Saturday, October 23, 2010

Another GOP Betrayal Coming?

Rush Limbaugh is predicting another debacle like the one we had after the 1994 wholesale replacement of liberal Democrats and Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House! Many of you were not old enough to vote then and were like many Americans: Fed up with the Clinton agenda and their attacks on personal Liberties and elected conservatives to change the direction of the nation only to discover  the “conservatives” would use their power to ‘compromise’ away their power to the ‘progressives’! Now they are talking the same way again!

The Wall Street Journal is quoting Congressman Darrell Issa as saying: "It's pretty clear the American people expect us to use the existing gridlock to create compromise... They [the American people] want us to come together after we agree to disagree." Where the hell is that coming from? It is certainly not from the Grassroots organizations so it has to be coming from the GOP “party leadership”! They are wrong! Compromise is the furthest thing from our minds!

I will try to say this slowly for the “party leadership” because they are obviously ‘intellectually challenged’ ~ We, the People, expect the conservative majority to pass every promise you made and are making on the campaign trail! We, the People, demand honesty from our elected officials; we are not electing you to ‘compromise’ on any campaign promises you make!

What we, the People, expect is for you to fulfill your campaign promises by passing those bills, repealing and/or defunding Obamacare, the TARP, end all bail outs, and turn this nation from the precipice! We demand this be done and let Obama veto your bills, let him fight you tooth and nail because you are being elected with a mandate! Mr. Obama lied when he was elected and his “mandate” was as big a lie as he is!

Ronald Reagan stated it best: “All of us came here because we knew the country couldn’t go on the way it was going. So it falls to all of us to take action. We have to ask ourselves if we do nothing, where does all of this end. Can anyone here say that if we can’t do it, someone down the road can do it, and if no one does it, what happens to the country? All of us know the economy would face an eventual collapse. I know it’s a hell of a challenge, but ask yourselves if not us, who, if not now, when?”

All of you are being elected with that thought in mind and if you fail in your promised duty, we will find somebody with the intestinal fortitude to get the job done! No compromise! None! Nada! The ‘progressives’ shoved these bills down out throats and we will not compromise our principles! Every time you “compromise” with ‘progressives’ they win a little more, that is how we got here! That is why we have said there is not 10¢ difference between the parties because the GOP has “compromised” away its principles for the appearance of being “bipartisan”!

What happens if the GOP lives up to their campaign promises only to have Obama veto them? Keep in mind, those of you with slow wits or weak conviction: You have a mandate from the People and if Obama vetoes the “will of the People”, the People will elect more conservatives so you can get the job done!

The GOP has a reputation with the ‘progressives’ and if you live up to that reputation again, the American People will  vote you out! Your reputation? You have compromised away any principles that the GOP was established on! It took guts to get women the right to vote! The GOP did that! But the only time in recent history the GOP has stood its ground was under Reagan; he is gone and so, apparently, is the GOP’s conviction to principles! He was a leader and you are ‘leaderless’!

You have shown some spunk since Obama took office but I think that is because of the grassroots pushing you to stop the Obama’s ‘progressive’ agenda! But the Tea Party movement, the 912 Projects, and the other grassroots groups are not your ‘leader' ~ We are your boss! We hire and fire you based on your performance! You had better select a strong leader to lead you in this, the Second American Revolution; because, if you fail; if you compromise away the future of our grandchildren, not only does America lose, the entire world loses!

The best leader you could select is God! Turn to Him for guidance and inspiration; we exist by divine Providence and are in this predicament because we have allowed the ‘progressives’ to turn us into a secular society! If we allow that to continue, we lose our God-given rights because we abandon God!

Patrick Henry stated it best: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

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