Wednesday, October 31, 2012

“Social Engineering” – Who Did This?

 “Social Engineering” – Who Did This?
by Leon Howard

Before I reveal the culprit(s), you need to understand why this all began and it began a long time ago in the United States – There were few laws on abortion in the United States at the time of independence, except the English common law adopted into United States law by Acts of Reception, which held abortion to be legally acceptable if occurring before quickening. James Wilson, a framer of the U.S. Constitution, explained as follows:

“With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life, from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By the law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and, in some cases, from every degree of danger.

Why did common law pick “the quickening” as the beginning of life? I find nothing that actually addresses their reasoning; I can only assume that a fetus cannot sustain life before then. Who felt the need to change the law and why?

The Texas State Legislature passed a law in 1857, declaring abortion illegal at any time except in the cases of rape and incest. Their reasoning? According to the testimony of the Texas State Attorney General before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, the legislature enacted this law to protect the life of the mother. It was felt that abortion was more dangerous for the woman than carrying the child to term.

I couldn’t find the political make-up of the 1857 Texas Legislature but that was before the Republican Party, so it would have been made up of Democrats and Whigs but it was definitely “social engineering” at its utmost. Statutes like these in 36 states and territories were found unconstitutional – The first major case of social engineering from the bench! Roe v. Wade was imposed on all states and territories by the U.S. Supreme Court, even though Roe v. Wade was before the court as a Texas law! It’s called “legislating from the Bench” and should never be allowed to happen but it does even today!

Our latest “legislation from the Bench” was Chief Justice Roberts! In writing the majority opinion, five justices found Obamacare “constitutional” because Roberts changed the penalty to a “tax” and said because Congress could levy taxes, it was constitutional! I won’t go into the stupidity of this reasoning but I will point out, he legislated from the Bench and his decision will have ramifications on many issues for generations to come!

Both parties participate and both parties do it for the same reason: To fractionalize the American people, rob them of their Liberties, thus gain more power over the people! We must realize politicians are not our friends and they find use for the people in only two (2) ways: Money and Votes!!

There’s an old adage that is appropriate here: “A politician worries about the next election; a statesman worries about the next generation!”

The proof of the adage is the state of the union today: Over $16 Trillion in debt, mostly to China and what have the American people realized in benefits? Certainly not $16 Trillion! Obviously, the politicians in Washington, D.C. (“District of Criminals”) care nothing about the next generation because they refuse to do anything to bring this stupid social spending and other spending under control!

If the politicians would follow the Constitution, we wouldn’t have debt! We would have a small central government whose primary purpose of existence is protecting the American people “from enemies foreign and domestic”! They wouldn’t be allocating $ billions in “foreign aid” to our enemies; scattering our military into 135 nations with over 1000 military bases! Our government wouldn’t be (and shouldn’t be) “investing” the people’s tax money in any companies  - Essentially, “picking winners and losers” because, as President Zero has so aptly demonstrated, you pick more losers than winners and it’s money the American people could invest in their own future instead of some politician playing Russian Roulette with our money!

By fractionalizing us through social engineering, they keep our minds and energies off the real prize: LIBERTY!!

But until we, the People, stop listening to the politicians in both parties whose sole purpose is the fractionalize us into smaller groups so they can eliminate our Liberties, we can look for more of the same until the nation goes off the financial cliff!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The 'Progressives' War on God!

The ‘Progressives’ War on God!
by Leon Howard

The election is upon us and I fear for our nation and my state of Washington! Yes, I am truly fearful, especially for my state!

Instead of trying to balance our state’s budget, the ‘progressives’ in charge spent the entire regular session on “social engineering” to further force God from our daily lives! They passed a bill to redefine “marriage” to include same-sex!

I have tried to explain to people who ask why I think it violates our Constitutions and I have explained it violates Article I, Sections 11 & 12 but many don’t seem to care about that – They want to “buy into” the ‘progressives’ argument that this will somehow make homosexuals “equal” with heterosexuals; or it is a “civil-rights” issue; or a “fairness” issue – It is none of those! It is simply an attempt to re-define marriage! Period!

Before I began an explanation of the preceding statement, let me preface it with this: I believe our founding documents were Divinely inspired through prayer by our founding fathers and, because of that, our rights were given to us by God!

Do you believe that? If you do not, you have joined the secular ‘progressives’ and you have no need to read the rest of this because you have become an enemy of Liberty!

Harsh? Not really – Truthful! If you do not believe the Constitution was Divinely inspired, you have no Bill of Rights; you have “privileges” granted by a faceless and heartless government that can be removed at any time!

