Saturday, April 21, 2012

Where is the “Loyal Opposition” on Obama’s Eligibility?

Where is the “Loyal Opposition” on Obama’s Eligibility?
By Leon Howard

I was curious as to why we are hearing nothing from the “loyal opposition” about Barry Sorento’s eligibility to serve as the President of the united States of America so I asked – I do not like the answer I received!

As usual, when it comes to the Constitution, the Republican Party doesn’t care! It proves to me exactly what I have contended from the beginning of the Tea Party movement: Both parties are complicit in the usurping of power from the People to the political hacks in both parties! They could care less about our God-given liberties as long as they can control us!

I sent all of the evidence I received from the retired Marine Captain, Jake L. Martinez to my Representative Richard “Doc” Hastings (R), and our state’s Senators: Murray (D) and Cantwell (D) on March 25th – To date the only one who has responded is Doc Hastings! He might as well have ignored even responding for the non-response I received! “Political double-speak” from beginning to end! The “Grand Ol’ Party” has no interest in the overwhelming evidence that this requires a congressional investigation and impeachment proceedings!

How much don’t they care that Obama is totally ineligible? They are already talking about having Romney (the probable GOP candidate) pick Marco Rubio for his Vice-Presidential running mate! Marco Rubio isn’t eligible to be President of Vice-President – He is not a natural-born citizen! His Cuban parents hadn’t become U.S. citizens before Marco’s birth, therefore, he is not a natural-born citizen!

Why do they do this? The Republican ‘leadership’ doesn’t like or honor our Constitution any more than the Democrat ‘leadership’! In their ‘collective’ minds the Constitution is a hindrance to the “New World Order” President George H.W. Bush so proudly proclaimed at the end of “Desert Storm” – The One-World Government envisioned in Agenda 21! The only difference between the Democrat and Republican ‘leaderships’ vision for our ‘Progressive’ (communist) “Utopia” is the speed at which they are both going to the same ends!

There are a few good men and women in Congress but damned few! One of the better ones is Allen West from Florida and he finally uttered those words few would have the guts to utter about the ‘progressives’ – He called them communists because that is what they are and if they, the 81 House members he was referring to, want to deny that truism, them they are what Lenin referred to as “Useful Idiots”! So, with a few men and women of strong character and American ideals as their driving force, I hold out a little hope we can turn this freight train from the financial cliff we are headed for!

But now for a reality check: My generation (and so far, a small portion of my generation) has been jarred awake from our apathetic coma with the Bush-Obama spending spree and the purely communistic policies of the Obama administration so we are doing what we can to stem the rush to communism but we have an uphill battle ahead and we will not outlive the young communists in this nation – God will call us home before that happens! Who will step in and take up the mantle of liberty? Who will save the American dream and American exceptionalism?

What will it take to wake up my son’s generation? What will wake up my grandson’s generation? They need to join my generation now and make this a short and decisive revolution and show the ‘progressives’ for what they are so nothing but shame will be attached to the title ‘progressive’! How do we reach them? I am seeking ideas that will work and the Tea Party movement needs warriors to reach out to my son and grandsons’ generations to educate and prepare them to carry the fight to save our Republic from the oligarchy planned for us by the communists!

Unless the liberty-minded few in the Republican Party can wrest power away from the ‘progressives’, “moderates”, big business interests and milksops, we will never have a real voice in D.C. because, as it stands now, the GOP stands for nothing! They are the “lesser of two evils” and I, for one, am sick and tired of having to vote against somebody – We need the dismantling of both parties so candidates have to state their positions on issues or a third party!

The only ‘compromising’ we can afford anymore is how much of the behemoth federal government is being dismantled this year; how much is being dismantled next year; and so-on until we have our Constitutional government back protecting our lives and liberties!

But right now, all of us need to take the oath Clint Didier took at our Tax Day Tea Party Rally, April 14th, 2012, and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence took in 1776: “We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to this nation and it’s Constitution! Then we need to educate, educate, educate!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"It's Bush's Fault! Again?

