Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Receives Record-Breaking Support!

Chick-Fil-A Receives Record-Breaking Support!
by Leon Howard

Dan Cathy’s company, Chick-Fil-A, received record-breaking support on Wednesday, August 1st, but you wouldn’t know that if you follow the “lame-stream” media – Almost a total news blackout everywhere but FOX News.

Chick-Fil-A sold out of their chicken sandwiches before dinner because tens of thousands of Americans decided to support Mr. Cathy’s First Amendment right to voice his opinion! This support was spearheaded by Mike Huckabee, star of the Huckabee Show on FOX News – The amount of support even surprised the former Governor and Baptist Minister!

But, to our left-leaning media, this cannot be reported because it doesn’t reflect well on their agenda – The destruction of morality in America, which means the demise of our Constitution and liberty!

‘Progressivism’ is the politically correct name of communism, which this administration and the “lamestream” media are committed to and many Americans have become sheeple to the government and the “lamestream” media!

The left has no tolerance to any opinion but their own; that’s why the Chick-Fil-A story was created by the media as Mr. Cathy being a homophobe and a gay basher; somebody filled with hate for gays! If it hadn’t been for some strong voices on the right, they might have got away with it and Mr. Cathy might be apologizing to save his family-owned business!

The left hates without reason and, somehow, it makes them feel superior to those they hate! They have no verifiable facts to back up their claims and I think that is why they hate with such passion! That’s why the yell louder than anyone when they “debate” – The facts do not support their position so they try to drown-out those they debate! It is almost laughable to watch the likes of Bob Beckel or Alan Combs defend the left’s position so they end yelling (Beckel looks like he’s ready to have a stroke!) and both spout facts that have been debunked numerous times, which frustrates them even more!

Bob Beckel admitted something on “The Five” a few weeks ago I didn’t think anyone would admit on the left. There’s an old saying, “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart and if you’re 40 and not a conservative, you don’t have a brain!” Bob admitted this was true but he put a “positive” slant on it – He said that it’s true that liberals brains never go beyond the compassionate stage – To me that says, “We must make everybody equal (financially) so don’t confuse me with the facts because my mind is made up!” Take it to the bank: That is exactly what they “think”!

Here’s a fact: If your mind is made up, without facts to support your position, that is the definition of prejudice! Martin Luther King, Jr. marched in Selma, Alabama, in the face of prejudicial hatred!

That is what we are fighting today: ‘progressive’ prejudice and hatred! They cannot stand the fact that most Americans aren’t dumb enough to buy into their socialist utopia! A socialist utopia has never been and never will be because we think for ourselves; we have not become robots! But, if we don’t take back our education system to the state and local levels, the government and the Nat’l Education Association (NEA) will continue to “dumb-down” each generation until they get the future generations to react to the government exactly like robots!

But back to Chick-Fil-A: I agree, not only with Dan Cathy’s right to voice his opinion, especially when asked during an interview, but with his opinion on same-sex marriage! “Marriage” is a religious term and, therefore, should be respected as it is defined throughout the Bible: Marriage is between one man and one woman in the eyes of God! This is not only in the Old Testament, Jesus voices the same opinion in the New Testament!

These “religious leaders”, who say it’s okay for same-sex to marry, are false prophets or blasphemers! To preach a new philosophy of Christianity is to say you received a divine revelation that God is acceptable to same-sex marriage – None of these knotheads have claimed that so they are one of those named above!

The left accuses us who believe in traditional marriage of “redefining” the term – What!? Marriage has had the same definition for 6,000 years and it ain’t same-sex! We, in the State of Washington, were dumb enough to agree to give same-sex couples the same legal protections that married couples receive by giving them the Domestic Partnership Contract – It is all “they” wanted! So, they proved themselves to be liars! Their goal is the destruction of the family unit; what better way to destroy the society that has never fully accepted you – Only learned to tolerate you and your anti-family life-style!

Now that we know your goal, let me ask you a question: If you are successful in destroying this society (you won’t be), what do you see rising from the ashes? Do you think Islam will embrace your lifestyle? Do you think you will “lead” the socialist utopia you think you will create? Are you really that stupid?

Let me explain something to the pinhead “activists” (probably should be labeled “terrorists”) – Most Christians believe in traditional marriage because we believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Savior; He taught tolerance because judgement is reserved for God when we stand before Him! We do not “judge” anybody on their sin because we are all humans and we all sin; the difference is we ask for forgiveness and try to change our ways. So, being sinners, how could we judge your life style? We tolerate you as we tolerate others we do not agree with; we try to tolerate with love and, sometimes, that isn’t easy.

For these reasons, most Christians don’t “hate” gays and it’s something that doesn’t come up in conversation with our friends, be they straight or gay – That is as it should be! I am certain most people have friends or family who are gay but it doesn’t stop us from loving them.

But, by the same token, we do not want to be involved, actively or passively, in your life style – It is none of our business and is offensive to many of us so we want you to keep your private life private! Why is that so hard for you to understand? And why is that so hard for you to tolerate?

I, for one, an sick and tired of the gay activists trying to force their lifestyle on our children! We don’t need our kids “indoctrinated” into a lifestyle that is offensive to most of us! I am very intolerant of brainwashing and that is exactly what is being done in our schools when they are teaching 2nd and 3rd graders that it’s okay to be gay! That is not the purpose of schools – Schools are to educate and make the kids ready for an unfair world, not sexualize their early years when sex isn’t on their minds! Let them be kids and learn the 3 “R”’s!

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