Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Liberal" or "Conservative"?

“Liberal” Or “Conservative”
By Leon Howard
I read an interesting article about the school in Union Grove, Wisconsin, was “teaching” political philosophy to 8th Graders … Without any further reading, my first thought was, “Why teach political philosophy to 12 and 13 year-olds?” Politics is the furthest thing from their impressionable minds, which answered my question of why … It’s not “teaching”; it’s indoctrinating!
I read the rest of the article and was not disappointed in my first reaction … They were lying about both sides but, of course, indoctrinating against conservatism! Political philosophy cannot be a theme of education in public schools; it is unfair for teachers, publicly-paid, to indoctrinate about anything! Their job is to teach how to think; not what to think! We can thank the teachers’ unions and the Dept. of “Education” for the ‘dumbing-down’ of generations of our children to further the reliance on Big Government!
What did they say that was so bad about conservatives? It’s what they said about both political philosophies and the setting in which they said it I find so offensive. ‘Conservatism’ was described as:
“The political belief of preserving traditional moral values by restricting personal freedoms and encouraging prosperity through economic freedom.”
Liberalism’ was described as:
“The political belief of equality and personal freedom for everyone, often changing the current system to increase government protection of civil liberties.”
According to their indoctrination, conservatives want to restrict personal freedoms and liberals believe in ‘equality’ and ‘personal freedom for everyone’, changing government to increase government protection of ‘civil liberties’. What a pile of crap! This indoctrination is done for the sole purpose of making the Republicans look like the enemy and the Democrats look like the nation’s “heroes” … This has nothing to do with “conservatives” and “liberals” but has everything to do with brain washing our children to be ‘good citizens’ and think in the ‘collective’!
First of all: The Republican Party needs no help to establish themselves as enemies of Liberty but the same can be said of the Democrat Party; they are even worse enemies of Liberty! Understand this, I am referring to the political parties “leadership” much more-so than the members of the parties.
The GOP “leadership” is made up of progressives, neo-cons, and RINO’s … Not conservatives!
The Democrat “leadership” is made up of progressives, which is another name for socialists and communists … Not liberals! defined conservatism as:

“The disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.”

“A political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change.”

The online Merriam-Webster dictionary defined conservatism as:

“A political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs.” defined liberalism as:
“A political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.”
Merriam-Webster dictionary defined liberalism as:
“A political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically: such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class).”
Now we can discuss which philosophy better fits a representative republic; not the abomination we call the federal government today … It has little resemblance to the republic established in 1787!
But, before we do that, I need to say that we must stop the government from indoctrinating our children! If we don’t, this nation is doomed to fail and become a dictatorship! Our children must learn our founding documents and fully understand what self-governance means and the responsibilities they must assume to remain a free man or woman. To do this, we must take back control of our local schools from the government! Our battle for this might be insurmountable with these 2 political parties because their sole purpose is to gain total control of the people and what better way than through the perversion of our education system!
We must recognize and accept that there is evil in this world – Always has been and always will be. We must also recognize and accept, as our founding fathers did, that humans are flawed; we make decisions that are wrong and that is why the Constitution was crafted the way it was: To minimize the damage those decisions can make. Our founding fathers, the crafters of our Constitution created a limited federal government with the legislative branch having the most power. It was the legislative branch, specifically the House of Representatives, that was to create the budget of the government and the Senate to vote it up or down with and without amendments. The finalized spending bill then went to the Executive Branch for signature or veto. The President could not spend the money allocated by the legislative branch for any other purpose but what the budget allowed him/her to. The President could elect not to spend allocated money but it remained in the federal treasury until the next budget round. The third branch was to be the weakest: the Judiciary … What a flagrant lie that has become! The judiciary is supposed to “serve at the pleasure of” the other legislative branch and concurrence of the Executive Branch. The U.S. Supreme court’s decisions were to be used as “advisories” to the legislative branch; they were not to dictate to the legislature! The Court was to base its decisions on “original intent” of the founders, not ‘case law’ and ‘precedent’ because, in most cases, case-law and precedent go against the very intent of original intent!
I don’t have the answers to these problems but I am able to identify them. The answers will come from the people recognizing the problems and discussing solutions with no help from the GOP or Democrats because, along with this behemoth federal government, they are the problem!

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