Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"My Vote Doesn't Count!"

My Vote Doesn’t Count!”

We have all heard it and many of us have said it but it is not true! It’s the easy way out of taking responsibility for this out-of-control, over-reaching, and tyrannical government we, the People, have allowed for fester in Washington, D.C. (District of Criminals)!

Every election, political races are won or lost by a few votes – That has resulted in a massive shift from our traditional “center-right” Congress to the ‘progressive’, out-of-control-spending, over-reaching, and tyrannical government! There is nobody to blame but ourselves! Centrists and conservatives who stay at home, not voting are the direct cause of this Marxist trend of our Congress and, now, in the White House!

Make no mistake, the ‘progressives’, the socialists, the radical feminists, the communists, the environmental wackos, and the Marxists want us to stay home and not vote so they can create their Marxist utopia!

Why do we do this? Why don’t we vote in every election? There are as many excuses to not vote as there are excuses for an alcoholic to drink! “He’s not conservative enough!” “He doesn’t have a clue what the Constitution is or it’s original intent!” “He’s a Catholic!” “He’s a Mormon!” “He hates women!” “He’s rich and out of touch with the American People!” “I’m not going to vote for the ‘lesser of two evils’!”

Did we think we had the choice of perfect candidates? There has been only one perfect man and they crucified Him! We will never be able to vote for “perfection” and we need to realize that now and work with we got. Is it hard to swallow? You bet! Will it save the nation if we defeat Mr. Obama and change the majorities in both houses of Congress? No! But it will slow the runaway “freight train” (called ‘federal government’) down until we can, hopefully, elect a majority of Constitutionalists to Congress!

It has taken us over 100 years for the politicians, with our help, to virtually destroy our founding documents and we will not return us to our true path in the next election! It will probably take as many elections to take us back as it did to waste away as far as we have – Do not look for miracles in men and woman; they are far from perfect! Of the 68 new Congressmen and women we sent to Congress in 2010, about half have stuck to the principles they ran on; the other half has joined with the fools already corrupted!

Was the election for naught? Of course not! We have 34 committed Constitutionalists to add to the 2 or 3 already there, so we gained ground. We need to do this every election because we need to replace the other 400 members of the House and 98 in the Senate; two (2) from our own state!

I feel this 2012 election is the most important in my 70 years of living! If we can defeat Mr. Obama, we have a chance to start back toward liberty; if we do not defeat him, we will have given him permission to be our dictator and he will use that power this feckless Congress has abdicated to him to rule us! Are you ready for that? I certainly am not!

We, the People, through all liberty groups: The Tea Party, The 9-12 Project, Campaign 4 Liberty, etc., must make certain every conservative votes! We must make certain every Constitutionalist votes! We cannot tell them how to vote but we must make certain they vote! In the Washington State Primary, only 25% of Benton County’s eligible voters voted and 17% of Franklin County’s voters voted!

The person who expresses disdain over the candidates who advanced to the General Election probably didn’t even vote and then complain about the candidates! Because 75% of Benton County didn’t vote and 83% of Franklin County didn’t vote, we have a slate of candidates not fit to write home about with the exception of Clint Didier for Lands Commissioner (personal preference)!

My candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, has endorsed (not fully) the GOP’s candidate and I will vote with him but, again, that is the commitment I made at the beginning of the political selection process and Dr. Paul’s endorsement encourages me that he feels we must change administrations and Romney’s VP choice is considered a good one by Dr. Paul and me.

Promise yourself, your children, your grandchildren, your friends and, your neighbors that you will vote this election and you will get those same friends, neighbors and relatives to cast their ballots! We cannot tell them how to vote but if they vote, we win!

Remember: Your vote does count! But only if you cast that vote!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Open Letter to United States Postal Service

Open Letter to United States Postal Service

Ruth Y. Goldway, Chairman,
United States Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC),
901 New York Avenue NW, Suite 200,
Washington, DC 20268-0001

Dear Ms. Goldway:

I received my mail from my USPS Carrier and what I discovered in my mail has caused me to reevaluate my respect for the USPS management and I have come to the conclusion you qualify for the same amount of respect I have reserved for the IRS! From this point forward, any correspondence from me to you will be as follows:

Greetings Vile Creatures, Bloodsuckers and Thieves!

