Sunday, January 9, 2011

American Prosperity

The “class war” being promoted by the ‘progressives’ is being very effective among, what is supposed to be, the conservatives and should cause us all to pause, breathe slowly, and then evaluate statements like the following, which I copied off “America Speaking Out!”:

  • ·    Eliminate tax benefits for US companies that use outsourcing.
    ·      Increase taxes for US companies that choose to outsource.
    ·     Provide tax breaks for US companies that hire US workers in industries that typically outsource.

    ·     Strictly punish industries and companies that are caught employing illegal immigrants.

    ·      Immigration problems could be significantly reduced if employers found it extremely difficult to hire illegal immigrants and the risk of doing so was severe.

What is most disturbing about this is not that it was suggested on a supposedly conservative site but that the majority of people visiting the site are voting for it! Since when do conservatives punish small businesses for trying to survive? Why would anybody wish further harm to the economy? That is exactly what will happen if the Congress were to enact these bullet-points as “law”!

We have allowed the ‘progressives’ and environmentalists to totally deindustrialize America; our jobs went overseas because of a 35% corporate tax rate, environmental regulations that choked  companies to death with over-reaching regulation, and immigration law that hasn’t been rewritten since 1954!

Don’t blame the job creators; blame the job killers! We must first secure our southern border and, at the same time, take the time to rewrite the immigration law with a Guest Worker Program! That will stabilize our work force.

Next, we must change the tax laws and the only sane way to do that is with the FairTax Bill! The day after that bill is signed into law, we need to have a very large bonfire in front of the Capitol Rotunda! What will we burn? How about the entire U.S. Tax Code? Over 65,000 pages of the most regressive tax policy ever visited on the People and companies of the United States!

Can you imagine the power this one act would relinquish to the People and the States? No longer will you be singled out for a tax increase just because you are successful! No longer will you have to fear a phone call or letter from the IRS, informing you they are going to audit your honesty!

No longer will you have to worry about finding a job in the field you are educated in or have selected as your career! Why? Because the FairTax eliminates the 35% Corporate Income Tax – It becomes a 0% Tax – Can you imagine how many companies will want to be in business in the United States? Canada is saying they are going to reduce their Corporate Tax to 15% to attract new industry – I think 0% will attract more!

No longer would you have to distinguish between “Gross” and “Net” because their would be no Federal Deductions on you paycheck! No Federal Withholding, no FICA, no Medicare/Medicaid, no more Social Security withheld from you or your employer! FairTax covers it all!

You will no longer have to worry whether or not you’ll be able to keep the family farm/ranch with the 55% Estate Tax because under the FairTax, there is no Death Tax!

Two logical questions arise with the FairTax:

·      Why would Congress pass a law that would relinquish their power to freely tax the People anytime they wanted to?

They wouldn’t! We will have to educate the People and force the Congress to act on it! That’s looking better this session that in past sessions: Already this session, 55 Representatives have signed-on as co-sponsors and the session has just begun!

·      Wouldn’t the FairTax passage just mean that now we have the Consumption Tax and the Income Tax?

Actually, no! The FairTax Bill has companion legislation to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and “sunsets” in seven (7) years; which means, if 3/4th of the state legislatures doesn’t ratify the Repeal Amendment, the FairTax ends and the Income Tax is imposed again!

And can you imagine what the Governors will do if the federal government tries to impose an unfunded mandate on the states? My state’s governor loves big federal and state government but even she would have to option of saying: “Fine, you, Washington, D.C., want to impose this mandate (content of mandate unimportant), we just will not send the FairTax monies for this month and if you still have that unfunded mandate imposed on my state, we will withhold the FairTax monies again! We will continue to withhold the FairTax monies until you rescind the mandate!”

It makes me all warm and fuzzy when I think of a time, once again, where the states have their power back from the Nanny State!


There will be a FairTax “Take Action” Meeting on Friday, January 14, 2011, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at the Kennewick Library, 1620 South Union St. Make it a point to attend and meet Jamie Wheeler, on the Nat’l FairTax Board and the Washington State FairTax Coordinator,. Jamie is the most enthusiastic and knowledgeable person I know on FairTax and will answer your questions. Show up and help plan the action needed next. You can also call Jamie at: 509-586-7124, to get more information about FairTax.

Go-o-o-o-o FairTax! An idea whose time has come!

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