Thursday, May 31, 2012

Taxation – The Bane to Freedom!

Taxation – The Bane to Freedom!
By Leon Howard

"Taxes should be continued by annual or biennial reeactments, because a constant hold, by the nation, of the strings of the public purse is a salutary restraint from which an honest government ought not wish, nor a corrupt one to be permitted, to be free. ... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. ... The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife." … Thomas Jefferson

How far have we strayed from this axiom? The “Age of Enlightenment” – Oh, how we need the wisdom restored to our government! Strayed from it?! Hell, we’re not even on the same planet with it anymore!

The ‘progressives’ want to continue to create fiat money through a central bank and “tax & spend” us to prosperity – Do they actually believe that will work? Can’t they see they are obligating their children, as well as ours, with an unsustainable debt that will enslave them to the “money changers” in perpetuity?

The majority of Americans do not want the world which ‘progressives’ envision for us and are working to get the nation’s fiscal house in order – It won’t be easy! Keeping Thomas Jefferson’s axiom in mind, we are looking for a better way to tax and eliminate the “class warfare” the ‘progressive’ income tax has created. There are two (2) entirely different ideas out there and neither of them are perfect, nor do either get us back to what our founding fathers envisioned but one of these ideas eliminates the “class warfare” of the ‘progressive’ income tax but is “permanent” tax and will be a lot easier to monitor than the other idea.

I have studied both taxing proposals and have decided there really is but one choice and once you see the facts of each proposal, I think you will agree. There is the “Flat Tax” – The lobbyist for this proposal is Dick Armey, a former Congressman from Texas (did you ever notice that if you switch the vowel placement in Texas it becomes “Taxes”?). The other proposal is the FairTax – The lobbyist for this proposal is …. Why, it doesn’t have a lobbyist! This was my first clue that the FairTax was superior to the Flat Tax – The Flat Tax was being “lobbied” by a paid lobbyist; the only reason it is liked by lobbyists is because the Flat Tax can be lobbied for exemptions from Congress!

Why is that fact important? It is true that the Flat Tax rolls the clock back to what it was during WWII but what good is that when the Congress can change it anytime they want to? The old saying that “You have to have skin in the game” is exactly why a Flat Tax is doomed to failure – It is a tax that exempts the low wage earner; an honorable idea that always backfires – The low wage earners is more apt to ask the government for more and more “benefits” because he’s not paying the taxes! And Congress is always looking to be reelected so they create another “entitlement” and to pay for the entitlements, the flat tax is raised a little bit. The lobbyists see this as a way to get an exemption for a high-paying client to give the client a better standing in the market and because the Tax Code is still in effect, the Congress raise the taxes on others to make up the revenue lost from the lobbyists’ client! The Flat Tax just rewinds the tax clock; it is not real change!

The FairTax has no exemptions, period! Everybody pays the consumption tax every time they purchase new goods or services! It requires the repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, which will negate the Tax Code: 70,000 pages – That’ll save a few trees! Because there are no exemptions, there is nothing to lobby for and will put about half the lobbyists out of business. Halleluiah! and Amen!!

The FairTax will replace all other forms of federal taxation and replace it with this one Consumption Tax, or sales tax, levied on new products and services at “point of sale” – Now there’s a novel idea: A tax you can see! A tax that doesn’t reduce the size of your check! A tax levied on all to share in the costs of government!

The FairTax is “revenue neutral” – It doesn’t raise anymore money or any less money than the present system but generates enough to cover government services, Social Security, and Medicare!

It shifts the power back to the People and that’s what Congress doesn’t like! In reality, we have a one-body-politic with 2 heads: A jackass and an elephant, facing each other yelling, “It’s your fault!” They have no interest in what the People want from their servants because the parties now own the politicians! They vote the “party line” and cannot be concerned about what the People want because the “parties” are concerned only with their power! And George Soros owns the parties souls, funds all their “social engineering” and bad legislation!

But that’s another issue, not to be settled here!

Perfect tax system? No; none of them are. I am certain you can find “holes” in the FairTax so there can be “leaks” but with the present system – It’s a sieve! And has been used by both parties to reward their friends and punish their enemies since 1913, with the Tax Code! Under the FairTax, there is no tax code or exemptions so no more rewards or punishment; we are all “punished” fairly, or as fairly as any tax can be!

Please study the FairTax, become an advocate, and let’s force Congress to enact this much needed change!

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