work – That is why we are a Republic and not a democracy!
Democracy is another lie spread by the ‘progressives’ in both parties – Never, in the history of mankind, has a democracy succeeded and every time a democracy fails, an oligarchy or a dictator becomes the government!
We are a nation of laws, not of men! If a law needs to be changed, as they do from time to time, you change the law – You do not ignore it and allow it to be broken at-will! But that is another subject for another Blog.
Our founding fathers, for the most part, were Christians; probably the least religious of the founders was Ben Franklin and even he prayed for Divine guidance but the founders also didn’t want the government to establish a national religion – That was one of the reasons they had left England was the King imposed the Church of England and our founders believed in freedom of religion; a national church would quash that dearly held freedom. I believe Patrick Henry summed up the founding fathers thinking on this subject best of any of them when he said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” That philosophy is part of our American Exceptionalism – No other nation had been established with religious freedom at the forefront of it’s founding!
And because we were founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ, we receive our Liberties from God, not from man! That is the real threat of ‘progressivism’ ~ The ‘progressives’ are doing their best to remove God from everything about this nation; specifically, they want Christianity vilified with the intent of making us godless! If they succeed in that endeavor, we will no longer have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and property! Without God, our freedoms come from the government and what the government gives, it will take away. One way they are destroying our Christian faith is through false “ministers" who are now preaching ‘collective salvation’ and ‘collective rights’ – There is no such thing as ‘collective salvation’ and ‘collective rights’ is a fallacy of the ‘progressives’! That is like saying the only ones who will make it to Heaven belong to one church; that would make the teachings of Christ a lie and we know God is not a liar – Only Lucifer and man can lie! We were granted Individual Rights from God, not from the government! Our Bill of Rights is not rights granted by the government; the Bill of Rights is part of the contract restricting the government’s intervention with the People!
Another part of our exceptionalism comes from the fact we believe in self-governance – Liberals and Conservatives voice this equally but both sides forget that self-governance is individual freedom of choice! Self-sufficiency and self-reliance allows for self-governance but our government is hell-bent on destroying these traits for their own self-interest! We must not allow that to happen or we become Europe, allowing the ‘progressives’ and George Soros to win – We must not let losers win this war or we all become enslaved losers!
It matters not whether you are first generation, fifth generation, or, in my case, 1648 is when Francis Howard emigrated to the colonies and three generations later, three half-breed Cherokee Howard’s fought with George Washington in the Revolution, we are all exceptional! American Exceptionalism is an acquired DNA trait or we wouldn’t have ‘progressives’ in America!
To preserve American Exceptionalism, we must dismantle the “Nanny State” the ‘progressives’ in both parties have assembled while we, the People, were asleep at the wheel and steeped in apathy! The Nanny State is failing and we have one shot at dismantling it the right way or letting it happen naturally – If we do it as it should be done, it will be very painful but if we wait for nature to dismantle it, it will be catastrophic and chaotic! I hope we elect to dismantle it the right way!
In summary, American Exceptionalism is a result of our individual God-given Liberties, our self-sufficiency, our self-governance, and our ability to think and reason for ourselves! As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “We will overcome!” We will overcome our present dire economy and Marxist infestation from the ‘progressives’ in both parties because we are Americans and Americans are exceptional!
The People have said from the beginning the bail-outs wouldn't work; that the gov't would have to steal more of the People's wealth to try and shore up these failed institutions and here we go again! NO MORE BAILOUTS!! We must change the face of Congress NOW to have a shot at a real future for our children and grandchildren! Be sure and VOTE Nov. 2nd and before you vote, forget the "What's in it for me?" and vote for the future of the nation and the future of our Liberties!
Now they’re saying Fannie and Freddie will need an additional $73 Billion, perhaps as high $215 Billion to meet their financial obligations! Is there anybody in Washington, D.C. with half a brain?! Obviously not!
But, according to Barney Frank, Fannie & Freddie are doing just fine and, in fact, they’re doing so well, when they put the new regulations in place to stop this meltdown from ever happening again, they didn’t put any new restrictions on Fannie & Freddie! Thanks, Barney; you lying, thieving piece of bovine feces! You should be in prison with a roommate named Bubba! You bring dishonor to the homosexuals and they have troubles enough already!
