Thursday, November 8, 2012

Four More Years!

Four More Years!
By Leon Howard

Not really a laughing matter but a reality!

Some other "news" we forget is the other areas that will change drastically by the Kool-Aid drinkers voting him in for another 4 years so I thought I'd share my thoughts so you could be as depressed as I am.

1.    Kiss "energy independence" good-by - Zero wants energy prices (" ... to necessarily sky-rocket")

2.    He will appoint 2 Justices to the Supreme Court (replacements for Ginsberg & Kennedy)

3.    The EPA will continue to impose more stringent "regulations" on every aspect of business so we can watch the rest of our manufacturing businesses going off-shore.

4.    The only cuts in spending will be the military so expect your taxes to go up (gotta keep "spreading the wealth" ya know)

5.    He will impose Cap & Tax by executive order, if necessary; further raising energy prices.

6.    He will allow Iran nuclear capability because, as he said in his book, 'Audacity of Hope', “If the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will side with the Muslims.”
7.    He will continue to "invest" $ billions on Mr. Gore's fantasy of "Global Warming" further weakening our jobs market because he will continue to pick losers!

8.    He will continue to blame Bush for the sluggish economy and the Kool-Aid drinkers will continue to believe it allowing him to ask for more "stimulus money"!

9.    He will live up to Valerie Jarrett's threat: "After we win this election, its our turn. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don't forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won't be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go!"

10. Obamacare will be 100% implemented.

11. "Card Check" will be passed by fiat.

12. The national debt will increase to over $20 Trillion.

13. The dollar will further devalue and the world will change to another international currency.

14. Gold prices will sky-rocket even more!

15. The stock market is already tumbling and will continue so kiss your 401K, Keogh, and IRA good-by.

16. The cruelest tax of all, inflation, will be sky-rocketing also - We will see it in fuel and food prices!

17. Amnesty for all illegals will be granted by executive order.

The only solace in this will be the Kool-Aid drinkers will be hit even worse than the producers because President Zero will run out of "stuff" to give them and they will learn, the hard way, why we were so against him from the start! These jackasses who blamed our resistance on racism will finally understand that had absolutely nothing to do with despising this Marxist!

We looked passed his skin color and investigated the man, not like the Kool-Aid drinkers who couldn’t get passed his skin color and his smooth talk – So excited to vote for a black president! The Kool-Aid drinkers proved they weren’t racist by voting for him; we didn’t have anything to “prove”! They couldn’t get passed his skin color again and gave him an undeserved second term!

But our children and grandchildren will be the real losers in all of this because they will never know freedom and all the rest of us can do is remember what freedom was!

Oh, did I forget to mention … ? There is one more thing this pretender to the White House will accomplish:

18. He will, either by executive order or through the Supreme Court, after his appointees are installed, make same-sex marriage the “law of the land” – Thus allowing the United States to be fully the modern-day Sodom & Gomorrah! Doesn’t that just make your heart go piddy-pat?

Depressed yet?

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