Friday, October 26, 2012

The Foreign Policy of Fools! (Part 3)

The Foreign Policy of Fools!
(Part 3)
By Leon Howard

On September 11th, 2012, our embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked by terrorists and we lost 4 Americans: Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and embassy security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. I mourn there loss and cannot imagine what there families are going through after finding out their loved ones lives could have been saved if President Zero wasn’t a coward and a treasonous traitor!

It took this jackass almost 2 weeks to admit it was a terrorist attack even though, as we find out Monday, October 22nd, that there were numerous emails asking for more security – All turned down and Hillary Clinton took responsibility for that error but even the “lamestream” media is giving this pretender to the White House a “pass” on these blunders! Today, October 26th, we learn that the CIA was asked for assistance at the beginning of the attack and two more times as the attack progressed (over 7 hours!) and was repeatedly refused aid!

It is now known, the CIA had a drone looking down on the attack, equipped with a laser-guided missile aimed at the terrorists and were not given permission from the White House to even fire that to save lives! F-16’s from on of our carriers could have been there within an hour or, if it had to be dispatched from Italy, less than 4 hours – President Zero had a ton of options that would have saved lives if he wasn’t such a coward; afraid to make decisions!

What we have is a President, doing exactly as he has done his entire political career: Voting “Present!” on every decision and blaming others for his mistakes! First it was Bush; after 2 ½ years, he had to change that somewhat because folks weren’t buying it any longer; then it was the Republican Congress that was stone-walling, causing “gridlock” – That kept him going until Benghazi and that became Romney’s fault because he “politicized” it! – Huh? Well, it made sense to the “lamestream” media and Obama. But as the truth becomes known, and the lies exposed, he had Hillary throw herself “under the bus” and this gutless piece of feces still won’t be a man and admit his incompetence!

This pretender to the White House is an idiot! You say I am wrong? He’s said to be extremely intelligent – Who says that? His “handlers”? If he’s so damned intelligent, why has he spent over $2 million to seal his college records? What is he hiding?

But, the Republican Congress will not impeach him because they are about as gutless – Afraid to appear “racist” or are they afraid to admit they have abused our Constitution also? I think we all know the answer to that!

So we are stuck with a “man” not constitutionally qualified to be President and the Congress will not demand answers and impeach this Marxist; we are stuck with a feckless Congress, “led” by a gutless wonder from Ohio; we are stuck with a grid-locked Senate, “led” by the worst example of partisanship from Nevada; we are stuck with a foreign policy, designed by neo-cons and supported by the “leadership” of both parties; we are stuck with a judiciary who is more concerned with furthering it’s agenda than forcing the executive branch and the legislative branch to live within the confines of the Constitution!

We, the People, are stuck with all this crap until we step up and say enough is enough and change out our “politicians” for true Statesmen/women! We must change from those worried about the next election to those who are concerned about the next generation! We need self sacrificing statesmen, not self serving politicians!

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