Sunday, October 28, 2012

The 'Progressives' War on God!

The ‘Progressives’ War on God!
by Leon Howard

The election is upon us and I fear for our nation and my state of Washington! Yes, I am truly fearful, especially for my state!

Instead of trying to balance our state’s budget, the ‘progressives’ in charge spent the entire regular session on “social engineering” to further force God from our daily lives! They passed a bill to redefine “marriage” to include same-sex!

I have tried to explain to people who ask why I think it violates our Constitutions and I have explained it violates Article I, Sections 11 & 12 but many don’t seem to care about that – They want to “buy into” the ‘progressives’ argument that this will somehow make homosexuals “equal” with heterosexuals; or it is a “civil-rights” issue; or a “fairness” issue – It is none of those! It is simply an attempt to re-define marriage! Period!

Before I began an explanation of the preceding statement, let me preface it with this: I believe our founding documents were Divinely inspired through prayer by our founding fathers and, because of that, our rights were given to us by God!

Do you believe that? If you do not, you have joined the secular ‘progressives’ and you have no need to read the rest of this because you have become an enemy of Liberty!

Harsh? Not really – Truthful! If you do not believe the Constitution was Divinely inspired, you have no Bill of Rights; you have “privileges” granted by a faceless and heartless government that can be removed at any time!

This is the goal of the ‘progressives’ – If God’s influence is eliminated, they can do whatever they want to enslave us!

That is what the “re-defining” of marriage is – Further separation from God! It is saying that man (in this case, the state legislature) is smarter than God! He defined marriage between one man and one woman thousands of years ago and it was reiterated by Jesus Christ when He dwelled among us! It has absolutely nothing to do with “fairness”! Life is not “fair”! Life is a series of challenges God gives us; some we win, some we lose but for Christians and Jews, it is how we glorify Him!

It is time we stand up and be counted! I am so-o-o tired of this war on Christianity and God! I want everybody to remember what Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

Another thing to remember is this war: If the 'progressives' succeed and separate our nation from God, we will have lost our Individual Rights because they come from God, not from man! That is the enemy’s goal!

Christians are taught to turn the other cheek and I have tried to do that but my cheeks are so bruised … I have had enough of it and have turned the “other” cheek ~ I had to lower my pants and turn around but now that this cheek is exposed, the ‘progressives’ can kiss it and get over it!

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