Friday, April 11, 2014

Obamacare Enrolls 7.1 Million?

Obamacare Enrolls 7.1 Million?
by Leon Howard

The question mark is there for a reason … Just two days before, March 29th, we were being told two things: (1) They had lowered the bar for enrollment to 6 million and they were about there, and (2) they were allowing extensions to anybody who attempted to enroll, but couldn’t, until … No date given.

So we are supposed to believe over 1 million people enrolled in less than 2 days when the website crashed for hours on the last day of enrollment? The question mark grows even larger!

64% of the people of Oklahoma, my home state, have refused to enroll or have anything to do with Obamacare. The question mark grows larger. Oregon state’s website crashed and Oregon took it off line and, as far as I know, it’s still down and not expected to ever come back! And the question mark grows even larger.

35 State’s have refused to set up a State Exchange, telling Obama, “It’s your law, you set up the exchanges!” We have Obamacare “Navigators” working in the Mexican Consulates ( ) …. Maybe they signed up a million Mexican nationals in Obamacare; those would be Mexicans here on visas or illegally! The question mark is now huge!

To me, it has never really been a question mark – They are lying! And when the real numbers come out, this administration will try and put a positive spin on it … They’ve “spun” this so much, my head is spinning! This 2700 page “law” was flawed from the start and was destined to fail and, I believe, meant to fail by this administration!

The following sums up what our government has done to us:

"It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?"

·      James Madison
(1751-1836), Father of our Constitution, 4th US President
 Source: Federalist Papers 62

By any measure of success, Obamacare is a dismal failure and cannot be “fixed”! As the comedian, Ron Wite, says, “Ya cain’t fix stupid!” Stupid pretty much sums up Obamacare! If they got 7.1 million to sign up, that still leaves over 40 million uninsured … We started out with 37 million (their numbers), so we’re at least 3 million less insured when they started. Of this, supposed, 7.1 million, how many were insured when they started and are now buying through the exchange? How many have paid their premiums? How many are the healthy young? How many of this 7.1 million signed up for Medicaid, which is free to them? According to this administration, they don’t have the answer to these questions – Huh? If our health exchange in Washington state is any indicator, 87% signed up for Medicaid! “Success”? What a bunch of cow cookies!

The only “fix” for this “law” is its repeal! Constitutionally, there isn’t much the federal government can do; it is a State issue. It would seem to me the only Constitutional thing the Congress could do, with the power of the commerce clause, is to allow the people to purchase their health insurance from one of the 1800 companies that sell it – You will see premium costs reduced by substantial amounts. The other issues the people seem to like is the young being able to stay on their parent’s policy until they’re 26 and eliminating the insurance companies ability to refuse people with pre-existing conditions – These, again, are State issues and each state needs to hear from the people what they want.

This ill-conceived, poorly written, voluminous, and overreaching “law” has so angered the people, the pretender to the White House has taken it upon himself to re-write the “law” over 30 times! It is now more confusing and convoluted than before. Not only is he not smart enough to “fix” it, he’s violating the Constitution every time he tries!

I admit, I’m angry that this government … A government that has become so destructive to our way of life … would pass such a law; I am even angrier that the “loyal opposition” has not impeached him! It wouldn’t matter that Harry “Bullet Train” Reid would stop the impeachment process, the fact that the House attempted to impeach him would allow all of the unconstitutional missteps of this man to be aired to the American “sheeple” so some of them might come out of their Kool Aid induced coma and see the man for what he is! But the “loyal opposition” is remaining loyal to the D.C. power structure and the American people be damned!

It is time to get angry and tell D.C., not just “NO” but “HELL NO!!”

Give Me Liberty!

Give Me Liberty!
by Leon Howard

"Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop,
 free to work, free to trade where I choose,
 free to choose my own teachers, 
free to follow the religion of my fathers,
 free to talk, think and act for myself --
and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty."

·      Chief Joseph
(1840-1904) Chief of the Wal-lam-wat-kain (Wallowa) band of Nez Perce Indians
Source: Lincoln Hall Speech, Washington, DC (January 14, 1879)

A man feared by the U.S. Cavalry; feared because he wanted his people to live free and this nation could not allow that! He didn’t want to fight because he knew he couldn’t win; he wanted for his people to live free and was trying to escape to Canada.

Folks, this same government is trying to do to the rest of us what they did to the Native Americans and we have no place to escape to. Read this great leader’s words carefully; isn't this what every American wants?

Isn’t this the purpose of government to protect our inalienable rights? Then why won’t they honor their oath of office? Must we shed more patriots’ blood to re-establish the purpose of our Constitutional government? I pray to God, in the name of my Lord, Jesus, that we do not, but only He knows what the future holds for this nation of His creation and I yield to His purpose.

We must prepare for every possibility and pray for His guidance back to the freedom he has always desired for us. I encourage every member of the Tea Party to attend the Committee of Safety meetings; learn what you need to do to prepare for every eventuality. All of the training is free and it takes place with very knowledgeable folks … It’s also a lot of fun!

Plan on attending the Open Meeting, April 24th, 6:30 pm at the Island View Worship Center because Karl and Barbara Anderson will be showing how to build the “Wonder Oven”; they will also be showing the Solar Oven and several other emergency cooking devices. These would be handy when you’re out camping or, in my case, out prospecting for gold.

Many scenarios are possible and some are inevitable because of this overreaching, over spending, and non-representing “government”, it is time for us to re-read Patrick Henry’s speech before the House of Burgess, March 23rd, 1775; it’s all relevant today but a portion resonates with me and should resonate with every patriot: Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”