What did you do to receive the IRS “greeting”? You opened my mail for “inspection”! Why? Under what authority was this violation of my God-given right to privacy violated?

Of all the mail I receive (mostly “junk”) you “OPENED FOR INSPECTION BY USPS” a renewal notification for Liberty magazine! What were you thinking or are you just following orders from the pretender in the White House? Or was this just a subtle “hint” that I am on the “enemies list” of this Marxist?

Okay, message received! And I have a short message for you and your “boss”: Every time you open any of my mail for inspection, I will not only write you another terse letter but I will publish it in on my Blog and ask that it be published in every liberty newspaper, newsletter, and every talk-radio show I can get to!

You can also pass on to your “boss” – Chicago gangland politics only works in Chicago! I will not be intimidated and I will never claim your “boss” as my President, no more than I would claim Vladimir Putin as my president! I have no use for communists!

Enclosed you will find copies of the envelope and renewal notice you felt compelled to “inspect”!

In Liberty!

R. Leon Howard,
Tri-Cities Tea Party,

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Central Banks - Bad or Good?

My Blog – My opinion – Central Banks are a bane on Free Enterprise! We did better on the Gold Standard; in fact, the entire world did better on the Gold Standard! “Bean Counters” can be found on both sides of this issue and they have a talent of trying to blow sunshine up your butt – Bu-u-u-t, I ain’t buying it anymore!

"It is a sobering fact that the prominence of central banks in this century has 
coincided with a general tendency towards more inflation, not less. [I]f the 
overriding objective is price stability, we did better with the 
nineteenth-century gold standard and passive central banks, with currency 
boards, or even with ‘free banking.’ The truly unique power of a central bank, 
after all, is the power to create money, and ultimately the power to create is 
the power to destroy."
 Paul Volcker
former Federal Reserve chairman
 Foreword of "The Central Banks"

I would think he would know because this is the statement by an enemy of the Gold Standard! We are seeing Mr. Volker’s prediction coming to fruition under the insane “Q.E.” programs by the current Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke! Bernanke is doing exactly what FDR did in the Great Depression that extended the depression by 8 years! Only Bernanke is making it worse because he isn’t being withheld from creating money out of thin air as FDR was because we were still under the Gold Standard in the ‘30’s!

Bernanke is doing exactly what Germany did when the Weimar Republic printed fiat money to cover their recession – They couldn’t pull the extra fiat money out of circulation fast enough and there is still a picture, on the internet, of a man with a wheelbarrow full of German Marks headed out to buy a loaf of bread! We are headed exactly in the same direction but when will the hyper-inflation begin? Several theories out there but I think we’re going to see extreme inflation this year, if not hyper-inflation! We cannot keep creating money out of thin air, trying to bolster the nation’s economy – It is doomed to failure!

But don’t look to either party to correct this mistake – They’re complicit in getting us here! Even if the Democrats are the idiots creating new unfunded entitlements, the Republicans go along with them – With just a little screaming to appease the conservatives! They “go along to get along” – We have the best government money can buy and bought it is! How else do you explain the T.A.R.P. to bail out the banks? How else do you explain bailing out the auto makers and auto makers unions on the backs of the investors in those companies? It was “pay-back” for these corrupt institutions (bankers, auto makers and unions!)!

Of course, this fits President Zero’s plan of “fundamentally transforming the United States”! The question Americans, who voted for this Marxist, forgot to ask was: “Transformed into what?” If this usurper to the White House had answered honestly, how many votes do you think he would have got?

As many know, this was set up for failure in 2000, when Congress repealed the “Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall) – The GOP was still “in charge” of Congress then and a Republican was in the White House! This stupidity was the beginnings of the “derivatives” and the beginning of the end to honest banking (if there is such a thing!)

"Is there any reason why the American people should be taxed to guarantee the debts of banks, any more than they should be taxed to guarantee the debts of other institutions, including the merchants, the industries, and the mills of the country?"
-- Senator Carter Glass 
(1858-1946) Newspaper publisher, US Senator (D-VA), author of the Banking Act of 1933, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President Woodrow Wilson.
 He said this during Senate debate on the Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act) [source: Rixey Smith and Norman Beasley, Carter Glass: A Biography (1939)]

Obviously, in 1933, the Congress didn’t think the taxpayers should guarantee the debts of banks, auto makers, and union retirements but the Republicrats of today do think of us, the taxpayers, as their “cash cow”! How else do they explain bailing out the under funded union retirements? Unions in the private sector make up less than 7% of the private workforce but their underfunded retirement systems were saved with taxpayer money at the detriment of the private investors who were building their retirements through stock dividends and the taxpayer who had nothing to gain in this bailout and everything to lose and lose we did!

