Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Order Over Liberty!"

Order Over Liberty!

“ORDNUNG UBER FREIHEIT!” “Order over Liberty!”  The mantra of the socialist, Nazi, communist, Marxist, and dictator. It always has been and always will be until we exterminate this mind-set! I’m not suggesting these people be killed, as they would like to do to all fiscal conservatives; I’m suggesting we have to get better at explaining the truth – Those I spoke of have become experts at presenting the lies as truth!

Nothing trumps liberty! The one thing we must never forget and must relay to our friends and family, always, is that liberty cannot coexist with socialism, Nazism, communism, or dictators! Does that mean we lose our liberty right away? Yes and no; we will instantly lose the right to keep and bear arms because none of the political structures mentioned will allow the people a way to defend themselves against the “will of the collective”. Order over liberty is their mantra; an armed populace isn’t conducive to an “orderly society”.

The people’s God-given rights become “rights” granted by the government; in other words, our rights become privileges granted or revoked at the whim of the government. Our “right” to protest will probably be allowed until it no longer allows “order” – And in other cases, according to the evolution of the political state, protest will be met with violence and death by the government. Every time a nation has gone under a dictatorship or oligarchy for socialism and communism, it has reverted to extermination of religions, ethnicities, or races deemed “enemies of the state” but prior to the exterminations, the populace was disarmed – Mr. Obama and the Democrats, along with many RINOs in Congress are attempting that as I write this article.

But, you say, they’re only going after the assault rifles and high capacity magazines – Two things I would say to you: (1) Read the proposed legislation from Feinstein; it involves a lot more guns than reported by the “lamestream media” and, (2) If they are successful in passage of this ban, many guns are required to be surrendered or confiscated by the government – If they were successful with that, how soon do you think it would be before they outlawed the rest of  the guns? Don’t fall for it! They want to impose their will on the people and the only way that happens is if we are defenseless!

To paraphrase what Pastor Martin Niemöller said during Nazi Germany’s terror: “First they came for the assault rifles and I said nothing because I could see no use of them for hunting and, besides, I didn’t own one; then they came for the semi-auto pistols and I said nothing because I didn’t own one; then they came for the revolver and I said nothing because all I owned was a pump shotgun; then they came after the shotgun and there was nobody left to protest …” That is our near future if we allow these bans to be enacted into “law”!

I maintain the best, fairest economic system is the free-enterprise system and the best proven political system is the original republic government established by our Constitution, but the system in place in the United States today, has little resemblance to that republic established in 1787. None of the 3 branches of government resemble or practice their Constitutional responsibilities! How did this happen and when did it start?

The last President to allow himself to be “chained by the limits of the Constitution” was Thomas Jefferson and he thought he had violated it by the Louisiana Purchase and there are 2 schools of thought on that issue but he did not try to usurp the power of the Congress as we see with the current administration.

The first real violations of the Constitution came under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln and the “radical” Republican Congress: Unconstitutional export taxes on southern cotton led to the secession of the southern states and the War Between the States. Instead of trying to assure free trade between the several states, the Republicans enacted a tax to punish the south and the War virtually destroyed the Tenth Amendment! We could spend hours debating the honorability of both sides but that is not the purpose of this article.

Before and during the War Between the States, the federal government began picking the winners and losers of business. Using the excuse of “opening up the West”, they rewarded two wealthy railroads for building the transcontinental railroad, connecting east and west. Was the railroad a good thing? Certainly but why pay exorbitant fees for every mile of track laid, instead of letting it out for bid, if you felt the government should “own” it? Wouldn’t it have been better to let the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific build the road for their own profit instead of letting the government, in their “infinite wisdom”, destroy the railroad?

This led to every hair-brained idea being lobbied for to Congress – They began picking the winners and losers by the money granted and loaned to the winner/losers. Corruption always begins with the best of intentions but ends as corruption anyway .. If taxpayer money is involved, there is always corruption involved – That is because government has a less than stellar record for picking the right technology or company and that is because the “picking” depends on who spends the most on members of Congress!

