Who Do They Work
by Leon Howard
“Last week Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., a member of her party's
leadership, said if there was no deal by January, her party would be willing to
let all the tax cuts expire to pressure Republicans to give ground. Republicans
immediately accused Democrats of being willing to raise taxes on everyone as
the price for prevailing.”
After reading the preceding statement, my friend,
Ethan, asked, “Who does she work for?” A pretty good question and is at the
crux of the problem we have in this nation – A problem that has put us on the
brink of disaster!
Who do they work for? If you
listen to them, they work for us, we the People – But do they? I contend they
do not work for We, the People; instead they have morphed into working for “the
Party” and to hell with the People!
But if the Democrats work for their party doesn’t
that mean they’re working for their fellow Democrats? And if the Republicans
are working for their party doesn’t that mean they’re working for fellow
Republicans? The short answer is NO!!
Both parties have morphed into their own power
structure – The very thing our founding fathers warned us against! George
Washington, in his Farewell Address, said, “All
obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations,
under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control,
counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted
authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal
tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and
extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation
the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the
community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to
make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous
projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans
digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.
However combinations or associations
of the above description may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely,
in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning,
ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the
people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying
afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
Towards the preservation of your
government, and the permanency of your present happy state, it is requisite,
not only that you steadily discountenance irregular oppositions to its
acknowledged authority, but also that you resist with care the spirit of
innovation upon its principles, however specious the pretexts. One method of
assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which
will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be
directly overthrown.
….Let me now take a more
comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful
effects of the spirit of party generally.
This spirit, unfortunately, is
inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the
human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less
stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is
seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.
The alternate domination of one faction over
another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which
in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is
itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and
permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline
the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an
individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able
or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes
of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.”
Why didn’t we listen to President
Washington? Why didn’t we listen to any of our founding fathers? Arrogance?
Apathy? Stupidity? Ignorance? Probably all four of these but not in the way one
would think.
The political parties are very guilty
of arrogance and stupidity! The American People are guilty of apathy and
ignorance, in a great part due to the arrogance and stupidity of the
“Republicrats”! Through their arrogance and stupidity, they have violated one
of the oldest truisms: “POWER CORRUPTS – ABSOLUTE POWER
We, the People, have allowed the
Republicrats to create a ‘ruling class’ here in America and we allowed it
through apathy and ignorance! ‘Politicians’ think themselves above the laws
they write; in fact, they exempt themselves from the laws they create and treat
the People as ‘the unwashed’, to be watched out for and watched over. They know
they have created the Sheeple from the People! They pander to the ‘special
interest’ groups, pay “lip-service” to our founding documents, the Declaration
of Independence and the Constitution, and destroy the very documents they have
sworn to uphold and defend against enemies foreign and domestic! They do this
because the political parties have but one thought in mind: We must control it
all! The political parties are the true enemies of liberty!
It doesn’t matter whether we are
talking about the Republicans or the Democrats; their collective mindset is the
same: Absolute control over the lives of the citizens and absolute control over
the world! “That cannot be true!” You say. But it is! Oh, they use the nice
words about ‘peace in our time’ or ‘this tyrant has to be stopped’ or ‘It’s in
our national security interest’ but, in reality, they want to impose their
brand of ‘freedom’ on the world.
Case in point: Remember when George
W. Bush (the younger one) stated, “It is God’s mission for me to spread
democracy throughout the world!” and attacked, without provocation,
Iraq, and ‘freed’ the Iraqi people from the tyrant, Saddam Hussein? Oh, sure,
he got the U.N. to pass a resolution authorizing the attack on “Weapons of Mass
Destruction” but they never found any WMD’s – Bush and his administration
yelled, “Bad intelligence!” Really? How about dishonest
intelligence? How about planted intelligence by the
neo-conservatives who believe the United States should be telling the entire
world how to live?