I am not saying these 2 factors got us here; obviously, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd’s virtual elimination of the qualifications for home buyers was another big factor and there were smaller factors that brought to the brink but – If we were on the Gold Standard, this could never have happened because there would be no fiat money; they couldn’t print more than our Gold Reserves were worth – That’s the only reason FDR couldn’t bankrupt us in the ‘30’s! He couldn’t authorize fiat money and neither could the Federal Reserve at that time!

Here is another thing to consider about the Gold Standard the government and bankers don’t want you to know: "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves.

This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights." Alan Greenspan (1926- ) Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (1987-2006) He made this statement in 1966, and joined this cabal in 1987!

I do not know if the nation will survive the financial tsunami headed our way but, in either case, there are several things we must do to prevent another catastrophe like this:

  • Repeal the 1913 Federal Reserve Act – Personally, I think the “national debt” is the debt of the 10 banking families who allowed that money to be printed in the first place!

  • Go back to the Gold Standard – Congress must reassume it’s Constitutional duties of standardizing weights & measures and our monetary system! No longer can we allow any unaccountable group or person to dictate our monetary policy!

  • Disband both political parties – Our founding fathers warned us against them and their fears came to pass!

  • Repeal the 17th Amendment – A major “check & balance” was compromised when we made the Senate a ‘popularity contest’ – They abdicated their Constitutional mandate of protecting the 10th Amendment! They must return to protecting their state from an overreaching federal government! We must allow the State Legislatures to approve the Senators offered by the State’s Governor!

  • Replace Every Member of Congress – Eliminate their “perks”, their bloated and unearned retirement system, slash their salaries, and eliminate their campaign funds! The House of Representatives is “the House of the People” and it must be returned to that by electing ‘citizen legislators’!

  • Repeal the 16th Amendment – Our founding fathers felt the most important ‘personal property’ was his “hire” – Whether he was an employee, private contractor, or business owner, our founders felt what we earned was ours to keep and do as we saw fit with it! We deserve that consideration again! Let the States raise the funds to run the federal government as it was supposed to do!

  • Repeal All Amendments After the 13th Amendment – With the exception of the 25th Amendment, there were all States-Rights issues and have been taken care of. The misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment has caused too many problems already and it was created to protect freed slaves and is moot today! Unless you are a naturalized citizen of the United States, you do not qualify to be a 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen. Prior to the 14th Amendment, each of us was a Citizen of whichever State we resided in and, technically, the “United States of America”, by definition, is Washington, D.C., military forts, and arsenals – Period! Yes, it is the responsibility of the federal government to protect our northern and southern borders but it should be up to the individual States as to how many immigrants it can support; not Washington, D.C.! We have seen the folly in that!

It took over 100 years to get to this sorry state of affairs; hopefully, it won’t take us that long to get back to sanity!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Receives Record-Breaking Support!

Chick-Fil-A Receives Record-Breaking Support!
by Leon Howard

Dan Cathy’s company, Chick-Fil-A, received record-breaking support on Wednesday, August 1st, but you wouldn’t know that if you follow the “lame-stream” media – Almost a total news blackout everywhere but FOX News.

Chick-Fil-A sold out of their chicken sandwiches before dinner because tens of thousands of Americans decided to support Mr. Cathy’s First Amendment right to voice his opinion! This support was spearheaded by Mike Huckabee, star of the Huckabee Show on FOX News – The amount of support even surprised the former Governor and Baptist Minister!

But, to our left-leaning media, this cannot be reported because it doesn’t reflect well on their agenda – The destruction of morality in America, which means the demise of our Constitution and liberty!

‘Progressivism’ is the politically correct name of communism, which this administration and the “lamestream” media are committed to and many Americans have become sheeple to the government and the “lamestream” media!

The left has no tolerance to any opinion but their own; that’s why the Chick-Fil-A story was created by the media as Mr. Cathy being a homophobe and a gay basher; somebody filled with hate for gays! If it hadn’t been for some strong voices on the right, they might have got away with it and Mr. Cathy might be apologizing to save his family-owned business!