“We have the best government money can buy.” Is the adage and it is truer than most want to believe – If you didn’t get a chance to see “BoomTown” on the Sean Hannity Special, take 40 minutes and watch: http://lonelyconservative.com/2013/01/video-sean-hannity-special-boomtown/  The two guys who compiled the corruption, on video, Stephen Bannon and Peter Schweizer, exposed how the politicians in Washington, D.C., use our money to enrich themselves as well as lobbyists, government contractors and other special interests. Seven of the top ten richest counties in the United States are in the D.C. area, even though the city doesn’t produce anything. The “business model” there is government and extracting money from the taxpayers.
If you don’t have 40 minutes to watch the whole thing, check out the write-ups of the special at American Thinker and Big Government.

“Order over liberty!” If they can keep us orderly, the corruption will continue, unabated, until there is nothing left for our children, grandchildren, and future generations – We are so close to that today, we may not be able to pull our nation back from the precipice!

Our corruption problems have been compounded by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, an unconstitutional “law”, usurping the duty and constitutional responsibility of our money from Congress to a faceless, unaccountable corporation made up of banking families from the U.S. and Europe! Congress created another “central bank” – A concept that had failed twice in our nation’s young history. Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist, wanted a strong central government and a central bank – He got the central bank while he was Treasury Secretary under George Washington and it failed after a few years.

Thomas Jefferson was against the central bank: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." This is from a letter written to Sec. of Treasury Albert Gallatin in 1802 and later published in The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)

From the banking history, we get this from Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.” Is it any wonder Thomas Jefferson held those reservations? But the ‘progressives’, with Woodrow Wilson as President, were only interested in gaining power over the people.

As you can see, our corruption isn’t just one faction, one group, or one party; it is and has been a concerted effort by both political parties, in conjunction with the international banking families, and the career politicians to rob the American people of their wealth so as to enslave them to “the State” in a socialist utopia! We, the People, created this animal called the ‘career politician’ to the point they feel revered – Almost king-like, they pass “laws” to destroy our freedoms and exempt themselves from those laws.

“But, why?!” They know in their heart of hearts they are less qualified than us but because we keep returning them to office, they begin to feel they are not only smarter than us but they are better than us – We let them believe this because we treat them like they are the boss! We, through apathy and ignorance, have allowed these entities to turn our republic upside-down; literally!

To fully understand what steps we must take to re-establish the republic, we must first understand how the republic was created. Through prayer – a lot of prayer – our founders realized the form of government that needed to be established had never been tried before: Self-governance! Anytime a politician tells you the ‘great experiment’ of our founders was democracy, you are justified in telling them they are lying! But these two parties have been trying to establish us as a democracy to get us to their ultimate goal: “Ordnung Uber Freiheit!” “Order over liberty” is the ‘politically correct’ way to say slavery and that is their ultimate goal!

Self-governance means you are the sovereign – You are the king or queen of your castle and your life! But to leave it that way would be anarchy and that couldn’t succeed so we, you and I, would cede limited powers to the government to protect all the sovereigns. This protection wasn’t just protection from other sovereigns but ‘from enemies foreign and domestic.’ Our founders greatest fear was the government getting so powerful that it would enslave the people – Remember, they fought and shed blood to end slavery from England and the king. They made this evident in our founding documents; in the Declaration of Independence, it was summed up this way: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …

In the Preamble of the Constitution, they explain this very well: “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Do not get lost in the inequity of ‘slavery’ being practiced here at the time of these documents being created; slavery was practiced throughout the world, at that time, and is still practiced in the world today, most noticeably in the middle east and parts of Asia. Yes, it was a cruel practice and civilized nations don’t buy and sell humans today.

Looking at the construction of the different levels of government our founders created; it should look like this:
Sovereigns (The “Bosses” = you and me)
County Government (Servants to the People)
State Government (Sovereign over Federal – 10th Amendment)
Federal Government (Limited power through Constitution)

That is certainly not the way government operates today so, how do we turn it around and re-establish our republic? Tis a puzzlement – In everyday life, it is pretty well established that 10% of any given profession or people are a**holes but, in government that isn’t the case. In Congress, there are only 10% true citizen legislators and 90% a**holes! So, short of having a firing squad for 391.5 of these jerks, I’m open for suggestions! (That is meant as humor so, please, don’t start shooting them – Yet!) LOL!!

We need to adopt our own mantra as liberty-loving patriots and I suggest we can use: Nichts Trümpfe Freiheit!” “Nothing trumps liberty!”  

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