“It’s Bush’s Fault!” Again?
by Leon Howard

According to this feckless administration, it is G.W. Bush’s fault the GSA spent $822,000.00 on their “retreat” in 2010 … Let me see .. hmmmm .. Mr. Bush left office in January 2009 and this GSA retreat was in the summer of 2010, at least 1-1/2 years after Bush returned to Texas but it’s his fault the GSA spent over $800,000.00 in 2010?!?

Then this clueless administration went on to explain that the GSA began escalating their spending under G.W. Bush and it was just a continuation under Obama – The other point they wanted to make was that we should be thankful the Obama administration found it – After the fact! I could be thankful had these idiots found it before these greedy employees spent it but not after the money is spent!

One resignation so far, a few on “paid leave” until they sort this debacle out but who in the hell approved the retreat budget in the first place?

Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t try to make excuses for either Bush – I don’t like either one of them! They both sent our military into harm’s way in “wars” we had no business being in – You remember Iraq in 1990, to free Kuwait – What was our stake there? Then there was the invasion of Iraq, called Iraqi Freedom that we’re still involved in since 2003! I’m not going to go into our stupid foreign policy in this Blog; I am just explaining why I am not a ‘fan’ of either Bush!

The Bush, Jr. administration screwed up on the GSA retreats also but that does not excuse this bumbling fool and his administration in office today! Obama, by any common sense standard, is by far the worst president the United States has ever been saddled with and he refuses to accept responsibility for anything!

They say this dirt bag is extremely intelligent – How do they know that? Has anybody seen his school transcripts from Elementary School, High School, Harvard or Columbia? No! He has spent over $2 Million having all his records sealed! Why? And where did he get $2 Million? His books only made him $1 Million – I wonder if Soros will ever clean out that storage shed he had the books put in to?

Friday, April 6, 2012

The War on Christianity – Enough, Revisited!

The War on Christianity – Enough, Revisited!

Remember how I ended yesterday’s Blog?

Christians are taught to turn the other cheek and I have tried to do that but my cheeks are so bruised … I will no longer turn the other cheek to a non-Christian who slaps me or my faith – I will be slapping back!

Speak out often; speak out loudly!!!

Obviously, other Christians have begun to ‘slap back’ and the stupid proposal by the Massachusetts Schools felt the heat:

God may once again bless the USA at Stall Brook Elementary.
The Bellingham, Mass., school, under fire for changing the lyrics of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” to “We Love the USA” for an upcoming fourth-grade concert, reversed course Thursday after drawing a backlash from parents and hints of legal threats from Mr. Greenwood, who penned the 1984 tune.
District Superintendent Edward L. Fleury acknowledged in a statement that “political correctness” was the motivation behind a proposed change, but the school ultimately decided against booting “God” from the song.
“Students will be allowed to sing or not sing ‘God Bless the USA.’ … No other words will be substituted,” he said. “We believe the use of the word ‘God’ is acceptable in patriotic songs. The district has no intent to censor any patriotic songs. We are certainly sorry if this approach was perhaps considered as disrespectful. That was never the intent.”
The incident, while seemingly minor, touched a nerve in the debate over the place of religion and references to God in public schools.
Advocates for the separation of church and state blasted Stall Brook Elementary for using the song at all. Others, including many parents who flooded Facebook and other social media with criticism of the school, saw the move as another act of censorship designed to wipe away all traces of God from the public arena.
Mr. Greenwood even weighed in, telling Fox News on Thursday that he wouldn’t allow the school to use his song if they planned to remove “God” from the lyrics.
“The most important word in the whole piece of music is the word ‘God,’ ” he said. “We can’t take God out of the song. We can’t take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance. We can’t take God off of the American currency.”
The debate is hardly new for the people of Massachusetts. Three years ago, an elementary school in the Bay State banned candy canes, stockings and other items associated with Christmas from its holiday gift shop, arguing that they promoted Christianity. Earlier this year, a family from Acton, Mass., sued its local school district and claimed the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance was discriminatory against nonbelievers.
“Massachusetts, obviously, is one of the most liberal states in the country. We’re leading the way in trying to push God out of the public square, trying to push even the very reference to God out of our public schools,” said Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute. “It’s political correctness run amok … and now we’re moving children down this path of moral oblivion.”
Whatever their intent, Bellingham district leaders have drawn intense scrutiny of next week’s gathering, meant to showcase fourth-graders’ knowledge of the nation’s 50 states.
Amid the uproar Thursday, school officials initially decided to remove all songs from the event. They later changed their minds and put Mr. Greenwood’s tune back on the lineup.
“They shouldn’t have introduced this song into the program at all,” said Alex Luchenitser, associate legal director for Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “When you have a religious song at a school event, that puts children who aren’t religious in a difficult position. The best way to keep controversies like this from arising is to keep religion out of formal school events. The school could have avoided all of this by not proposing a religious song in the first place.”
Apart from the word “God,” Mr. Greenwood’s song contains no religious, doctrinal or biblical references, instead presenting patriotism as a kind of civic religion.
In addition, almost all of the major U.S. patriotic songs - “America the Beautiful,” “God Bless America” “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and late verses of “America” and “The Star-Spangled Banner” - have at least a reference to God, and some have significantly more religious material.
By offering students a choice of whether to sing the song, the school is unlikely to find itself entangled in litigation, Mr. Luchenitser said.
“If the school is leaving it up to the students … that makes it harder to challenge this legally,” he said.

