Wednesday, October 31, 2012

“Social Engineering” – Who Did This?

 “Social Engineering” – Who Did This?
by Leon Howard

Before I reveal the culprit(s), you need to understand why this all began and it began a long time ago in the United States – There were few laws on abortion in the United States at the time of independence, except the English common law adopted into United States law by Acts of Reception, which held abortion to be legally acceptable if occurring before quickening. James Wilson, a framer of the U.S. Constitution, explained as follows:

“With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By the law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and, in some cases, from every degree of danger.

Why did common law pick “the quickening” as the beginning of life? I find nothing that actually addresses their reasoning; I can only assume that a fetus cannot sustain life before then. Who felt the need to change the law and why?

The Texas State Legislature passed a law in 1857, declaring abortion illegal at any time except in the cases of rape and incest. Their reasoning? According to the testimony of the Texas State Attorney General before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, the legislature enacted this law to protect the life of the mother. It was felt that abortion was more dangerous for the woman than carrying the child to term.

I couldn’t find the political make-up of the 1857 Texas Legislature but that was before the Republican Party, so it would have been made up of Democrats and Whigs but it was definitely “social engineering” at its utmost. Statutes like these in 36 states and territories were found unconstitutional – The first major case of social engineering from the bench! Roe v. Wade was imposed on all states and territories by the U.S. Supreme Court, even though Roe v. Wade was before the court as a Texas law! It’s called “legislating from the Bench” and should never be allowed to happen but it does even today!

Our latest “legislation from the Bench” was Chief Justice Roberts! In writing the majority opinion, five justices found Obamacare “constitutional” because Roberts changed the penalty to a “tax” and said because Congress could levy taxes, it was constitutional! I won’t go into the stupidity of this reasoning but I will point out, he legislated from the Bench and his decision will have ramifications on many issues for generations to come!

Both parties participate and both parties do it for the same reason: To fractionalize the American people, rob them of their Liberties, thus gain more power over the people! We must realize politicians are not our friends and they find use for the people in only two (2) ways: Money and Votes!!

There’s an old adage that is appropriate here: “A politician worries about the next election; a statesman worries about the next generation!”

The proof of the adage is the state of the union today: Over $16 Trillion in debt, mostly to China and what have the American people realized in benefits? Certainly not $16 Trillion! Obviously, the politicians in Washington, D.C. (“District of Criminals”) care nothing about the next generation because they refuse to do anything to bring this stupid social spending and other spending under control!

If the politicians would follow the Constitution, we wouldn’t have debt! We would have a small central government whose primary purpose of existence is protecting the American people “from enemies foreign and domestic”! They wouldn’t be allocating $ billions in “foreign aid” to our enemies; scattering our military into 135 nations with over 1000 military bases! Our government wouldn’t be (and shouldn’t be) “investing” the people’s tax money in any companies  - Essentially, “picking winners and losers” because, as President Zero has so aptly demonstrated, you pick more losers than winners and it’s money the American people could invest in their own future instead of some politician playing Russian Roulette with our money!

By fractionalizing us through social engineering, they keep our minds and energies off the real prize: LIBERTY!!

But until we, the People, stop listening to the politicians in both parties whose sole purpose is the fractionalize us into smaller groups so they can eliminate our Liberties, we can look for more of the same until the nation goes off the financial cliff!

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