Monday, December 3, 2012

Let's Dive Off the "Fiscal Cliff"?

Let’s Dive Off The “Fiscal Cliff”?
By Leon Howard

This Blog is in response to the stupidity reprinted in the Walla Walla Union Bulletin on 12/03/12, written by Danny Westneat of the Seattle Times – That should give you an indication of just how far out of touch with reality the article was! The other indicator of this would be the Senator he quotes and, apparently, admires – Sen. Patty Murray has been voted “Dumbest Senator” every year she’s been there!

“No one wants to go off any cliff or hill or slope,” she says.
But she is one of the main voices saying this: Going over the cliff won’t hurt as much as keeping the same failed tax and budget policies of the past decade.
“A worse idea is to accept a compromise that allows wealthy Americans to continue to not pay their fair share, because the result will be that middle-class families will bear the entire burden of the challenges this country faces,” she told MSNBC.

“The middle class will bear the entire burden …”? The middle class’ challenge is to survive the dangerous fiscal policies of this administration! Part of Obama’s plan, from the beginning, has been to destroy the middle class to realize his dream of a Marxist America! And Murray furthers this Marxist drivel when she reverts to class-warfare with: “…. allows wealthy Americans to continue to not pay their fair share …” “Wealthy Americans” earning $250,000.00 a year? Ms. Murray chooses to ignore that these are mainly small business owners who create 90% of the new jobs and if the government steals more of their money, how do they create jobs? They don’t, which fits the Marxist (sorry … ‘progressive’) plan – No jobs; more government assistance needed!

The “fiscal cliff” was created by both parties in Congress as well as the White House … We, the People, didn’t create this but we will pay the price for it – In a way, we share in the blame because we keep electing these party hacks into office – It’s insane! Einstein said it best: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That is the government we have today: Insanity should be their logo! Yes, this train wreck started under Bush (with a Democrat majority in both houses), and has been continued, at an accelerated rate, under the Pretender to the White House’s first term and continuing as we get ready to start his second term!

The first 2 years of Obama’s reign, he had Democrat control of both houses of Congress; the Congress gave us a $Trillion “stimulus” bill and Obamacare against the wishes of the American People – He did nothing to create jobs because his goal is to destroy the American economy and he told us during the campaign what he was going to do and further proof can be found in both of his books: “Dreams of My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope”.

We, the People, organized and spoke out through the Tea Party movement; we pushed to change the face of Congress and were successful in the House but the Democrats retained control of the Senate, ruled over by “King Reid”! We did not end the madness of spending! We only slowed the train wreck down. The “lamestream” media began their campaign of vilifying the Tea Party movement and have been partially successful in marginalizing us but we continue to work for sane fiscal policies that neither party embraces!

Mr. Westneat then whines about the loopholes in the Tax Code and how we must “suck it up” to close these loopholes – Here he really misses the point! There is no way to make the Income Tax Code “fair” – It requires, not a “revamp” of the current system; it requires a new tax system – The Fair Tax; a consumption tax on all new products and services would be the “fairest” system because it assures everybody “has skin in the game”!

As it is now, the top 2% of the nation’s wage earners pay over 60% of the cost of this behemoth government – What does Ms. Murray and Mr. Westneat think is their “fair share”?

All the entitlement programs need drastic reduction and/or elimination – Social Security is not an entitlement but even it must be revamped to continue to pay it to those who rely on it for their retirement, if they paid into it!

The entitlement mentality must be eliminated because it is bankrupting the nation so that is something Mr. Obama will fight because he wants to expand dependence on the federal government, not diminish it!

If both these parties would follow the Constitution, we wouldn’t have these problems but they cannot gain control over the people if they do that. They have totally reversed the role of governments and the people in the last 145 years by circumventing the founding documents! The intent of the founding documents is that the individual is “sovereign” – The term “king of his castle” explains that – The “great experiment” was not democracy; it was self-governance. The “sovereign” allowed part of his/her powers to be used by the state governments and the state governments allowed the federal government certain ‘enumerated powers’ – The primary power was to protect our individual God-given rights from intrusion of government … In other words: I have my God-given rights that I control but cannot force onto another individual and violate their God-given rights. Ask yourself this question: “Can I force you to give me $1,000.00, for nothing?” Obviously, the answer is, “No!”; that would be robbery. Now ask yourself this question: “If I cannot force you to give me $1,000.00, for nothing, can I grant that power to the government?” If you answer that question with anything else but a resounding, NO!!”, you are not an American and a big part of the problem!

Yet, that is exactly what the federal government is doing through the Income Tax System – Robbing the People of their wealth through this ‘progressive’ tax system that punishes success and rewards failure and non-producers!

Both parties use this flawed tax system to punish their enemies and reward their cronies – It’s called “loopholes”; both parties create them for this purpose. If their loophole happens to benefit a few of the People, so much the better and makes it easier to justify.

Be prepared! We are going over the cliff because both parties aren’t serious about correcting government; they’re only interested in the next election and blaming somebody else for the nation’s financial woes!

If they were serious, they would:

·      Drastically reduce and/or eliminate the entitlement programs;
·      Scrap the current tax system for the Fair Tax;
·      Eliminate all subsidies;
·      Eliminate all foreign aid;
·      Cut the Representative’s, Senator’s, and the President’s salaries in half;
·      Eliminate their federal retirements;
·      Close all of our overseas military bases;
·      Get us out of the United Nations and the United Nations out of the U.S.!
·      Combine and/or eliminate several government agencies and departments, including but not necessarily the only ones, the Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, et al.

What we will be facing over the next 2 to 3 years is worse than anybody in the government is willing to own up to; the Congress, this administration, and the Federal Reserve, with Bernanke’s help, is re-creating the German Weimar Republic so they can fully destroy our republic in favor of a dictatorship! Many of the members of both parties are dupes but the “leadership” of both parties are complicit in this endeavor and should be tried for treason!

If you love this nation, as I do; if you love your family, as I do; and if you value Liberty, as I do, prepare for the worst, pray for the best, and, above all – Keep your powder dry!

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