What’s next? Government Motors and MoPar coming back for another handout? Rest assured, they will also be back because they did nothing to fix the inherent problems plaguing them that caused their initial failure! The only car manufacturer succeeding is the one who refused the “loan” in the first place ~ Ford! They did it the right way: Negotiated new contracts with the unions, new contracts with their suppliers, and did it without screwing their shareholders! Remember what Obama did with GM and Chrysler shareholders? If your 401K or pension funds were invested with either of those companies, you received 10¢ on the dollar for your investment so Obama could “save” the UAW pensions, who got their full amount! Doing that did nothing for those pensions, which are 65% funded, except delay the inevitable failure from under funding!
President Bush, Sec. of Treasury Paulson, President Obama, Sec. of Treasury Geithner, and the ‘progressives’ in Congress have done exactly what FDR did in 1932, when the New Deal began; they have extended a bad recession, which would have corrected itself in 3 to 6 months, and turned it into the longest recession in history! If it doesn’t lead to the financial failure of the world’s last greatest hope, the United States, it won’t be for a lack of trying on their part! Paulson will go down in history as this nation’s worst Sec. of Treasury and Geithner will go down as the poster child for white-collar thief!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
United We Stand!
I attended a meeting yesterday with about 30 other Patriots, including Bob Williams and Clint Didier, to discuss what we needed to do to further Liberty and a return to our Constitution. Bob Williams message to us was, “We won!”
How can Bob say that when the elections aren’t until next Tuesday? We won because we have changed the political dialog; we stood together as a movement and did not waver from our course and we were joined by like-minded groups: The 9-12 Project, Campaign for Liberty, and other Patriotic groups. We won because every poll shows 70% of the American people consider themselves Tea Party members or share the Tea Party movement’s core values: Fiscal responsibility, Small government, and return to our founding documents!
I like what Glenn Beck said about us that the “Lamestream Media” hates:
- We’re not racists.
- We’re not violent.
- We’re just not silent – Anymore!
At the meeting we decided our best information sources for issues; among these sources were the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, Evergreen Freedom Foundation, and the National Rifle Association. We left the NRA on the list but Clint Didier added Gun Owners of America because that’s where his Second Amendment contributions go now! It made me proud to hear somebody else look to GOA since this last legislative session!
Why not the NRA? Clint said it was because the NRA had endorsed Harry Reid but I do not contribute to the ILA (the legislative branch of NRA) because it is the perfect example of what is wrong in our nation today, besides the horrendous overspending! Remember the “Disclose Act” (H.R. 5157), passed by the House in the closing days of this last session? This bill would limit freedom of speech of Americans with regard to political campaigns. The bill would expand reporting requirements regarding disclosure of advertisements by forcing an organization to identify itself up to three times in each disclaimer and also to list the organization's five largest donors, even if those donors did not fund that particular advertisement. The House passed H.R. 5175 by a recorded vote of 219 ayes to 206 nos, Roll No. 391. This bill was targeted at the Tea Party movement, new PAC’s, and other small Constitutional groups; luckily, the bill was voted down in the Senate and I am certain, would have been unconstitutional when it finally got to the Supreme Court but that would have been 5 years down the road, after we’d been effectively shut down!
In the bill the Democrats placed an exemption for the NRA/ILA so the NRA wouldn’t come out against it and the NRA signed-off on that exemption! Their excuse to me when I called them on this treasonous act was to use the patent excuse that “We are a one-issue group and that is the Second Amendment advocacy!” I tried, as many other members did, to get them to stand with us and they said, “NO!” The NRA did as they always told their members not to do! ‘First they came for the handgun but I didn’t own a handgun, so I said nothing; then they came after the ‘assault rifle’ but I didn’t own one so I said nothing; then they came after the hunting rifle, but I didn’t own one so I said nothing; and then they came for the shotgun that I own and I was the only one left to speak for me!’
The NRA did exactly what they advocate against when it comes to the Second Amendment; they abandoned every other Liberty group for their own free speech protection! They ignored the warnings; they abandoned their principles; and they violated the truism: “UNITED WE STAND – DIVIDED WE FALL!” The NRA ‘divided’ from the Liberty movements and does not deserve our support and they have never apologized to any of us! Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt’s organization, will represent the Second Amendment very well and so will the Seattle-based Second Amendment Foundation!
