Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"My Vote Doesn't Count!"

My Vote Doesn’t Count!”

We have all heard it and many of us have said it but it is not true! It’s the easy way out of taking responsibility for this out-of-control, over-reaching, and tyrannical government we, the People, have allowed for fester in Washington, D.C. (District of Criminals)!

Every election, political races are won or lost by a few votes – That has resulted in a massive shift from our traditional “center-right” Congress to the ‘progressive’, out-of-control-spending, over-reaching, and tyrannical government! There is nobody to blame but ourselves! Centrists and conservatives who stay at home, not voting are the direct cause of this Marxist trend of our Congress and, now, in the White House!

Make no mistake, the ‘progressives’, the socialists, the radical feminists, the communists, the environmental wackos, and the Marxists want us to stay home and not vote so they can create their Marxist utopia!

Why do we do this? Why don’t we vote in every election? There are as many excuses to not vote as there are excuses for an alcoholic to drink! “He’s not conservative enough!” “He doesn’t have a clue what the Constitution is or it’s original intent!” “He’s a Catholic!” “He’s a Mormon!” “He hates women!” “He’s rich and out of touch with the American People!” “I’m not going to vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’!”

Did we think we had the choice of perfect candidates? There has been only one perfect man and they crucified Him! We will never be able to vote for “perfection” and we need to realize that now and work with we got. Is it hard to swallow? You bet! Will it save the nation if we defeat Mr. Obama and change the majorities in both houses of Congress? No! But it will slow the runaway “freight train” (called ‘federal government’) down until we can, hopefully, elect a majority of Constitutionalists to Congress!

It has taken us over 100 years for the politicians, with our help, to virtually destroy our founding documents and we will not return us to our true path in the next election! It will probably take as many elections to take us back as it did to waste away as far as we have – Do not look for miracles in men and woman; they are far from perfect! Of the 68 new Congressmen and women we sent to Congress in 2010, about half have stuck to the principles they ran on; the other half has joined with the fools already corrupted!

Was the election for naught? Of course not! We have 34 committed Constitutionalists to add to the 2 or 3 already there, so we gained ground. We need to do this every election because we need to replace the other 400 members of the House and 98 in the Senate; two (2) from our own state!

I feel this 2012 election is the most important in my 70 years of living! If we can defeat Mr. Obama, we have a chance to start back toward liberty; if we do not defeat him, we will have given him permission to be our dictator and he will use that power this feckless Congress has abdicated to him to rule us! Are you ready for that? I certainly am not!

We, the People, through all liberty groups: The Tea Party, The 9-12 Project, Campaign 4 Liberty, etc., must make certain every conservative votes! We must make certain every Constitutionalist votes! We cannot tell them how to vote but we must make certain they vote! In the Washington State Primary, only 25% of Benton County’s eligible voters voted and 17% of Franklin County’s voters voted!

The person who expresses disdain over the candidates who advanced to the General Election probably didn’t even vote and then complain about the candidates! Because 75% of Benton County didn’t vote and 83% of Franklin County didn’t vote, we have a slate of candidates not fit to write home about with the exception of Clint Didier for Lands Commissioner (personal preference)!

My candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, has endorsed (not fully) the GOP’s candidate and I will vote with him but, again, that is the commitment I made at the beginning of the political selection process and Dr. Paul’s endorsement encourages me that he feels we must change administrations and Romney’s VP choice is considered a good one by Dr. Paul and me.

Promise yourself, your children, your grandchildren, your friends and, your neighbors that you will vote this election and you will get those same friends, neighbors and relatives to cast their ballots! We cannot tell them how to vote but if they vote, we win!

Remember: Your vote does count! But only if you cast that vote!

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