“Right-Wing – Left Wing”?
We hear these terms all the time; what do they mean? That questions will get you a myriad of answers – Among the ‘answers’ you hear are: “The Tea Party is the ‘right-wing’ of the Republican Party.” “The liberals are the ‘left-wing’ of the Democratic Party.” “These so-called ‘Liberty groups’ are ‘right-wing’!”
Where is the truth? From my standpoint, it is simple to explain: Classic liberals and classic conservatives are not “wings” – Either right or left; they are the friends of Liberty! They, as our founding fathers did, debate the best way to solve problems within the framework of our Constitution!
The ‘left-wing’ and the ‘right-wing’ are what has flown our national bird completely off course and has put us on the edge of moral and financial disaster! Who are the ‘left-wings’ and ‘right-wings’ doing this? First you must understand that these ‘wings’ do not believe in our Constitution; at the very best, they pay ‘lip-service’ to our founding documents and they spiral the nation into oblivion! These enemies of Liberty are on both sides of the aisle – They call themselves ‘progressives’! Whether they call themselves ‘liberal progressives’ or ‘progressive conservatives’, they are enemies to Freedom and the American Way! They align themselves with the worst elements in America: Socialists, Communists, Union Bosses, “Special Interests”, and most Militia Groups! They link themselves to these groups because they share common goals: The fundamental transformation of America! That’s ‘political speak’ for total control of the People by a central government ruled by a dictator or an oligarchy of elitists!
But they try to deflect attention from their sinister plans by calling the Tea Party “radical” and “right-wing” – Those two terms should tell the listener that they speak with a forked-tongue and a total lack of knowledge! In my day, we called that “Lying”! But in today’s ‘politically correct’ environment, I guess they would say they “Misspoke the truth!” I think they’re liars!
The term “radical” is associated exclusively with the ‘far-left wing’ of the political spectrum: Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn, the Black Panthers, etc. and “right-wing” would indicate somebody who believes in no government at all – An anarchist! In fact, our founding fathers termed the far left, “tyranny” and the far right, “anarchy”! The Tea Party is neither!
Well, if the Tea Party isn’t ‘right-wing’ or ‘left-wing’, what is it? Our core values should be the best indicator: Small central government, fiscal responsibility, and strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution as originally intended … That puts the Tea Party exactly in the center – It is referred to as “Center-Balanced” – Believe me, that term scares the hell out of the ‘right-wing’ and ‘left-wing’ of both major parties! The Tea Party, as well as all the Liberty groups I have worked with, doesn’t believe in “party loyalty” – We believe in the People, not some false standard to be ignored as soon as you get into office!
It is true the Tea Parties have, as individuals, supported men and women with (R) behind their name and you ask why? If the Liberty groups are non-partisan, why support Republican candidates? A good question that needs an answer. As previously stated, neither major party is a friend to Liberty and Freedom but there are distinct differences that make it easier to work for a Liberty candidate with the (R)! The Democratic party has been totally taken over by the enemies of Liberty and Freedom: The ‘progressives’, socialists, fascists, communists, environmental wackos, etc. so they only back candidates with an anti-American agenda. The Republicans, on the other hand, are without direction; they have no clear-cut agenda so they will accept almost any candidate who appears to be able to win an election! When you have compromised your principles to ‘get along’, you are willing to accept direction, hoping to ‘find yourself’ again!
The Tea Party doesn’t change; there is no compromise on principles in us! And if you are having a hard time understanding the Tea Party isn’t part of the GOP, how confused do you think Boehner and McConnell are when they meet with our Tea Party candidates who won’t follow Boehner and McConnell’s “directions”? LOL!!
If you study the Liberty candidates elected in November, you will find they give Mr. Boehner ‘heart-burn’ because they won’t ‘go-along-to-get-along’! The same thing happened in 1994, when we gave the GOP the majority: Mr. Gingrich treated our Liberty candidates like red-headed step children because they wouldn’t ‘go-along-to-get-along’! Back then, our Liberty candidates were few and, rather than spend their lives fighting the idiot, Gingrich, they opted to leave Congress but several converted to the power structure and failed themselves and the People! Our newest freshmen class are more in number and greater in commitment but it’s an up-hill battle against the power structure!