We keep saying we are a Republic because that is what our founding fathers called it. It sounds noble but then you look around the world and you see the Peoples Republic of China, the Republic of South Korea, the Peoples Republic of North Korea; I could go on but you see my point: Everybody calls themselves a “Republic”! So what is a “Republic”?
According to Merriam-Webster, a Republic is: (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government. Sounds like all those mentioned above qualify but their form of government doesn’t resemble ours very much; in fact, many nations calling themselves a “Republic” are communist and/or having an “elected” dictator for life!
We need to know what our Republic is, or, what it is supposed to be. According to Thomas Jefferson, we are: “The way to have safe government is not to trust it all to the one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to everyone exactly the functions in which he is competent….To let the National Government be entrusted with the defense of the nation, and it’s foreign and federal relations….. The State Governments with the Civil Rights, Laws, Police and administration of what concerns the State generally. The Counties with the local concerns, and each ward direct the interests within itself. It is by dividing and subdividing these Republics from the great national one down through all it’s subordinations until it ends in the administration of everyman’s farm by himself, by placing under everyone what his own eye may superintend, that all will be done for the best.”
Is that what we are? All the political divisions are still in place as mentioned above but they don’t seem to function as they’re designed to – What happened? A friend contends we have lost our Republic to the ‘regressives’ – Is he right? I believe so; we have an administration who thinks they are the elected dictator and a Congress who supports that idea! No longer are the People in charge, no longer are their voices heard, and no longer do the elected officials fear the People! As Thomas Jefferson said: "When governments fear the People, there is Liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Do you fear your government? I do!
How did this happen? How did we, the People, lose control of our elected officials? I believe two (2) words can sum it up: Apathy and Ignorance! And these two (2) things didn’t just happen – It was planned!
Paranoia? It would easy to dismiss it that way but I ask you to consider the evidence before condemning the messenger. The messenger says, “I have good news and I have bad news … ” The bad news first! Both political parties have contributed to the loss of our Republic – There is no pride in being a Democrat or Republican if you love Liberty and Freedom!
Oh, it started out with the noblest of causes: Ending slavery. But they violated our Constitution to do it: The radical Republican Congress passed unconstitutional export taxes on southern cotton in the hopes of pricing the slave holders out of the world market – They violated the Commerce Clause! The Democrats were no better: They seceded from the Union and entered into the bloodiest war on this nation’s soil! Hundreds of thousands of Americans died in that conflict; the North raped the South of it’s wealth under the guise of “reconstruction” and did not allow the southern states elected representation until Congress decided when each southern state had been “reconstructed” enough – The last of which was the Seat of the Confederacy, Virginia, in 1875 – Ten years after the war ended! But the slaves were freed; the only good thing that came from the conflict! “The ends justify the means”? I don’t think so but the Republicans have never apologized for it but it was the first “nail in the coffin” of our Republic because of it usurpation of Tenth Amendment: States Rights.
Not satisfied with that, the federal government “partnered up” with Private Enterprise with one of the largest land giveaways in any nation’s history! To build the Transcontinental Railway from coast to coast and the government hasn’t looked back: They’ve been meddling in and controlling business since then! The Republicans started this debacle but the Democrats have been just as complicit and now even more so! Now, the government controls two (2) of the Big Three auto manufacturers, the banking industry, and just shoved Obamacare down our throats to control if we live or die!
I want to keep this reasonably short so I won’t go into all the bad presidents this nation has suffered through but I will mention the worst ones by name: Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson – Another time, maybe, I can write about each of them.
Now for the Good News! Everybody wants to give the credit for the resurgence of the Constitution to the Tea Party movement and I am proud to be part of that; the Tea Party movement has become the voice of the Constitutional movement but the real start was in 1971, with the Libertarian Party; they are the largest Third Party in the nation and advocate strict adherence to the Constitution.
In June, 2008, Ron Paul started the Campaign for Liberty (C4L) and began trying to turn the GOP into a Constitutional party; they were trying to do this through the election and appointments of PCO’s; they are being somewhat successful in several states but not enough to change them from the “Good Ol’ Boy” system. Limited success but most of what were termed “Tea Party candidates” ran as Republicans – I think that is indicative of the fact there are more fiscal conservatives in the GOP. And we cannot forget the 9-12 Groups, started by Glenn Beck. Sixty-five (65) new congressmen/women are the results of the hard work and dedication of the Liberty groups – I hesitate to say Tea Party here because the other Liberty groups worked with the Tea Party to get these people elected.
But the job is far from over and to keep the Good News rolling, we cannot sit back on our laurels, like we did after the 1994 election, and expect them to do what’s right and what they promised! The Good News is we have notified them all they are a short leash to do as they promised to do and we are doing as Ronald Reagan advised: “Trust but verify!”
It takes involvement, folks; it ain’t gonna happen unless all of you don’t help! Find the Tea Party in your neighborhood and ask them how you can help the cause of Liberty – I am certain they can find something you can do that will be as much fun as it will be effective!