Friday, December 24, 2010

Where Are The Real Conservatives?

How many of you watched in dismay as Pelosi and Reid continued to set the agenda in the “lame duck” Congress? How many of you sat there in abject horror as the “conservative” GOP went to bed with the enemy?

The new Congress, taking office next month had better find new leadership because Senator Mitch McConnell has shown himself to be a feckless leader! Why in the hell did this man allow any significant legislation to reach the floor for a vote? He proved he is just another Harry Reid: Making “deals” behind closed doors with no input from anybody! Mitch McConnell is as transparent as lead! He rolled over and “played dead” for Mr. Obama and the ‘progressives’ and that makes Mr. McConnell my enemy and the enemy of every freedom loving American!

McConnell says, “It was the best deal we could get and it shows what bipartisanship is!” Easy words from an accomplished liar! We will never know if it was “ … the best deal …” because we saw no fight from the GOP on this deal. What we saw was the GOP “leadership” so anxious to save the Bush tax cuts, they agreed to spending more money we do not have! We saw cowards leading cowards; still heading for financial disaster because they don’t know how to lead!

The American People gave the Congress a clear mandate on November 2nd, and it should have been taken as a clear warning but, obviously, McConnell cannot read or doesn’t have the “cojones” to ‘just say NO’! The man has been drinking the D.C. Kool Aid too long and has a terminal case of Potomac Fever! A true conservative leader needs to be selected and I would nominate Jim DeMint or Tom Colburn for that role!

My cousin, Pat, advised me I shouldn’t condemn the new members of Congress before they get sworn in and I want to make it clear I am referring to the current Congress. But, the new members need to know that they are on probation; the “R” behind the name lost any meaning of Responsibility decades ago! The grassroots voters have adopted Martin Luther King, Jr.’s mantra: “To be judged not by the color of the skin but by the character of the person.” The same can be said of the letter behind the name!

We will be watching the House more closely also and I hope the “rookies” coming in take their direction from the promises they made while running for office and not from John  Boehner! Mr. Boehner has been drinking the D.C. Kool Aid since 1995, so we will have to determine whether or not he has contracted Potomac Fever like McConnell. The People cannot put up with feckless leadership in both Houses, so we shall see.

But we do not need Congressman Darrell Issa as saying: "It's pretty clear the American people expect us to use the existing gridlock to create compromise... They [the American people] want us to come together after we agree to disagree." Mr. Issa and the current members of the House had better come to the realization  that we are at war with the ‘progressives’ and compromise to them is stealing more of our freedoms, a little at a time! There can be no compromise on American principles; stick to the restrictions of the Constitution and the ‘progressives’ lose! We have to follow Ronald Reagan’s strategy on the Cold War: “We win; they lose!”

All of you were elected with that thought in mind and if you fail in your promised duty, we will find somebody with the intestinal fortitude to get the job done! No compromise! None! Nada! The ‘progressives’ shoved these bills down out throats and we will not compromise our principles! Every time you “compromise” with ‘progressives’ they win a little more, that is how we got here! That is why we have said there is not 10¢ difference between the parties because the GOP has “compromised” away its principles for the appearance of being “bipartisan”!

What happens if the GOP lives up to their campaign promises only to have Obama veto them? Keep in mind, those of you with slow wits or weak conviction, Mr. McConnell: You have a mandate from the People and if Obama vetoes the “will of the People”, the People will elect more conservatives so you can get the job done!

We got this bad off because we, as a nation, forgot our heritage and why our founders created the form of government we originally had; I think Patrick Henry stated it best: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

I repeat his quote daily because I had forgot about American exceptionalism! We cannot afford to forget it again!

We have reached a turning-point today and if we do  not turn back toward our Creator; if we do not beg for His guidance and forgiveness, we are doomed to the annals of history and I don’t think it will speak kindly of us! Because we will have squandered our freedom  of individualism and self-reliance for the appearance of security!

We must, once again, become the Beacon of Liberty for the world, so that the people of other nations will try to emulate us out of envy! We must turn away from meddling in other nation’s affairs because we now know that causes them to hate us!

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