Saturday, May 25, 2024

 Not All Things Change


The following is an Editorial Opinion I sent to the Tri-City Herald in 1986, and it is as appropo today as it was in 1986, and as appropriate as it would have been in 1964, because not all things change and the left’s hatred of our Constitution is as relevant today as then!

“Herald downplaying threat to Second Amendment rights” was the title:

“For months we have been barraged by articles and editorials from in the Herald calling for more gun control. These editorials have never given any facts or statistics to back up the gun-grabbers’ fetish for disarming honest gun owners. That’’s because the facts go against them and always will. Gun owners aren’t even part of the crime problem.

How would the Herald react to legislation directed against the ‘Fourth Estate’? Let’s create a scenario: H.R. -22 and S.R. -22 would call for all news stories to be cleared through the Regional News Office for content and opinion: the ‘waiting period’ would not exceed 14 days, unless the government deems the article ‘not in the public interest’. The NRA (Nat’l Writers Association) and other pro-news organizations have gone on record opposing the legislation. This has put them under fire from the anti-news groups like NNGN (No News is Good News) and SSR (Sam Sheppard Remembered) to be reasonable and help get this much needed legislation enacted. “This has been a long time in coming.” Stated Sam Sheppard. “I don’t think our founding fathers foresaw the impact electronics would make on people when they wrote the First Amendment!”

“These stories that take peoples’ lives by suicide have got to be controlled!” HCI (Headline Control (Headline Control, Inc.) spokesperson, Brara Sady said. “The American people are demanding that Congress do something about all these different type newspapers and magazines available to anyone no matter what their mental state or reading ability is! If there hadn’t been a newspaper, radio, or television, my husband wouldn’t have jumped the roof on Black Friday when the Stock Market crashed! This law won’t infringe on the legitimate newspapers; it’ll get those Saturday Night Specials of the newsstands and their publishers jailed for publishing unreliable stories and sensationalism.”

NRA spokesman Bim Jaker contends, “Newspapers don’t kill people, people kill people!” He also said that what happened to Sam Sheppard couldn’t happen again because “newspapers have set up controls on the way news stories are reported and  ‘trail by press’ would be next to impossible.’” Mr. Jaker also said, “publishers of the so-called Saturday Night Specials like Nat’l Inquirer and the Scar were publishing a much-demanded producr for people with limited reading time and/or limited literacy. To ban the Saturday Night Specials would totally deprive an entire segment of our society of being armed with information.”

“News control isn’t what’s needed, he said. “We need greater enforcement of the libel laws on the books now and a greater emphasis on reading ability in our school system. Newspeople are honest, hard-working people doing their best to keep Americans informed to what’s happening in the world.” He also argued, “This bad legislation will lead to total confiscation of all news publishing equipment.”

“At the very best, he stated, “Your news will be history by the time it gets through the Regional Government News Office!” Mr. Jaker encouraged all newspapers and broadcast owners, along with all concerned citizens, to call their congressmen to vote against H.R. -22 and S.R. -22, which Mr. Jaker nicknamed ‘Catch 22’.

Give you a little chuckle? It’s funny only because our First Amendment rights aren’t under attack but the attack on our Second Amendment rights is real and it shouldn’t be funny to gun owners and shouldn’t be funny or encouraged by the Herald! If the media doesn’t change its misdirected stance on our Second Amendment rights, they will be like the Lutheran minister in Germany in Hitler’s Germany that wrote: “First they came after the Jews and I said nothing because I was Lutheran; then they came after the Communists and I said nothing because I wasn’t Communist; next they came for the Catholics and I said nothing because I wasn’t Catholic; then they came after me and there was no one left to say anything.” The ball’s in your court folks; what say ye?

The herald omitted the quotes I referenced from our founding fathers on the subject of firearms but I include them here: 

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent on others for essential, particularly for military, supplies.”
– George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
-Benjamin Franklin

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.”
– James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms…  “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”
– Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

Not only did our founding fathers believed the necessity of firearms for the people, they lived it! We can never forget the freedoms afforded by God and affirmed in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Biden's "Banana Republic"!

 I am angry! Not upset - ANGRY!

I served America in the U.S. Navy to protect us from the socialist/communists and I see it all going for naught!

Let me say from the outset: I am NOT a Republican and will never join that party because they have too many RINOs in their ranks (Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham to name a few) that are nothing more than neo-conservatives; siding with the war-mongering Democrats!

Yes, you guessed it: I am not a Democrat either - I haven't voted for a Democrat, nationally, since I got out of the Navy in 1963! I wasn't old enough to vote for JFK but I would have but his VP was LBJ, who was another warmonger!