Of course, Mr. Alex Luchenitser, the idiot lawyer for “Americans United for Separation of Church and State, is pouting because they cannot challenge the students choice to sing the song – To which I offer a big toothy smile and an offer for him and his group to move to Iran if they are so worried America is becoming a theocracy! Of course we know that is just an excuse to remove God from everything American because they want us to join the New World Order – To which I offer another big toothy smile and my ‘other cheek’ – They can kiss it!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The War on Christianity - Enough!

The War on Christianity - Enough!

Have you had enough yet? I hope so because I’ve had it up to my eyebrows!

Now an elementary school in Massachusetts has changed Lee Greenwood’s song, “God Bless the U.S.A.” to “We Love the U.S.A.”!

It is my sincere hope that Mr. Greenwood sues the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Commonwealth’s Superintendent of Education, the Local School Board, the Principal of the elementary school, and the teacher who had the audacity to change the title and words to his most famous song – It is time to attack the secularists who would destroy this nation!

It is time we stand up and be counted! I am so-o-o tired of this war on Christianity! I want everybody to remember what Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

I try to remember what my Savior, Jesus Christ, said as he hung on the cross: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do!” But that’s not working for me anymore and for two good reasons: I am not perfect, as Christ is, and I do not believe the forces behind this war on Christianity are ignorant to what they are trying to do! Their sole purpose is to destroy the foundation this nation was established on – Freedom! Freedoms granted by our Creator; freedoms our founding fathers acknowledged from our Creator because they recognized the weaknesses of man. ‘Freedoms’ granted by a government are only privileges – Consider that for a moment and ask yourself this: “Would I still have the Bill of Rights if it were left to the government?”

That is the difference between ‘rights’ (freedom) and ‘privileges’ – Every day we see government trying to figure out ways to enslave us and erase our freedoms! The government wants to treat our freedoms as privileges so they can remove them to control us! God, on the other hand, granted us our freedoms because it has always been His desire that His people be free and it is spoken of frequently in the Bible.