This is the goal of the ‘progressives’ – If God’s influence is eliminated, they can do whatever they want to enslave us!

That is what the “re-defining” of marriage is – Further separation from God! It is saying that man (in this case, the state legislature) is smarter than God! He defined marriage between one man and one woman thousands of years ago and it was reiterated by Jesus Christ when He dwelled among us! It has absolutely nothing to do with “fairness”! Life is not “fair”! Life is a series of challenges God gives us; some we win, some we lose but for Christians and Jews, it is how we glorify Him!

It is time we stand up and be counted! I am so-o-o tired of this war on Christianity and God! I want everybody to remember what Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

Another thing to remember is this war: If the 'progressives' succeed and separate our nation from God, we will have lost our Individual Rights because they come from God, not from man! That is the enemy’s goal!

Christians are taught to turn the other cheek and I have tried to do that but my cheeks are so bruised … I have had enough of it and have turned the “other” cheek ~ I had to lower my pants and turn around but now that this cheek is exposed, the ‘progressives’ can kiss it and get over it!

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Foreign Policy of Fools! (Part 3)

The Foreign Policy of Fools!
(Part 3)
By Leon Howard

On September 11th, 2012, our embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked by terrorists and we lost 4 Americans: Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and embassy security personnel Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. I mourn there loss and cannot imagine what there families are going through after finding out their loved ones lives could have been saved if President Zero wasn’t a coward and a treasonous traitor!

It took this jackass almost 2 weeks to admit it was a terrorist attack even though, as we find out Monday, October 22nd, that there were numerous emails asking for more security – All turned down and Hillary Clinton took responsibility for that error but even the “lamestream” media is giving this pretender to the White House a “pass” on these blunders! Today, October 26th, we learn that the CIA was asked for assistance at the beginning of the attack and two more times as the attack progressed (over 7 hours!) and was repeatedly refused aid!

It is now known, the CIA had a drone looking down on the attack, equipped with a laser-guided missile aimed at the terrorists and were not given permission from the White House to even fire that to save lives! F-16’s from on of our carriers could have been there within an hour or, if it had to be dispatched from Italy, less than 4 hours – President Zero had a ton of options that would have saved lives if he wasn’t such a coward; afraid to make decisions!

What we have is a President, doing exactly as he has done his entire political career: Voting “Present!” on every decision and blaming others for his mistakes! First it was Bush; after 2 ½ years, he had to change that somewhat because folks weren’t buying it any longer; then it was the Republican Congress that was stone-walling, causing “gridlock” – That kept him going until Benghazi and that became Romney’s fault because he “politicized” it! – Huh? Well, it made sense to the “lamestream” media and Obama. But as the truth becomes known, and the lies exposed, he had Hillary throw herself “under the bus” and this gutless piece of feces still won’t be a man and admit his incompetence!

This pretender to the White House is an idiot! You say I am wrong? He’s said to be extremely intelligent – Who says that? His “handlers”? If he’s so damned intelligent, why has he spent over $2 million to seal his college records? What is he hiding?

But, the Republican Congress will not impeach him because they are about as gutless – Afraid to appear “racist” or are they afraid to admit they have abused our Constitution also? I think we all know the answer to that!

So we are stuck with a “man” not constitutionally qualified to be President and the Congress will not demand answers and impeach this Marxist; we are stuck with a feckless Congress, “led” by a gutless wonder from Ohio; we are stuck with a grid-locked Senate, “led” by the worst example of partisanship from Nevada; we are stuck with a foreign policy, designed by neo-cons and supported by the “leadership” of both parties; we are stuck with a judiciary who is more concerned with furthering it’s agenda than forcing the executive branch and the legislative branch to live within the confines of the Constitution!

We, the People, are stuck with all this crap until we step up and say enough is enough and change out our “politicians” for true Statesmen/women! We must change from those worried about the next election to those who are concerned about the next generation! We need self sacrificing statesmen, not self serving politicians!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Patriotism is a "Learned" Ideal

Patriotism is a "Learned" Ideal
By Leon Howard

At church, Sunday, our pastor spoke of being a Revolutionary Citizen. He wasn’t speaking of an armed citizen but a citizen who served others beyond themselves; somebody who loved their nation and was a “radical” by the original meaning from the Latin rādīcālis” – meaning ‘foundational’, original intent. He was speaking of our foundation and why we were founded; being an example of independence in this ‘entitlement driven culture’! Of course, this he tied in to our serving the Lord and honoring Him.

