Saturday, April 21, 2012

Where is the “Loyal Opposition” on Obama’s Eligibility?

Where is the “Loyal Opposition” on Obama’s Eligibility?
By Leon Howard

I was curious as to why we are hearing nothing from the “loyal opposition” about Barry Sorento’s eligibility to serve as the President of the united States of America so I asked – I do not like the answer I received!

As usual, when it comes to the Constitution, the Republican Party doesn’t care! It proves to me exactly what I have contended from the beginning of the Tea Party movement: Both parties are complicit in the usurping of power from the People to the political hacks in both parties! They could care less about our God-given liberties as long as they can control us!

I sent all of the evidence I received from the retired Marine Captain, Jake L. Martinez to my Representative Richard “Doc” Hastings (R), and our state’s Senators: Murray (D) and Cantwell (D) on March 25th – To date the only one who has responded is Doc Hastings! He might as well have ignored even responding for the non-response I received! “Political double-speak” from beginning to end! The “Grand Ol’ Party” has no interest in the overwhelming evidence that this requires a congressional investigation and impeachment proceedings!

How much don’t they care that Obama is totally ineligible? They are already talking about having Romney (the probable GOP candidate) pick Marco Rubio for his Vice-Presidential running mate! Marco Rubio isn’t eligible to be President of Vice-President – He is not a natural-born citizen! His Cuban parents hadn’t become U.S. citizens before Marco’s birth, therefore, he is not a natural-born citizen!

Why do they do this? The Republican ‘leadership’ doesn’t like or honor our Constitution any more than the Democrat ‘leadership’! In their ‘collective’ minds the Constitution is a hindrance to the “New World Order” President George H.W. Bush so proudly proclaimed at the end of “Desert Storm” – The One-World Government envisioned in Agenda 21! The only difference between the Democrat and Republican ‘leaderships’ vision for our ‘Progressive’ (communist) “Utopia” is the speed at which they are both going to the same ends!

There are a few good men and women in Congress but damned few! One of the better ones is Allen West from Florida and he finally uttered those words few would have the guts to utter about the ‘progressives’ – He called them communists because that is what they are and if they, the 81 House members he was referring to, want to deny that truism, them they are what Lenin referred to as “Useful Idiots”! So, with a few men and women of strong character and American ideals as their driving force, I hold out a little hope we can turn this freight train from the financial cliff we are headed for!

But now for a reality check: My generation (and so far, a small portion of my generation) has been jarred awake from our apathetic coma with the Bush-Obama spending spree and the purely communistic policies of the Obama administration so we are doing what we can to stem the rush to communism but we have an uphill battle ahead and we will not outlive the young communists in this nation – God will call us home before that happens! Who will step in and take up the mantle of liberty? Who will save the American dream and American exceptionalism?

What will it take to wake up my son’s generation? What will wake up my grandson’s generation? They need to join my generation now and make this a short and decisive revolution and show the ‘progressives’ for what they are so nothing but shame will be attached to the title ‘progressive’! How do we reach them? I am seeking ideas that will work and the Tea Party movement needs warriors to reach out to my son and grandsons’ generations to educate and prepare them to carry the fight to save our Republic from the oligarchy planned for us by the communists!

Unless the liberty-minded few in the Republican Party can wrest power away from the ‘progressives’, “moderates”, big business interests and milksops, we will never have a real voice in D.C. because, as it stands now, the GOP stands for nothing! They are the “lesser of two evils” and I, for one, am sick and tired of having to vote against somebody – We need the dismantling of both parties so candidates have to state their positions on issues or a third party!

The only ‘compromising’ we can afford anymore is how much of the behemoth federal government is being dismantled this year; how much is being dismantled next year; and so-on until we have our Constitutional government back protecting our lives and liberties!

But right now, all of us need to take the oath Clint Didier took at our Tax Day Tea Party Rally, April 14th, 2012, and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence took in 1776: “We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to this nation and it’s Constitution! Then we need to educate, educate, educate!

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