Isn’t this just another case of not following the advice of
our founding fathers? Remember, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George
Washington all warned against alliances with nations – Thomas Jefferson summed
it up this way, "Peace,
commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with
Mr. Bush did is not a new tactic of the political parties, it has persisted
throughout our history: Create and enemy, demonize that enemy with truth,
half-truths, or fiction (Truth is ‘optional’ when creating an enemy), tell the
lies often enough and the People will believe it, and, VoilĂ ! you have a ‘new
enemy’! An enemy the People will allow you to attack with impunity!
in point: President Andrew “Stonewall” Jackson, a Democrat, felt it was time to
encourage the People to open the West for expansion; after all, President
Thomas Jefferson had made the Louisiana Purchase from the French and, because
of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, the West was a treasure trove of natural
resources to be used by the new nation.
until Jackson, the nation followed Thomas Jefferson’s ploy for the Native
Americans: Assimilation – By teaching the native tribes about the modern
society of the time, many would abandon their old culture for the new. But the
process was too slow for the expansion so, Jackson decided it would be much
faster if he moved the native tribes onto reservations like cattle so they
could be controlled. But, to accomplish this task, Jackson had to recreate them
as the new enemy!
did Jackson accomplish that? The native Americans were a very stoic people, not
showing emotion when dealing with the ‘white man’ so – wait for it – That means
they cannot cry so they must be savages and not completely human! Insane?
Certainly but it proved effective and allowed the westward expansion without,
first, settling with the tribes across the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers!
First, Jackson rounded up, what was called: “the civilized tribes” – The 7
tribes of the Cherokee nation were moved from the southeastern United States to
the Oklahoma Territory and promised that ‘the Great White Father’ would take
care of them as he would his own children – Many Cherokees died on that forced
march to Oklahoma called “The Trail of Tears”.
that success, the expansion began and the settlers had to fight the tribes in
their way across the country – A soon as a American family or wagon train was
attacked, the government would send in the U.S. Cavalry; they would come to the
rescue, subdue the warring tribe, make a treaty (the government never kept) and
moved the tribes to ‘reservations’ and the West was settled. Justified? No, it
was just faster! The political parties begin dismantling our founding documents
by treating Native Americans as animals and not as equals! Jackson is credited
with creating the modern Democrat Party.
case: President Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, and his “Radical Republican
Congress wanted to “save the Union” and used the attack on Fort Sumter as the
excuse to send the Army of the Potomac into the newly formed Confederate States
of America. “But,” you say, “that war was fought to free the slaves.” Was
it? If that is the case, why wasn’t mentioned as a factor in the beginning
instead of over 2 years after the War Between the States began? Remember, the
victors write the history books, so you will only find real history if you
research it yourself! I am not here to defend the North or the South in this
bloody conflict because there’s enough blame on both sides!
made this conflict so detrimental to liberty; the first real attack on the Bill
of Rights, was the fact it literally destroyed the 10th Amendment,
States Rights! And by gutting the 10th Amendment, the political
parties eliminated one of the built-in “checks & balances” to rein-in a
central government from overreach!
the war, Congress, again exceeded it’s Constitutional authority by authorizing
the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, giving away, as a carrot,
“government-owned” land … When did the U.S. government purchase any land west
of the Mississippi? Where in the Constitution does it give the federal
government any power to own land beyond that needed for Washington, D.C.,
forts, arsenals, and post offices? Until the War Between the States, the
federal government owned no lands more than authorized by the Constitution –
Other than the Louisiana Purchase and Seward’s Folly (Alaskan purchase), when
did Congress ever spend any of the Treasury for additional lands?
“Andrew ‘Stonewall’ Jackson” and his ‘ethnic cleansing’ of native Americans off
their lands and onto government reservations – The ‘radical Republican Congress’ stole
the lands from the native Americans and gave it to the capitalists who
risked their money to build the railroad! Not much ‘risk’ when you’re
guaranteed thousands of acres that you spent no capital on – This was America’s
first redistribution of wealth! By the Democrats? No, by the Republicans! But
remember, this reformation of our Republic has been done and is being done by both
political parties!
case: President McKinley, a Republican, and his Republican majority Congress
used the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine as the main excuse to go to war against
Spain; the battle cry: “Remember the Maine – To Hell with Spain!” To this day,
we do not know why the Maine sank in Havana Harbor but it was America’s first
entrance into the expansion of offshore territories; something our founding
fathers would never have condoned. We “freed” Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the
Philippines; acquiring Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines as territories.
This was the nation’s first time meddling in other nation’s problems – Another
thing our founding fathers warned against! Why didn’t we listen? The political
parties make another change to the founders’ intent in international affairs!