But we, the People, have won a major victory and it is just the start! November 3rd, is the day the real work begins – That’s what this meeting was about! Besides holding the elected representatives “feet to the fire” by explaining what we expect from them, we have to research issues, gather the best data available, and promote viable solutions to the problems facing Washington state and the nation. We are also looking to start other Tea Party groups throughout the state and nation doing the same thing but different issues!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Another GOP Betrayal Coming?
Rush Limbaugh is predicting another debacle like the one we had after the 1994 wholesale replacement of liberal Democrats and Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House! Many of you were not old enough to vote then and were like many Americans: Fed up with the Clinton agenda and their attacks on personal Liberties and elected conservatives to change the direction of the nation only to discover the “conservatives” would use their power to ‘compromise’ away their power to the ‘progressives’! Now they are talking the same way again!
The Wall Street Journal is quoting Congressman Darrell Issa as saying: "It's pretty clear the American people expect us to use the existing gridlock to create compromise... They [the American people] want us to come together after we agree to disagree." Where the hell is that coming from? It is certainly not from the Grassroots organizations so it has to be coming from the GOP “party leadership”! They are wrong! Compromise is the furthest thing from our minds!
I will try to say this slowly for the “party leadership” because they are obviously ‘intellectually challenged’ ~ We, the People, expect the conservative majority to pass every promise you made and are making on the campaign trail! We, the People, demand honesty from our elected officials; we are not electing you to ‘compromise’ on any campaign promises you make!
What we, the People, expect is for you to fulfill your campaign promises by passing those bills, repealing and/or defunding Obamacare, the TARP, end all bail outs, and turn this nation from the precipice! We demand this be done and let Obama veto your bills, let him fight you tooth and nail because you are being elected with a mandate! Mr. Obama lied when he was elected and his “mandate” was as big a lie as he is!
Ronald Reagan stated it best: “All of us came here because we knew the country couldn’t go on the way it was going. So it falls to all of us to take action. We have to ask ourselves if we do nothing, where does all of this end. Can anyone here say that if we can’t do it, someone down the road can do it, and if no one does it, what happens to the country? All of us know the economy would face an eventual collapse. I know it’s a hell of a challenge, but ask yourselves if not us, who, if not now, when?”
All of you are being elected with that thought in mind and if you fail in your promised duty, we will find somebody with the intestinal fortitude to get the job done! No compromise! None! Nada! The ‘progressives’ shoved these bills down out throats and we will not compromise our principles! Every time you “compromise” with ‘progressives’ they win a little more, that is how we got here! That is why we have said there is not 10¢ difference between the parties because the GOP has “compromised” away its principles for the appearance of being “bipartisan”!
What happens if the GOP lives up to their campaign promises only to have Obama veto them? Keep in mind, those of you with slow wits or weak conviction: You have a mandate from the People and if Obama vetoes the “will of the People”, the People will elect more conservatives so you can get the job done!
The GOP has a reputation with the ‘progressives’ and if you live up to that reputation again, the American People will vote you out! Your reputation? You have compromised away any principles that the GOP was established on! It took guts to get women the right to vote! The GOP did that! But the only time in recent history the GOP has stood its ground was under Reagan; he is gone and so, apparently, is the GOP’s conviction to principles! He was a leader and you are ‘leaderless’!
You have shown some spunk since Obama took office but I think that is because of the grassroots pushing you to stop the Obama’s ‘progressive’ agenda! But the Tea Party movement, the 912 Projects, and the other grassroots groups are not your ‘leader' ~ We are your boss! We hire and fire you based on your performance! You had better select a strong leader to lead you in this, the Second American Revolution; because, if you fail; if you compromise away the future of our grandchildren, not only does America lose, the entire world loses!
The best leader you could select is God! Turn to Him for guidance and inspiration; we exist by divine Providence and are in this predicament because we have allowed the ‘progressives’ to turn us into a secular society! If we allow that to continue, we lose our God-given rights because we abandon God!
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