I am a MAGA AMERICAN! I'm fighting to save my country that Joe Biden is turning into a Banana Republic as fast as he and his corrupt administration can! What they've destroyed in 2 years is astronomical! Every program President Trump put in place in 4 years for the American people, Biden ended his first days in office and it has destroyed the middle class Americans who are now living paycheck to paycheck.

Joe Biden is NOT MY president! He is the president of the Banana Republic he is creating and you better start learning Mandarin and practicing "Zeig Hiel!"

The Buffoon and his corrupt administration were doing well in the destruction of America: Weaponizing the Dept. of Justice, the FBI, Homeland Security, the IRS and even our military!

Then he got some help from DA Alvin Bragg in New York and got a grand jury to indict President Trump - MY President! - The charges are preposterous but he hopes to take President Trump out of the 2024 election!

What too many on the left don't consider is Bragg is yanking the blindfold off the eyes of Lady Liberty - ENDING justice as we know it - It will now resemble "justice" found in Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba. From now on, the "Insiders" will pick the man or woman speaking out against their power and programs and FIND the CRIME to PERSECUTE them - NOT prosecute!

The "Insiders" are trying to get all patriots to do something rash so they can sic the FBI, Homeland Security, and the IRS on us!

But the fighting will not come from the right, it will come from the left and I'll be waiting! If that's what you want - Bring it on DUMBASS!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

What is "Woke"?

 I haven't written a post on my blog since 2017, but I feel I need to be more active than that. Not that I'm special but I am an American and I see this nation in peril from the left! If we don't speak out against what they're accomplishing, our children, grandchildren and future generations will be enslaved as the people of China are today!

That brings me to the subject I've selected for this short piece: What is "Woke"?

Since I never "went to sleep", it is very frustrating to watch the cretins (basement dwellers) try to make everybody as unhappy as they are!

They are trying to make the English language an abomination (and succeeding!)! They have created a "cancel culture" that has almost destroyed comedy!They are trying to convince us that there are 43 different sexes (There are two (2)!) - Men and women and they cannot change that which makes them SCIENCE DENIERS!

If you were born a male, you CANNOT become a female - I don't care how many hormones, puberty blockers, and plastic surgeries you endure - Your DNA will still show that you are a MALE!

Now they want us to select our "pronouns? I saw this idiot on TV yesterday who liked to fish REFURE to call himself a fisherman - He said he was a "fisherthem"! That is a LIE! There is but one of him so he is a fisherMAN! We do NOT "pick our pronouns", they all have there own, centuries old, definitions: Males are he, him, or his; females are she, her, or hers; groups are they or them. Stop trying to make life harder!

If you want to continue to sit in our basement and refer to yourself by pronouns that are NOT YOU, have at it but don't try to force me to use those pronouns on you because I WILL NOT!

Because I am a simple man, you cannot cancel me - I owe nothing to anybody so there's nothing to "cancel"!

This leftist culture is fostered in our center of "higher education" which means they have abandoned their purpose of teaching young people how to think constructively; instead INDOCTRINATING them on WHAT to THINK! "Safe Spaces", intolerance, and racism are the curriculum of todays major universities and Ivy League colleges!

This stupidity has leaked into our "justice" system: Housing MEN, who "identify as women, in women's prisons! Gee, what could go wrong here? We now have a Supreme Court "justice" who could not provide a definition of the word "woman"! This is the BUFFOON's, Biden, idea of how to bring this "woke" CRAP into the mainstream of our "justice" system!

I may be missing some of the CRAP the left is trying to foist on the American people and we MUST speak out against everyday to make the cretins crawl back into their subterranean basements and sulk in their misery so we can once again debate the issues to find common ground to restore the nation to it's greatness!

Please don't hesitate to leave a remark whether you like the article or not; I'm not easily offended. LOL!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Lt Col Ollie North (USNA '68) on Vietnam

Lt Col Ollie North (USNA '68) on Vietnam

As I stated on my FaceBook page, I will not be a part censorship of any kind. I attempted 3 times to post an analysis of the Viet Nam War written by Oliver North and 3 times FaceBook censored it without stating why! Apparently they want the fictitious story Ken Burns and Lynn Novick in their new Public Broadcasting Service documentary “The Vietnam War” portrayed! There is NOTHING salacious or violent in Col. North's accounting of the war but apparently FB doesn't want hurt the widdow feewings of their staff!