Roosevelt, a Republican, successfully energized the GOP base as a highly
visible campaigner to reelect President William McKinley on a
platform of high tariffs, the gold standard, imperialism, prosperity
at home and victory abroad. He assumed the mantle of President with the assassination
of William McKinley and attempted to move the Republican Party (GOP) toward
including trust busting
and increased
regulation of businesses. Roosevelt coined the phrase "Square Deal" to
describe his domestic agenda, emphasizing that the average citizen would get a
fair share under his policies. Scholars consistently rate him as one of our
greatest Presidents but then, most ‘scholars’ are of a socialist/communist bent
anyway. The fact Teddy Roosevelt was an Imperialist and a ‘progressive’ puts
him on plane with Karl Marx; besides the fact this man repeatedly said he
couldn’t understand why he had to follow the Constitution does not endear him
to any lover of liberty! Teddy Roosevelt represents the political parties
further intervention in free enterprise (picking winners & losers) and the
real beginning of corruption of our government!
Next comes President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat,
and with the assistance of both major parties, signed the 16th and
17th Amendments to the Constitution, plus enacted the Federal
Reserve Act, creating an unconstitutional central bank! This President’s term
in office will always be looked on as the main destruction of our
Constitution’s “checks & balances” to maintain a small federal government!
Both political parties made themselves more powerful than the People, whose
contract with the government the Constitution is! With the 16th
Amendment, the Congress circumvents Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 3, to allow
for direct taxation of personal income! This was not allowed when the
Constitution was ratified. By enacting the 17th Amendment, the
political parties further destroyed the 10th Amendment for States
Rights by making the Senators a popular election position, instead of the
Protector of States Interest – This has proven to be a further erosion of the
Constitution and it’s envisioned small federal government!
Not to be outdone, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a
Democrat, used the Great Depression as an excuse to control business and spend
tax money creating government jobs that do not last! After 8 years of this
inane spending, his Treasury Secretary, Henry
Morgenthau Jr., stated, “We have tried
spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does
not work. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a
job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our
promises. I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much
unemployment as when we started. … And an enormous debt to boot!”
Why didn’t FDR listen to him? Because
he was doing exactly what he wanted: Redefine this nation to socialism and
install himself as the Dictator … Why else would he propose a “new Bill of
Rights” saying it was a ‘right’ to have a home and a job? Because if he had
convinced the American People these ‘rights’ granted by a benevolent government
were more substantial than our God-given rights, the Constitution would have
been replaced! Why, even now, do both political parties speak of FDR as the
best president of the last century?
Simple. By exaggerating FDR’s ‘success’
creating jobs and saving us from the depression, it gives the ‘record’ to
create more government and more bureaucracy, robbing us of our own self-reliance
and, over time, our God-given liberties! Most economists will tell you that
FDR’s spending policies exacerbated and extended the Great Depression by 8
Another thing both parties learned
during this time period was: “Never let an emergency go to waste!”
Just what does that mean? During an emergency, the sheeple will accept more
restrictions on their liberties and more intrusiveness by the government! It
allows them the ‘grow’ the government and bureaucracy at an accelerated pace;
thus making the sheeple more dependent on government for their basic
Luckily for the nation, FDR didn’t
live through his 4th term and, at the end of WWII, the Congress woke
up to the real threat of a man like FDR becoming “President for Life” (a
dictator) and passed the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, not
allowing more than 2 terms as President.
The government continued to grow
after WWII, even though we had Presidents warning us – Dwight D. Eisenhower, a
Republican, warned the American People to guard against the “military
industrial complex”; John F. Kennedy, A Democrat, warned us not to look to
government for a safety net when he uttered his famous quote: “Ask not
what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!”
Ronald Reagan, a Republican, warned us: “If we ever forget
that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under!” “Freedom is never more than one generation away
from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must
be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” We are at that
crossroad today: I don’t think we passed it on to our kids so we have got to
educate them but our challenge is to pass freedom on to our grandchildren or it
will be gone! But, again, we fail to listen! Or is it we failed to hear? – We
comes President Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, and with the help of both
parties, declared War on Poverty, creating the “Welfare State” and we have
spent the better part of 47 years trying to make the system function – It
doesn’t and it never can! It was sold to us as helping our fellow man but, in
reality, it created a greater dependence on government – The intention all
along by both parties. It created the New Plantations for black Americans, with
the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Rev. Wright preaching “victimism”!