He used a story from Tony Blair’s book “A Journey – My Political Life” to demonstrate a point. I won’t tell the story because it would take too long but the gist of the story was this Jewish lady, who escaped from Hitler’s Germany with her husband, emigrated to the United States, became a “naturalized citizen”, and would never return to Europe. After her death, her son, a friend of Tony Blair, went through her home and belongings. The family knew she kept a safe in her closet and they knew it would have her expensive jewelry, gold and silver in it; when they opened the safe, they found what they expected and a locked box with no key – They had to drill the lock out to open it and inside was something so precious to her, she had double wrapped it in paper and tied it closed!

Inside the wrapped paper was her Citizenship Certificate from her naturalization process! More precious to her than her jewelry, gold and silver was the fact that she so loved this nation who accepted her as one of her own, that she afforded extra protection to that document! My pastor’s question was, “How do I compare my love and respect for being born in the freest nation on earth to this lady?” My pastor had the privilege of being born here, a ‘natural-born citizen’. His United States citizenship given by right of birth; hers sought after and granted after a six-step process: 1) Declare you want to be a citizen; 2)  Be a Legal Permanent Resident for 5 years; 3) Apply for Citizenship with documentation showing residence, and ability to read and speak English; 4) Interviewed by INS to assure good moral character; 5) Take an exam testing your knowledge and understanding of the U.S. Constitution, and why the republic was founded; 6) Take the Oath of Citizenship: "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

How many ‘natural-born citizens’ could or would go through the things a ‘naturalized citizen’ goes through? I don’t think I need to discuss that much because very few would or could pass the test! Tragic! How did we come to this? Simply put: Education; actually, the lack thereof. Our “public schools” have become warehouses for our youth and indoctrination centers for the ‘progressives’! The ‘progressives’ have so polluted our colleges and universities with the ‘progressive agenda’, they can now ‘produce’ ‘compliant citizens’ instead of Revolutionary Citizens! Our schools produce the next generation of followers, who are much easier to enslave than the revolutionary citizen!

Where were the American People when this usurpation of our education system took place? Present in body; apathetic in mind! We were right here, taking for granted our unique rights and privileges! The freest nation on earth; the freest nation ever and we sat here and squandered it away! We squander more of it every day when we allow the Marxists to legislate it away and we do nothing but wring our hands and moan, “Woe is me!”

Now the big question: Can we get it back? We can and we will but it may take another fighting revolution if we are not successful in electing Constitutionally-minded legislators and President – We certainly do not have many legislators we can describe that way right now! Whenever you hear somebody say they are a ‘progressive’, translate that to be what he/she is: a Marxist, communist, fascist, or socialist, because that is exactly what they are and they want to ‘fundamentally transform the United States’!

Next – If you have school-aged children and have to use the “public school” system because of finances or lack of time to educate them yourselves, become actively involved in the PTA and/or school board! Serve your children by demanding a real education in reading, writing, and arithmetic; do not allow the schools to indoctrinate your children in ‘alternate lifestyles’ – That is your job! When you find a teacher, counselor, or principal not following your wishes, fire them! If the teachers union comes to a bad teacher’s defense, fire the union! You must take back control of your childrens’ schools so our founding documents are truly taught so the next generation of American children graduate “Revolutionary Citizens” and not ‘compliant citizens’!

Several members of our church went to brunch after Sunday’s service and after we ate and were leaving, Will and I spoke of the sermon; both of us feel that our Constitution was “Divinely inspired” and the only ones who really seemed to appreciate that were ‘naturalized citizens’ and ‘natural-born citizens’ took for granted (squandered) their rights under the Constitution! I agreed and said, “What we need to do is convert ‘natural-born citizens’ into ‘naturalized citizens’ so they can take the Oath of Citizenship and understand it!”

When I joined the U.S. Navy in 1960, I took an oath that I honor today because there is no ‘sunset clause’ on the oath: I, Radphord-Leon Howard, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

I am an Oath Keeper and what we must do to save our nation is be certain that our ‘natural-born citizens’, ‘naturalized citizens’, and present and former military citizens all become Oath Keepers! They don’t have to join the group, Oath Keepers, but they must avow to themselves that they are Oath Keepers!

There is a quote of Ronald Reagan: If not us, who? And if not now, when?” He said that in pursuit of a balanced budget; it is more appropriate with the subject here because of how far we’ve allowed our nation to drift! The time is now and it must be us because we are here now!

Ronald Reagan also said, Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

In his Farewell Address, Reagan’s hope is one we should aspire to: “Whatever else history may say about me when I’m gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears; to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty’s lamp guiding your steps and opportunity’s arm steadying your way.”

Are you a Revolutionary Citizen or a compliant citizen? I hope you accept your responsibility as a Revolutionary Citizen – A Patriot and Oath Keeper!