Sunday, December 5, 2010

The War on Christianity!

As we near the time we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, when we should be happy and in a festive mood, we are again going into battle with 'progressives' in our government and our courts, the ACLU, and the atheists over our freedom to celebrate Christmas! Yes, I’m cranky!

It is time we stand up and be counted! I am so-o-o tired of this war on Christianity! I want everybody to remember what Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

What part of that is so difficult to understand that we now have to fight for our very existence? The spokesman for the atheists say they are just having a dialog ~ That is a lie! Their posters and signs belie this statement; they are offensive to every Christian I know because they don’t question our beliefs, they state that Christians are living a lie! That’s not looking for “dialog”, that’s trying to pick a fight! They succeeded! Consider me one of God's Warriors and it is time to kick ass!

If they can block off Madison Avenue once a month so the Muslims can pray to their Moon God, celebrate Ramadan without billboards proclaiming they are living a lie, and live their lives freely in this country to practice their religion, why can’t Christians be afforded the same respect?

Why haven’t we seen billboards proclaiming Buddha and his followers are living a lie? Why don’t we see billboards proclaiming the Hindu religion is making people live a lie? Why aren’t there billboards proclaiming the Jewish faith is a lie? Why is it only Christians being accused of living a lie?

One of God’s gifts to man is “free will” and even the atheists should rejoice for that! He has given us all the free will to choose how to worship Him or not worship Him; we, as individuals choose our religion! Atheists have chosen not to believe the Bible, so that is their religion and they do not have to answer to me, you, or the government for not being a “believer” ~ They will only have to answer to God on Judgment Day!

I am a Christian and I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ! I do not pray often enough but my prayers are sincere when I ask for forgiveness. I have belonged to two (2) churches in my life and did not agree with some of their interpretations of Christ’s teachings so I do not attend a church with any regularity. I have practiced tolerance all my life, knowing I do not have all the answers but I will debate most subjects and try to maintain an open mind (very tough for me to do! LOL!) But I sincerely try!

I do not believe there is “one true faith” and would argue that the one true faith is a falsehood because there is no such thing as “collective salvation”, anymore than there is “collective rights”! For proof I would offer that when I go before the Lord, I will face Him, knowing Jesus died for my sins and have asked for forgiveness through His name! He will not be asking if I was a good Catholic, Presbyterian, or Baptist! Even “God’s chosen People” are not guaranteed a reward in Heaven because they are judged by Him as individuals.

Enough about my faith; this Blog is about the War on Christianity, being waged by 'progressive' in our government and courts to separate the People from God, and their henchmen: The atheists and the ACLU! Every session of Congress begins with a prayer, yet the government will not protect our right to worship anyway we see fit ~ The government tells us we shouldn’t “offend” other beliefs with Thanksgiving and Christmas! Bite me!!

I point, once again to Patrick Henry: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

They say atheists are being discriminated against because we don’t celebrate an atheist holiday; I beg to differ! It was ruled, in court, that an atheist holiday is celebrated every year ~ April 1st in the atheist holiday of April Fool’s Day ~ I cannot think of anything more appropriate!

Another thing to remember is this war: If the 'progressives' succeed and separate our nation from God, we will have lost our Individual Rights because they come from God, not from man! That is the enemy’s goal!

Christians are taught to turn the other cheek and I have tried to do that but my cheeks are so bruised … I have had enough of it and have turned the “other” cheek ~ I had to lower my pants and turn around but now that this cheek is exposed, the atheists can kiss it and get over it!

Speak out loudly!!!


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  3. I had some problems with the Blogger comment posting system, so I've re-worked this as a blog post on my blog. You can find my response here.
