I haven't written a post on my blog since 2017, but I feel I need to be more active than that. Not that I'm special but I am an American and I see this nation in peril from the left! If we don't speak out against what they're accomplishing, our children, grandchildren and future generations will be enslaved as the people of China are today!
That brings me to the subject I've selected for this short piece: What is "Woke"?
Since I never "went to sleep", it is very frustrating to watch the cretins (basement dwellers) try to make everybody as unhappy as they are!
They are trying to make the English language an abomination (and succeeding!)! They have created a "cancel culture" that has almost destroyed comedy!They are trying to convince us that there are 43 different sexes (There are two (2)!) - Men and women and they cannot change that which makes them SCIENCE DENIERS!
If you were born a male, you CANNOT become a female - I don't care how many hormones, puberty blockers, and plastic surgeries you endure - Your DNA will still show that you are a MALE!
Now they want us to select our "pronouns? I saw this idiot on TV yesterday who liked to fish REFURE to call himself a fisherman - He said he was a "fisherthem"! That is a LIE! There is but one of him so he is a fisherMAN! We do NOT "pick our pronouns", they all have there own, centuries old, definitions: Males are he, him, or his; females are she, her, or hers; groups are they or them. Stop trying to make life harder!
If you want to continue to sit in our basement and refer to yourself by pronouns that are NOT YOU, have at it but don't try to force me to use those pronouns on you because I WILL NOT!
Because I am a simple man, you cannot cancel me - I owe nothing to anybody so there's nothing to "cancel"!
This leftist culture is fostered in our center of "higher education" which means they have abandoned their purpose of teaching young people how to think constructively; instead INDOCTRINATING them on WHAT to THINK! "Safe Spaces", intolerance, and racism are the curriculum of todays major universities and Ivy League colleges!
This stupidity has leaked into our "justice" system: Housing MEN, who "identify as women, in women's prisons! Gee, what could go wrong here? We now have a Supreme Court "justice" who could not provide a definition of the word "woman"! This is the BUFFOON's, Biden, idea of how to bring this "woke" CRAP into the mainstream of our "justice" system!
I may be missing some of the CRAP the left is trying to foist on the American people and we MUST speak out against everyday to make the cretins crawl back into their subterranean basements and sulk in their misery so we can once again debate the issues to find common ground to restore the nation to it's greatness!
Please don't hesitate to leave a remark whether you like the article or not; I'm not easily offended. LOL!