The government we ‘loaned’ our powers to consistently have proven our founding fathers were the visionaries we used to study in school (but no longer does that happen!). To prove to you that the government is not our ‘friend’, consider this: When was the last time you heard any congressman, president, or judge recite the preamble to the Bill of Rights? If you can, you are older than I am (69) – So, assuming you have never heard the Preamble to the Bill of Rights, I present it to you in all it’s glory and understanding our founding fathers had of mankind:

The First 10 Amendments to the
Constitution as Ratified by the States
December 15, 1791
Congress OF THE United States
 begun and held at the City of New York, on Wednesday
the Fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
THE Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution
RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.:
ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.
The emphasis is mine in paragraph 1. The reason the people and the states felt the need for our Bill of Rights was because they feared elected officials would, eventually, do exactly what these past two administrations have been doing and are continuing to do: Diminish and steal our God-given rights to better control us and bring us into the New World Order, governed by unelected officials (elitists)! The best way to do that is to remove God, the Creator, from every aspect of American life, including government!

I am not advocating we become a theocracy, far from it; our founders left England for religious freedom – I want everybody to worship as they feel is appropriate for them or not worship at all; that is a personal decision and none of my business! – Neither is it your business as to how I worship; that is between me and the Lord! I point, once again to Patrick Henry: “It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

 The day we allow the last utterance of God to be removed from our everyday life; the day we allow these one-world government creeps to succeed in diminishing American exceptionalism, is the day the nation ceases to exist – That will not happen on my watch! So, if you do not like a patriotic, Christian song – Don’t listen to it; write your own song! Leave intact the original artist’s song because it had special meaning when he or she wrote it and that meaning doesn’t change, only the listener!

Christians are taught to turn the other cheek and I have tried to do that but my cheeks are so bruised … I will no longer turn the other cheek to a non-Christian who slaps me or my faith – I will be slapping back!

Speak out often; speak out loudly!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Obama Warns ‘Unelected’ Supreme Court Against Striking Down Health “Law”

Obama Warns ‘Unelected’ Supreme Court Against Striking Down Health “Law”
by Leon Howard

The “Chief Marxist In Charge” (CMIC for short) is trying his hand at Chicago thuggery tactics because it worked so well for him when he insulted the Supreme Court Justices at the ‘State of the Union’ address in 2010!

Showing himself to be scared to death his center-piece legislation will be ruled unconstitutional (as we, in our heart-of-hearts, knew to be unconstitutional)! The “Puppet Master” (Soros) is very upset the CMIC hasn’t been able to totally destroy the nation in his 3 years in office and there aren’t many more strings Mr. Soros can pull to turn us into a 3rd World Country so he is undoubtedly warning this Marxist regime that if he loses Obamacare, he (Soros) will be seeking new pastures to graze in – He always “pastures” (buys) both sides! If Obama loses to the Supremes (I pray most fervently!), Soros won’t waste any money of Obama; he’ll just buy the other side!

But what still amazes me is the number of people who still thinks Obama is doing a good job! I gotta go with George Carlin here: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that!”

But back to Obamacare and CMIC’s warning to the Court - “I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” Obama said. Does he really think there are enough stupid Americans to buy that can of crap? Perhaps the CMIC should pull his head from the position it is in and smell what he is trying to shovel out! (No explanations needed) What this idiot doesn’t want to understand is this the worst affront to our Constitution and he’s the jerk that wanted to confront the document because, like Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and F.D.R., “President” Zero hates our founding documents and will circumvent them at every opportunity – It is my sincere hope that the Supreme Court ‘bitch-slaps’ him and his cronies with their upcoming ruling on ‘Obamacare’!

The ‘man’ has earned my contempt, as he should have earned the contempt of every hard working American due to his ‘anti-colonial’ prejudice and his dash for the cliff with the nation’s economy. His father abandoned him before he was two and, because of his Marxist upbringing, he only knows the Marxist mantra: “Take from those who have, and redistribute to those who have not!” Now he wants to gain the respect of the father who abandoned him – He will not know if he has gained that respect until after the CMIC has died and goes to Islamic Paradise as all good Muslims deserve! Yes, I know he is a Muslim; not an apostate – He has never renounced Muhammad,  or Allah, the Arabian Moon God, or the Quran, or Sharia Law. In fact, in his book, Audacity of Hope, he states, “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Does that sound like a Christian?