Monday, November 1, 2010


The People have said from the beginning the bail-outs wouldn't work; that the gov't would have to steal more of the People's wealth to try and shore up these failed institutions and here we go again! NO MORE BAILOUTS!! We must change the face of Congress NOW to have a shot at a real future for our children and grandchildren! Be sure and VOTE Nov. 2nd and before you vote, forget the "What's in it for me?" and vote for the future of the nation and the future of our Liberties!

Now they’re saying Fannie and Freddie will need an additional $73 Billion, perhaps as high $215 Billion to meet their financial obligations! Is there anybody in Washington, D.C. with half a brain?! Obviously not!

But, according to Barney Frank, Fannie & Freddie are doing just fine and, in fact, they’re doing so well, when they put the new regulations in place to stop this meltdown from ever happening again, they didn’t put any new restrictions on Fannie & Freddie! Thanks, Barney; you lying, thieving piece of bovine feces! You should be in prison with a roommate named Bubba! You bring dishonor to the homosexuals and they have troubles enough already!

What’s next? Government Motors and MoPar coming back for another handout? Rest assured, they will also be back because they did nothing to fix the inherent problems plaguing them that caused their initial failure! The only car manufacturer succeeding is the one who refused the “loan” in the first place ~ Ford! They did it the right way: Negotiated new contracts with the unions, new contracts with their suppliers, and did it without screwing their shareholders! Remember what Obama did with GM and Chrysler shareholders? If your 401K or pension funds were invested with either of those companies, you received 10¢ on the dollar for your investment so Obama could “save” the UAW pensions, who got their full amount! Doing that did nothing for those pensions, which are 65% funded, except delay the inevitable failure from under funding!

President Bush, Sec. of Treasury Paulson, President Obama, Sec. of Treasury Geithner, and the ‘progressives’ in Congress have done exactly what FDR did in 1932, when the New Deal began; they have extended a bad recession, which would have corrected itself in 3 to 6 months, and turned it into the longest recession in history! If it doesn’t lead to the financial failure of the world’s last greatest hope, the United States, it won’t be for a lack of trying on their part! Paulson will go down in history as this nation’s worst Sec. of Treasury and Geithner will go down as the poster child for white-collar thief! 

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