We are over 3 generations in dependency and the poverty level (number of people
on welfare) is higher in numbers and slightly higher in percentage than before
this “War” was started!
one lesson we should learn from this social experiment is: “The poor will
always be with us!” And the only thing we can do is get government out of the
way so the entrepreneur can create a ‘better mousetrap’ without interference –
If we can learn that, those who want to succeed will have the opportunity to do
so and the ‘slugs’ will exist, barely, and it is not our fault!
with the exposure of the treachery of both political parties because it
next villain to liberty was George H.W. Bush (the 1st Bush) whose
administration used lies to get our troops into the first Gulf War, called
“Desert Storm” – Why were we there? In reality, we were there for big oil – Our
government is still trying to pick the winners and losers! But they used
stories of rape and savagery in the hospitals to win the American People over
to “saving” Kuwait from Saddam Hussein.
the end of that incursion, Bush announced his real agenda when he said, “This
is the beginning of the ‘New World Order’!” Really? What’s that? Something the
‘progressives’ have been trying to establish since Teddy Roosevelt: One World
Government with the President being the Supreme Ruler of the world! Bush
furthered his agenda when signed he the “1992 Rio Declaration on Environment
and Development”, approving the United Nations “Agenda 21”, which calls for the
world-wide reduction in human population of 85%! Our Senate would not approve
this treaty and it was set up so they didn’t need a treaty to implement – It is
being implemented by our regulatory agencies; specifically, the EPA and the
Dept. of the Interior!
first implementations were by Executive Order to the Environmental Protection
Agency by then President Bill Clinton! President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, had
a Republican Congress, with Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House. Why didn’t
the Republicans rescind this Executive Order? Once again, both parties
participate in the calculated demise of our Republic because they feel they’re
smarter than us, wiser than us, and know what’s best for us – They aren’t
smarter or wiser and they don’t know better but that is the mindset of the
elitist progressive! In their mind, we are truly “sheeple” rather than the
have already exposed the junior Bush’s steps to quash our liberties so I won’t
go there again.
brings us to the current President: Barack Hussein Obama, a Democrat, who began
his term in office with an almost veto-proof Congress and by “hook or crook”
(mostly crook) shoved socialized medicine down the throats of the American
People, spent a $Trillion to “stimulate” the economy with government jobs! And
just like the Great Depression, it didn’t work to stimulate the economy and it
wasn’t meant to – He wanted the money spent to rack up the national debt; in
fact, in his first year in office, he spent more than all preceding Presidents
had since George Washington!
Bush’s T.A.R.P. legislation in 2008, and Obama’s stimulus spending and the
socialized medicine enraged the populace to rise up with the Tea Party movement
in February, 2009, and changing a portion of the Congress in 2010, putting the
brakes on the total socialization of the United States!
brings us to this Pretender to the White House, Barack Hussein Obama! BOTH
parties are complicit in this egregious “administration” even getting started! Article II, Section 1, ¶ 5 “No Person except a natural born citizen,
or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this
Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any
Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty
five Years, and been fourteen years a Resident within the United States.” Because
Barack Hussein Obama is not a ‘natural born citizen’, he is not qualified to be
President and the Republicans will not pursue it and have him removed from
office! All this ‘to-do’ about where Mr. Obama was born is a distraction; a
distraction from the truth! The truth is: It doesn’t matter where Obama was
born, his father was a British Subject, a Citizen of Kenya, therefore, This
pretender to the White House is not a ‘natural born citizen’ because the
definition of a ‘Natural Born Citizen’ is: From the "Law of Nations" (1758): "The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of
parents who are citizens.
As the society can not exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the
children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the
condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The
society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own
preservation; and it is presumed, as a matter of course, that each citizen, on
entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members
CHILDREN." Now apply that to Obama's Father
being a Kenyan.
Rep. John Bingham of
Ohio, considered the father of the 14th Amendment, confirms that
understanding and the construction the framers used in regards to birthright
and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on
March 9, 1866:
" ... I find no fault with the introductory clause [S
61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution,
that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of
parents (plural, meaning two) not
owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your
Constitution itself, a natural born citizen..."