The left hates without reason and, somehow, it makes them feel superior to those they hate! They have no verifiable facts to back up their claims and I think that is why they hate with such passion! That’s why the yell louder than anyone when they “debate” – The facts do not support their position so they try to drown-out those they debate! It is almost laughable to watch the likes of Bob Beckel or Alan Combs defend the left’s position so they end yelling (Beckel looks like he’s ready to have a stroke!) and both spout facts that have been debunked numerous times, which frustrates them even more!

Bob Beckel admitted something on “The Five” a few weeks ago I didn’t think anyone would admit on the left. There’s an old saying, “If you’re 20 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart and if you’re 40 and not a conservative, you don’t have a brain!” Bob admitted this was true but he put a “positive” slant on it – He said that it’s true that liberals brains never go beyond the compassionate stage – To me that says, “We must make everybody equal (financially) so don’t confuse me with the facts because my mind is made up!” Take it to the bank: That is exactly what they “think”!

Here’s a fact: If your mind is made up, without facts to support your position, that is the definition of prejudice! Martin Luther King, Jr. marched in Selma, Alabama, in the face of prejudicial hatred!

That is what we are fighting today: ‘progressive’ prejudice and hatred! They cannot stand the fact that most Americans aren’t dumb enough to buy into their socialist utopia! A socialist utopia has never been and never will be because we think for ourselves; we have not become robots! But, if we don’t take back our education system to the state and local levels, the government and the Nat’l Education Association (NEA) will continue to “dumb-down” each generation until they get the future generations to react to the government exactly like robots!

But back to Chick-Fil-A: I agree, not only with Dan Cathy’s right to voice his opinion, especially when asked during an interview, but with his opinion on same-sex marriage! “Marriage” is a religious term and, therefore, should be respected as it is defined throughout the Bible: Marriage is between one man and one woman in the eyes of God! This is not only in the Old Testament, Jesus voices the same opinion in the New Testament!

These “religious leaders”, who say it’s okay for same-sex to marry, are false prophets or blasphemers! To preach a new philosophy of Christianity is to say you received a divine revelation that God is acceptable to same-sex marriage – None of these knotheads have claimed that so they are one of those named above!

The left accuses us who believe in traditional marriage of “redefining” the term – What!? Marriage has had the same definition for 6,000 years and it ain’t same-sex! We, in the State of Washington, were dumb enough to agree to give same-sex couples the same legal protections that married couples receive by giving them the Domestic Partnership Contract – It is all “they” wanted! So, they proved themselves to be liars! Their goal is the destruction of the family unit; what better way to destroy the society that has never fully accepted you – Only learned to tolerate you and your anti-family life-style!

Now that we know your goal, let me ask you a question: If you are successful in destroying this society (you won’t be), what do you see rising from the ashes? Do you think Islam will embrace your lifestyle? Do you think you will “lead” the socialist utopia you think you will create? Are you really that stupid?

Let me explain something to the pinhead “activists” (probably should be labeled “terrorists”) – Most Christians believe in traditional marriage because we believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, our Savior; He taught tolerance because judgement is reserved for God when we stand before Him! We do not “judge” anybody on their sin because we are all humans and we all sin; the difference is we ask for forgiveness and try to change our ways. So, being sinners, how could we judge your life style? We tolerate you as we tolerate others we do not agree with; we try to tolerate with love and, sometimes, that isn’t easy.

For these reasons, most Christians don’t “hate” gays and it’s something that doesn’t come up in conversation with our friends, be they straight or gay – That is as it should be! I am certain most people have friends or family who are gay but it doesn’t stop us from loving them.

But, by the same token, we do not want to be involved, actively or passively, in your life style – It is none of our business and is offensive to many of us so we want you to keep your private life private! Why is that so hard for you to understand? And why is that so hard for you to tolerate?

I, for one, an sick and tired of the gay activists trying to force their lifestyle on our children! We don’t need our kids “indoctrinated” into a lifestyle that is offensive to most of us! I am very intolerant of brainwashing and that is exactly what is being done in our schools when they are teaching 2nd and 3rd graders that it’s okay to be gay! That is not the purpose of schools – Schools are to educate and make the kids ready for an unfair world, not sexualize their early years when sex isn’t on their minds! Let them be kids and learn the 3 “R”’s!