Sunday, December 19, 2010

The King and His Court ...

The following is a short speech I wrote for our first Tea Party Rally, April 15th, 2009, held in John  Dam Plaza, Richland, Washington. I reprint it now because as effective as the Tea Party movement has been in these last 20 months, the only one of the idiots mentioned in it will be gone in January, 2011, and he had to retire! Chris Dodd retired; Pelosi, Reid, and Frank were reelected!

That tells me the Tea Party groups have a big job ahead of educating the people as to the differences between Free People and Sheeple who keep returning these elitists to rule over us! Just a thought.

Welcome to you all to our Tea Party! And we’re gonna party like it’s 1773! (And we did – Over 1500 people showed up and  railed against our out of control government spending!)

Last Fall, our own “King” George scared the Congress into passing the biggest bailout in American history! This wasn’t King George III, this was “King” George W. Bush! After Congress caved in, like a house of cards, and with the stroke of a pen, “King” George made the Treasury Secretary the most powerful Treasury Secretary in history!

And so as not to waste a good panic, they set about to nationalize our banking industry and our insurance industry; almost immediately, the Big 3 auto makers wanted to be bailed out; even flew in on private planes to cry, “Poor me, poor me!” to Congress!

That didn’t happen until we changed “kings”! Now we are saddled with King Barrack Hussein Obama, Princess Nancy Pelosi, Prince Harry Reid, and his Court Jesters Barney Frank and Chris Dodd!

This isn’t something new ~ It’s just the first time we noticed what Washington, D.C. is doing to us ~ By the way ~ The D.C. is short for District of Criminals! And what they are doing is nothing short of criminal!

As I said: This is not something new ~ The congress has been passing “laws” that fly in the face of our Constitution for almost 100 years and we let them! Some of the more egregious ones: In 1913, they enacted the Federal Reserve Act, which made 10 banking families, mostly European, our central bank ~ The Constitution calls for the U.S. Treasury to mint our coinage ~ Paper money would have taken a Constitutional Amendment and they’d already enacted 2 Constitutional Amendments: The Sixteenth, which they use as the justification for the income tax, and the Seventeenth, which is when we started electing our senators!

In 1933, Congress enacted, and FDR signed into law, the 1933 War Powers Act ~ Question: Who were we at war with in 1933? Some constitutional scholars put forth the notion they declared war against the People! It is the law FDR used to confiscate privately held gold bullion, in exchange for Federal Reserve Certificates!

Congress hasn’t passed a Constitutional Declaration of War since WWII ~ They have sent our young men and women in harm’s way with U.N. Resolutions, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and the 1973 War Powers Resolution! They pay lip service to the greatest document created by men building the richest and freest nation ever witnessed by anyone!

Where are our freedoms and liberties today? We have let the government become so powerful, they “allow” us the use of our God-given liberties when it serves their purpose! We have to take our country back and this is but the first step in a long journey and may God help us to victory!

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