Bingham is also
quoted saying in the Spring of 1868 some serious warnings:
"May God forbid that the
future historian shall record of this day's proceedings, that by reason of the failure of the legislative power of the
people to triumph over the usurpations of an apostate President, the fabric of
American empire fell and perished from the earth!...I ask you to
consider that we stand this day pleading for the violated majesty of the law,
by the graves of half a million of martyred hero-patriots who made death
beautiful by the sacrifice of themselves for their country, the Constitution
and the laws, and who, by their sublime example, have taught us all to obey the
law; that none are above the law..."
Minor v. Happersett
(1874) 21 Wall. 162, 166-168
'At common law, with the nomenclature of
which the framers of the constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that
all children born in a country, of parents (plural) who were its citizens (plural), became themselves, upon their birth,
citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as
distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further, and
include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction, without reference to
the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been
doubts, but never as to the first. For the purposes of this case, it is
not necessary to solve these doubts. It is sufficient, for everything we
have now to consider, that all children, born of citizen parents (plural), within the jurisdiction, are themselves
citizens.' "Minor v. Happersett (1874) 21 Wall. 162, 166-168.
U. S. v Wong Kim Ark
(1898) , the court thoroughly discussed "natural born citizen," and Justice
Gray quoted from Minor v. Happersett
The cases importance is that it is
the first case decided by the Supreme Court that attempts to explain
the meaning of "natural born citizen" under Article II, Section 1,
Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution. Natural born citizen is similar to the
meaning of what a natural born subject is under Common Law in England and why
the framers specifically included a grandfather clause (natural born Citizen
OR a Citizen of the United States, at the time of adoption of this
Constitution) as the founding fathers needed to grandfather clause
themselves in, in order to be president because they were British
subjects. The holding in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark states that Wong Kim Ark is
a native born citizen and NOT natural born. If you look at the fact of
Wong Kim Ark being born in San Francisco, CA, of foreign (Chinese)
parents, therefore was not 'natural born'.
Perkins v. Elg's (1939) importance is that it
actually gives examples of what a "natural born citizen" of the U.S.
is; what a "citizen" of the U.S. is; and what a "native born
citizen" of the U. S.
In this case, the U. S. Supreme Court decided the
same as in prior case law that a "natural born citizen" is a person
who is born of two U.S. citizen parents (plural)
AND born in the mainland of U.S.
Citizen: On cross appeals,
the Court of Appeals affirmed the decree, 69 App.D.C. 175, 99 F.2d 408.
Certiorari was granted, December 5, 1938, 305 U.S. 591, 59 S.Ct. 245, 83 L.Ed.
--. First.-- On her birth in New York, the plaintiff became a citizen of the
United States. Civil Rights Act of 1866: Ms. Elg was found to be a
"citizen" because she was born in the mainland USA (New York)
Native Born citizen: This principle was clearly stated by Attorney General
Edwards Pierrepont in his letter of advice to the Secretary of State Hamilton
Fish, in Steinkauler's Case, 1875, 15 Op.Atty.Gen. 15. Steinkauler, a Prussian
subject by birth, who emigrated to the United States in 1848 and was
naturalized in 1854, and had a son who was born in St. Louis the following
year. 4 years later Steinkauler returned to Germany taking this child and
became domiciled at Weisbaden where they continuously resided. When the son
reached 20 years of age the German Government called upon him to report for
military duty but his father then requested intervention of the American Legation
on the grounds that his son was a "native citizen of the United
States". On reviewing the pertinent points in the case, including the
Naturalization Treaty of 1868 with North Germany, 15 Stat. 615, the Attorney
General reached the following conclusion: 'Young Steinkauler is a native-born
American citizen. Mr. Steinkauler was found to be a "native born
citizen" because he was born in the mainland USA (St. Louis)
Born Citizen: U. S. Supreme Court's Relevant Facts: Miss Elg was born
in Brooklyn, New York, on October 2, 1907. Her parents, who were natives
of Sweden, emigrated to the United States sometime prior to 1906 and her father
was naturalized here in that year. In 1911, her mother took her to Sweden where
she continued to reside until September 7, 1929. Her father went to Sweden in
1922 and has not since returned to the United States. In November, 1934, he
made a statement before an American consul in Sweden that he had voluntarily
expatriated himself for the reason that he did not desire to retain the status
of an American citizen and wished to preserve his allegiance to Sweden.
[Perkins v. Elg, 307 U.S. 325, 327 (1939).]
