Friday, January 7, 2011

The New Republican Revolution?

Well, we have a new Speaker of the House: John Boehner. “Princess” Nancy was dismissed by 19 of her Democrat Congressmen for the job as Minority Leader.

But let’s see what the GOP is doing: First, they announce they are going to read the Constitution before any business is conducted ~ This, I am certain, was to appease the Tea Party movement; I know I was duly impressed by this act because it has never been done before! It turned out to be an ‘act’ because they left out critical parts thinking they needed to be politically correct and destroyed the effect.

Why not read that slaves were only counted as 3/5ths of a man? Because it sounds racist? The southern slave states wanted to count slaves as a full person, while the northern states didn’t want to count them at all ~ Why? It makes the northern states appear racist but had they allowed the slaves to be counted as a full person, there would be no way to end slavery because the southern states would have had more votes and carried more weight in the House! In reality, it was “Step-One” to finally eliminate slavery but to not read it is to hide our mistakes.

They didn’t read the 18th Amendment but did read the 21st Amendment ~ Why? This was an attempt to legislate morality and it failed because you cannot legislate morality! Morality is a learned trait and you learn morality from your parents, your church, and you leaders! Do  not pretend mistakes weren’t made; it cheapens what the nation has become!

It appears the GOP is going to vote to repeal the egregious “Health Care Reform” (Obamacare); a promise made to the People. Even if they get the repeal passed in the Senate, Obama will undoubtedly veto the repeal and the GOP doesn’t have the 2/3 majority to override a veto and the GOP can start defunding aspects of this socialist program! The Republicans know they are on “probation” by the Tea Party movement so they’re trying to do enough to keep us happy but the “leadership” needs to listen to their Freshmen Congressmen because they’re carrying the Peoples’ message!

From Friday's (1/7/11) Spokesman-Review:

"I promised a more open process. I didn't promise that every single bill was going to be an open bill."
     House Speaker John Boehner.

I guess we will have to watch and see what he means by this statement but it had better not be that the GOP’s going to start making “back-room deals” and keeping their agenda secret from everyone; that isn’t what we sent them to D.C. for!

If there are Democrats willing to work with conservatives, then the GOP should work with them but if all they want to do is cause problems for the Peoples’ agenda, the GOP should ignore them and shove our agenda down the Democrats’ throats ~ Just like they did to the People with Obamacare, the “stimulus” bill, the bail-outs, and corporate take-overs!

Mr. Boehner and his GOP majority had better realize that to do the Peoples’ agenda, the conservatives are at war with the ‘progressives’! There can be no compromise on the Tea Party Principles because anything the ‘progressives can retain of their Marxist programs, they will count as a victory! They’ve been taking us down this road ever since Teddy Roosevelt, a little bit at a time so we wouldn’t see it and panic ~ No COMPROMISE!!! None! Nada!!! Nyet!!

If it cannot be repealed, it must be defunded! Obama cannot veto zero! Make him veto anything he wants to ~ If it is part of the Peoples’ agenda and he vetoes it, we will gain more conservatives in 2012, and he will be a one-term President!

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