Friday, November 30, 2012

The "Fiscal Cliff"?

The “Fiscal Cliff”?
By Leon Howard

“(Get ready 'cause here I come) I'm on my way … So, Fiddley-dee, Fiddley-dum - Look out baby, 'cause here I come.” The lyrics from the old Temptations’ song should be the theme song of the Congress and the administration ‘cause here they come to rob us again!

Last year, they didn’t have the guts to face the looming financial problems they created so they ‘kicked-the-can-down-the-road’ again by assigning the problem to a “super committee” of idiots from the 535 idiots making up the Congress! Why? It’s the common theme of both parties to create the “crisis” so the American people will act like the lemmings we have become to go over the cliff with them! Will it work? It has every time in modern history!

What did the “super committee” accomplish besides ‘kicking the can down the road’? Besides the ‘delay of game’ penalty that should have been assessed, they created a proposal of cuts and tax increases they felt certain the Congress wouldn’t want to face and force them to compromise on more reasonable solutions – Only one thing wrong with their ‘logic’  - They were but 12 idiots from a bank of 535 idiots who never ‘face’ problems: They push them off to the next Congress or spend more money to cover their tracks from the people they were elected to serve!

I agree with Charles Krauthammer on the “fiscal cliff” talks but I would go further. What the Republicans should do, if there was a pair among them (which there is not!), would be to walk away from the “talks” – Tell the administration and the Dumocrats to do whatever they think the American people elected them to do – Do not stand in their way; either vote “Present”, as Obama did his entire political career, or don’t vote at all! It seems the lemmings in our society will not believe this has all been tried before and always failed or they think our government has a better form of communism than ever tried before!

Great philosophers and our founding fathers warned us in so many ways what would happen if we started trusting the government but we have proven ourselves to be the rubes both parties have dreamed of! A quote from Plato gives us an inkling what we have let ourselves become: “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”  Welcome to the Congress of inferiors we created!

What happens next? Nothing will change! The Congress and the administration will ‘compromise’ more of our personal wealth to those “less fortunate” (you know – the “non-producers” – The “entitled generation” we created who refuse to start at the bottom, as we did, but feel they’re ‘entitled’ to more than we were)! They will not make any significant cuts in spending because they cannot attain their goals if they cut spending! It’s called “redistribution” and is what the ‘progressives’ in both parties believe in! Their “Marxist” philosophy says that if you take from those with more and give to those with less, eventually, everybody will be “equal” – That is true! But what they are too stupid to realize is Marxism doesn’t make everybody equally rich – It makes everybody equally poor! It’s called “equal misery” and it is the ‘progressives’ goal!

What can we do to change this? Frankly, I don’t have a clue! Pretty negative, I agree but I’m being honest; something our government seems to be incapable of. The obvious answer would be to change the government by electing Constitutionalists but that won’t work; we tried it! Example: 13% of us voted for Jamie Wheeler in the Primary; that means 87% voted for “business as usual”! – 87% are lemmings ready to run over the cliff for the 2 parties that are really but one party!

I no longer believe the Republican Party can or will save the nation, even though their party platform pays ‘lip-service’ to our Constitution – The “lamestream” GOP call themselves ‘moderates’ but they are not! – They “go along to get along” with the worst of the Dumocrats because it’s easier and they cannot decide what they really want to be but it is obviously not Constitutionalists – At the very least, they are “closet socialists” because every time we find a real American to run for office, the very best we can expect is a tacit ‘endorsement’ and no monetary support (and that is if no ‘lamestream’ GOP is running for the same office)! Example: Clint Didier! He is the only candidate to run against the worst Lands Commissioner this state has ever had – What did the State GOP do for him? A tacit endorsement but no monetary support! Benton County GOP? No money for Clint in the General Election but $2500.00 for a candidate running for state office who needed no help! Clint and any other Constitutionalist scare the hell out of the GOP leadership because he believes in the Constitution, both state and federal – They don’t!

Another example: Retired Lt. Colonel Alan West of Florida – The Republican legislature and Republican Governor redistricted West’s congressional district to favor a Democrat because West scares the hell outta them due to his honesty, his “political incorrectness”, and his love of the Constitution! Even with the GOP against him, he lost through voter fraud and the GOP Governor and Sec. of State wouldn’t look into the obvious fraud!

For myself, I learned from my parents how to survive in any circumstance – I have the means to protect my family and will do exactly that from anyone who would do us harm! But I do not look for any miracle from this idiot Congress or Marxist president – The nation is going over the “fiscal cliff” because they cannot or will not change their philosophy!

Maybe we are facing what Thomas Jefferson stated: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I hope not but I would advise: “Keep your powder dry!”

Above all, remember this: “(Get ready 'cause here I come) I'm on my way … So, Fiddley-dee, Fiddley-dum - Look out baby, 'cause here I come.” That from Congress!

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