U. S. Supreme Court's
Holding: The court below, properly recognizing the existence of an actual
controversy with the defendants (Aetna Life Ins. Co. v. Haworth, 300 U.S. 227,
57 S.Ct. 461, 81 L.Ed. 617, 108 A.L.R. 1000) declared Miss Elg 'to be a natural
born citizen of the United States' (99 F.2d 414) and we think that the decree
should include the Secretary of State as well as the other defendants. [Perkins
v. Elg, 307 U.S. 325, 350 (1939).]
Rationale of the logic is as follows: The
U. S. Supreme Court in 1939 held that Elg was a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN because
she was born in Brooklyn, New York on October 2, 1907, her father was
naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1906 under the Naturalization Act of 1906, and
her mother derived her US citizenship in 1907 under the Expatriation Act of
1907 (federal statute) as proof, and being that, Elg
was born prior to the 19th Amendment, ratified on August 18, 1920, her status
was still tied to that of her husband.
Ms. Elg was found to be a
"natural born citizen" because she was born in the mainland USA (New
York) of TWO US citizen parents.
This all clearly shows: That a person can be a
"citizen" under the following circumstances:
Person was born of one citizen parent (Obama), or
2) Person was born in
the US mainland ("anchor babies"), or
3) Person was
naturalized (like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who most know is not eligible for
To be a "natural born citizen"
the person MUST be born in the US mainland of two US citizen
parents. (plural)
Obama is at best a citizen, but NOT
a 'natural born citizen' even IF he was born in the State
of Hawaii because he had only ONE U.S. citizen parent. (singular)
The obvious question is:
“Why aren’t the Republicans
challenging this obvious proof?” Do you think it’s because the “party
bosses” don’t care about the Constitution? Or do you think they might want to
run their own candidate who cannot qualify under the Constitution? My thought?
I think both those questions will be answered in the affirmative! The
Republican Party has been ignoring the Constitution since 1860, in part; the
Democrat Party has been ignoring the Constitution since 1828, so the “party
bosses” don’t care about the Constitution! And all the ‘talking heads’ and many
“party bosses” are talking of Marco Rubio as Romney’s V.P. pick. Senator Rubio
doesn’t qualify as a natural born citizen because his parents didn’t become
U.S. Citizens until 4 years after Marco was born in Florida – He’s closer than
Obama because his parents did become U.S. Citizens and Barack’s father never
tried to be a Citizen of the United States!
is the current fight we are waging: Even though the Republicans control the
House, the Democrats control the Senate so absolutely nothing has been repealed
and many of our ‘progressive’ enemies are still in both houses of Congress and
in both parties! Enemies like the Black ‘Progressive’ Caucus, John Boehner,
John McCain, and Harry Reid to name just a few.
there is hope! We replaced 86 House members in 2010, and, hopefully, we will
replace a bunch more this November! Make no mistake, this is a fight within the
Republican Party because the ‘progressives’ are still in control of the
Republican “sheeples” and they tend to vote for whomever their ‘leadership’
my state of Washington, the State Party ‘leadership’ is called the “Bellevue
Mafia” and is controlled by 2 politicians who haven’t held public office for 20
years but control the voting of what is termed the ‘lamestream’ Republicans.
What amazes me is these folks cannot figure out why they cannot win major state
offices but the grassroots can see what is wrong but have been unsuccessful in
ousting the ‘old guard’! That is what it will take or we will continue toward
the fiscal and moral cliff!
Democrats in my state are at least as bad off: They don’t have county
conventions – I guess they can’t make any changes or they are all sheeple – I
gave up on them years ago because they have been controlled by the wet side of
the state we call the “Left Coast”.
both parties are complicit in the demise of our liberties and the American
Dream. The American Dream used to be succeeding in business or at least having
the opportunity to succeed or fail – Today, because of the regulations on
business and labor, there is over 95% business failure so the Republicrats
changed the American Dream to owning your own home and they are even destroying
that with their ‘progressive’ agenda!
after thinking about the opening paragraph, where Patty Murray is listed as “a member of her party’s leadership …. ”
This is the same Patty Murray who has been voted the dumbest member of the
Senate almost every year she’s been in the Senate! I will add this caveat: If
Patty Murray is part of the Democrat’s ‘leadership’ then they should be renamed
the “Dumocrats”!