Who Will Be The Republic’s Savior?
by Leon Howard
I guess you could call this my ‘rant’ about our 2 political parties; of which, I am ashamed of both! Neither national party has the interests of the People in mind; neither has the good of the nation in mind; neither give a damn about our children’s and grandchildren’s future and they prove these charges on a daily basis!
Each party is so proud of their mascot: The Democrats are the donkey and the GOP loves the elephant – I do not see the significance as it relates to either party except it allowed me to select nicknames in keeping with the mascot and descriptive as they choose not to represent the People and the nation: Jack Asses and Fat Asses is more befitting of them!
The names of their parties are no longer descriptive of their philosophies or their principles! Although the Democrats have settled on a philosophy, they have no principles – They are, in effect, the National Socialist Party; almost identical to Hitler’s National Socialist Party philosophy and we know they were without principle or conscience! Thomas Jefferson wouldn’t recognize the party he started nor would he be any part of it! And because they have no principle or conscience, they have proven themselves smarter than the GOP politically! They used a created ‘crisis’ to nationalize our banking industry, the insurance industry, auto manufacturers, and the housing market in less than one year! In less than 2 years, they are well on the way of nationalizing our health care system! Everything they have accomplished has been behind closed doors, in secret, without ‘bipartisan’ support, and hated by the American People! But it didn’t stop them; we barely slowed them down and it cost them politically: 84 Freshmen in the House and 7 in the Senate. That did stop any new transformation toward socialism but it doesn’t end the destructive policies in place now and do not look for the GOP to save the Republic; they don’t have it in them and the Democrats know it!
That brings us to the Grand Old Party, the Republicans – What are they? A very good question but don’t ask them because they haven’t a clue as to who they are and what they stand for! Previously called the Whig Party, they supported Congressional supremacy over the Presidency and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism. They became the Republican Party in 1854, in opposition to expanding slavery into the new states and territories, which the Democratic Party favored! Called the “Radical Republican Congress”, they enacted unconstitutional tariffs against southern cotton in an attempt to force the slave states to end slavery – A noble objective but Constitutionally wrong! The Radical Republicans proved the victors after an unnecessary and bloody war, pitting brother against brother. The War Between the States, as it is referred to in the South, or the more ‘politically correct’ “Civil War” accomplished the first big step in the destruction of the Tenth Amendment by imposing federal mandates against the will of the states! Called “Reconstruction”, the Radical Republicans raped and pillaged the wealth of the southern states for 10 years after the Surrender at Appomattox! During “reconstruction”, the former slave states weren’t allowed elected representation in Congress and, therefore, the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendment were unconstitutionally “passed” and “ratified” by three-fourths of the represented states! How, you ask, could they not be represented? If you are not allowed to be represented, you cannot vote for or against anything; the southern states were not “accepted” back into the “Union” until they had been “reconstructed”!
On the ‘upside’, the Republicans were the majority that gained the vote for “Female Suffrage” and Lyndon B. Johnson couldn’t have gotten the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed without the Republican majority in Congress.
Somewhere in the ‘60’s, these parties switched roles: The Republicans, led by Barry Goldwater, started becoming more protective of the Peoples’ Bill of Rights and the Democrats started becoming more ‘progressive’ by enacting more “entitlements” to create the “Nanny State” role for the federal government and ignoring, totally, the Constitution and the Peoples’ Bill of Rights!
That brings us to today: What good is either party? Nothing! Nada! Zilch! Zero! They have become the Jack Asses and Fat Asses; only concerning themselves with their own reelection and self-aggrandizement! “Serving the People” has become an advertising gimmick rather than the goal of politicians of both major parties!
So, “Who will be the Republic’s Savior”? I wish I could say we can look to the Heavens for the Savior of our souls to save the Republic but, unless it is the “end of times”, we must continue to pray for guidance but look within ourselves for saving the Republic! The Tea Party has maintained from our very beginning to forget the “party” and seek out those men and women wanting to serve the People, without regard to their own personal gain and reelection hopes! We must seek them out, convince them to run for office, and campaign actively for them! We must draft them if they hesitate but accept their refusal if they choose to refuse.
We need Clint Didier! We need more Michele Bachmanns, Ron Pauls, Rand Pauls, Alan Wests, Herman Cains, Sarah Palins, Clint Didiers, Bill Spencers, Ron Haydens, Jamie Wheelers, and more representation from servants like the Representative from Utah, Jason Chaffetz, who sleeps in his office, rather than being beholden to any special interests but the folks who sent him there!
We need to seek out candidates who will hold their ground, not only against the ‘progressives’ but will hold their ground against their own party! We don’t have representation like that now in our Congressional District and I know we are not the only congressional district seeing that!
We need to look passed the R’s and D’s behind the names and look at the person – We must eliminate the Jack Asses and Fat Asses and elect staunch defenders of the Constitution, OUR Constitution, to office if we want to leave any legacy for our children and grandchildren!