Saturday, April 7, 2012

"It's Bush's Fault! Again?

“It’s Bush’s Fault!” Again?
by Leon Howard

According to this feckless administration, it is G.W. Bush’s fault the GSA spent $822,000.00 on their “retreat” in 2010 … Let me see .. hmmmm .. Mr. Bush left office in January 2009 and this GSA retreat was in the summer of 2010, at least 1-1/2 years after Bush returned to Texas but it’s his fault the GSA spent over $800,000.00 in 2010?!?

Then this clueless administration went on to explain that the GSA began escalating their spending under G.W. Bush and it was just a continuation under Obama – The other point they wanted to make was that we should be thankful the Obama administration found it – After the fact! I could be thankful had these idiots found it before these greedy employees spent it but not after the money is spent!

One resignation so far, a few on “paid leave” until they sort this debacle out but who in the hell approved the retreat budget in the first place?

Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t try to make excuses for either Bush – I don’t like either one of them! They both sent our military into harm’s way in “wars” we had no business being in – You remember Iraq in 1990, to free Kuwait – What was our stake there? Then there was the invasion of Iraq, called Iraqi Freedom that we’re still involved in since 2003! I’m not going to go into our stupid foreign policy in this Blog; I am just explaining why I am not a ‘fan’ of either Bush!

The Bush, Jr. administration screwed up on the GSA retreats also but that does not excuse this bumbling fool and his administration in office today! Obama, by any common sense standard, is by far the worst president the United States has ever been saddled with and he refuses to accept responsibility for anything!

They say this dirt bag is extremely intelligent – How do they know that? Has anybody seen his school transcripts from Elementary School, High School, Harvard or Columbia? No! He has spent over $2 Million having all his records sealed! Why? And where did he get $2 Million? His books only made him $1 Million – I wonder if Soros will ever clean out that storage shed he had the books put in to?

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