Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"Shameless: G. W. Bush Claims Snowden Hurt The Country”

"Shameless: G. W. Bush Claims Snowden Hurt The Country”

That was the headline of an article in ‘Last Resistance’. Shameless? More than shameless! This jackass won't say one word about the devastation created by this administration but a young hacker who warns the American people that their government is spying on them with no remorse has "hurt the country"! Give me a break! Well, I guess if you are part of this tyrannical government, Mr. Snowden "hurt" your ability to do further spying on the citizens! Did he "hurt" the government's ability to spy on Russia and China? I doubt it. Was this government so stupid that they thought Russia and China weren't aware of the U.S. government was spying on them ... I think I just answered my own question! They are that stupid.

As a person, I like Bush much better than Obama but they are both socialists/communists/’progressives’ which means they are both enemies of freedom! What else could we expect from G.W. when he was raised by Bush, Sr., who is as ‘progressive’ as McCain or Graham? What absolutely amazes me for Bush, Sr. especially, is how, after fighting socialist governments in Germany, Italy, and Japan in WWII, he could become a communist? Oh, I know, socialism isn’t communism but you know the only real difference between the 2 is communism was imposed by the barrel of a gun!

I refuse to refer to them as ‘progressives’ any more! Their “ideas” become ‘progressively’ worse with time. Obamacare is becoming worse every time we impose more of the stupidity out of Congress; I don’t know why they call it “Obamacare” because he had nothing to do with it’s composition; he’s never “led” Congress anywhere! He holds Congress hostage but that is their own fault because they haven’t the guts to fulfill their Constitutional responsibilities to stop him!

That brings us back to Mr. Bush’s shameless behavior toward Mr. Snowden: Snowden didn’t “hurt the country” but he definitely “hurt” the tyrants in our government! The tyrants have been there for quite a while but 9/11 gave them the ‘edge’ they needed to completely strip us of our God-given rights with the nice sounding phrase: “To protect us!” Their idea of protecting us was called the “Patriot Act”; when they enacted that legislation, the terrorists and tyrants won!

How much have we, the People, lost? We have lost the following:

·      Freedom to travel, unfettered, anywhere in our country when we use “public airline transportation”

·      We are no longer secure in our own home – Warrantless searches in the peoples’ homes is all too common with the courts not holding the government accountable for this. Bye-bye, 4th Amendment.

·      The Supreme Court just upheld the conviction of a man who decided to stop speaking to the police. This used to be called invoking the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination. He wasn’t under arrest at the time he stopped talking, so the court said the police could use his non-verbalization against him at trial; he would have had to say, “I am invoking my 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination” … Splitting hairs? Bye-bye, 5th Amendment!

·      By federal statute, Homeland Security is the only recognized law enforcement within 100 miles of our northern and southern borders, even though our Constitution in all 50 states makes the County Sheriff the ultimate Law Enforcement Official! Further erosion of the guarantee to the states of a “republican form of government” under Article IV, Section 4.

·      Under the NDAA (Nat’l Defense Authorization Act), the President can have you imprisoned, without charge, for as long as he deems necessary; he can direct the military to detain you at Guantanamo Bay Detainment Facility,  without charge, for as long as he deems necessary. Habeas Corpus and rule of law be damned!

·      We have lost our right to accumulate property and use it in the manner best suited to us! Bureaucrats set new “standards” and find new “endangered species” of plant and animal to condemn and/or restrict our use of our land!

·      The attacks on our 2nd Amendment are constant and the average American doesn’t understand why this would be. “It’s elementary, my dear Watson”: The 2nd Amendment is our basic guarantee of freedom and if the government can disarm us, they have free rein to control our every move.

Have we lost so much that we cannot get it back? Are we doomed to repeat history? (From slavery to freedom to apathy to slavery) I don’t have the answer to that; only time will tell but it depends on you and me! I know my commitment to liberty is part of my DNA; bred into me from the half-breed native American brothers who fought with George Washington, to the grandfathers, uncles and cousins who have fought in America’s war since then! Where are you in that commitment?

You cannot expect somebody else to reclaim your freedom; you must stand fast and demand your freedom from this tyrannical government we have allowed to evolve. Only you can make the difference. And if all of you band together with me and other brothers and sisters of liberty, WE are a force not to be denied! We have to be as committed as our founding fathers were and withdraw our consent from this tyrannical government; vote out all of the tyrants and “followers” in office now, replacing them with new John Adams, new Davy Crocketts, and new Samuel Adams!

What say you?

We no longer can tolerate shameless politicians who want to fragment Americans so they can impose slavery on portion after portion of Americans!

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