For an honest and interesting opinion of Former Pres. Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War, Oliver North provides his personal experience w/his Commander in Chief. Great to hear this from someone who was there: 
By Oliver North - - Monday, October 16, 2017 
When Richard Nixon was in the White House, I was in Vietnam and he was my commander in chief. When I was on Ronald Reagan’s National Security Council staff, I had the opportunity to brief former President Nixon on numerous occasions and came to admire his analysis of current events, insights on world affairs and compassion for our troops. His preparation for any meeting or discussion was exhaustive. His thirst for information was unquenchable and his tolerance for fools was nonexistent.
Mr. Nixon’s prosecution of the war in Southeast Asia is poorly told by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick in their new Public Broadcasting Service documentary “The Vietnam War.” That is but one of many reasons Mr. Burns‘ latest work is such a disappointment and a tragic lost opportunity.
It’s sad, but I’ve come to accept that the real story of the heroic American GIs in Vietnam may never be told. Like too many others, Ken Burns portrays the young soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines of the Vietnam War as pot-smoking, drug-addicted, hippie marauders.
Those with whom I served were anything but. They did not commit the atrocities alleged in the unforgivable lies John Kerry described to a congressional committee so prominently featured by Mr. Burns. The troops my brother and I were blessed to lead were honorable, heroic and tenacious. They were patriotic, proud of their service, and true to their God and our country.
To depict them otherwise, as Mr. Burns does, is an egregious disservice to them, the families of the fallen and to history. But his treatment of my fellow Vietnam War veterans is just the start. Some of the most blatant travesties in the film are reserved for President Nixon.
Because of endless fairy tales told by Ken Burns and others, many Americans associate Richard Nixon with the totality and the worst events of Vietnam. It’s hardly evident in the Burns “documentary,” but important to note: When Richard Nixon was elected president in 1968, he inherited a nation — and a world — engulfed in discord and teetering on the brink of widespread chaos. His predecessor, Lyndon Johnson, was forced from office with a half-million U.S. troops mired in combat and fierce anti-American government demonstrations across the country and in our nation’s capital.
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick may not recall — but my family remembers: It was Lyndon Johnson who sent my brother and me to war. It was Richard Nixon who brought us home. It is very likely we are alive today because Mr. Nixon kept his word.
That’s not the only opportunity for accuracy Mr. Burns ignored. He could have credited Mr. Nixon with granting 18-year olds the right to vote in July 1971 with the 26th Amendment to our Constitution. (Does Ken even recall the slogan, “Old enough to fight — old enough to vote!” He should. Mr. Burns turned 18 that same month.)
President Nixon pressed on to all but finish the war. As promised, he brought our combat units home, returned 591 prisoners of war to their wives and families, ended the draft, leveraged the conflict to open ties with China and improved relations with the Soviet Union. He pushed both Communist giants in Beijing and Moscow to force their North Vietnamese puppet into a negotiated settlement. Yet he is portrayed in the Burns documentary as a cold-blooded, calculating politician more interested in re-election than the lives of U.S. troops in combat.
Contrary to the film’s portrayal, Mr. Nixon had a complicated strategy to achieve “peace with honor.” His goal was to train and equip the South Vietnamese military to defend their own country in a process he called “Vietnamization,” and thereby withdraw American troops.
President Nixon succeeded in isolating the North Vietnamese diplomatically and negotiated a peace agreement that preserved the right of the people of South Vietnam to determine their own political future. Imperfect as the Saigon government was, by 1973 the South Vietnamese had many well-trained troops and units that fought well and were proud to be our allies. This intricate and sophisticated approach took shape over four wartime years but receives only superficial mention in the Burns and Novick production.
Despite Democrat majorities in both houses of Congress, Mr. Nixon — a deft political powerhouse — attained consistent support from America’s “Silent Majority.”
If Mr. Burns read President Nixon’s memoir or his two successive books in which the former president recounts his emotional anguish at the war’s toll — “No More Vietnams” and “In the Arena” — there is little evidence in the PBS production. Instead, Mr. Burns cherry-picks from the infamous “Nixon tapes” to brand the president as a devious manipulator, striving for mass deception — a patently false allegation.
By the time President Nixon resigned office on Aug. 9, 1974, the Vietnam War was all but won and the South Vietnamese were confident of securing a permanent victory. But in December 1974 — three months after Mr. Nixon departed the White House — a vengeful, Democrat-dominated Congress cut off all aid to South Vietnam.
It was a devastating blow for those to whom Mr. Nixon had promised — not U.S. troops — but steadfast military, economic and diplomatic support. As chronicled in memoirs written afterwards in Hanoi, Moscow and Beijing, the communists celebrated. The ignominious end came with a full-scale North Vietnamese invasion five months later.
Despite the war’s end — and the trauma that continues to afflict our country — there is little in the Burns so-called documentary about the courage, patriotism and dedication of the U.S. troops who fought honorably, bravely and the despicable way in which we were “welcomed” home.
The PBS “documentary” frequently reminds viewers of the “gallant nationalist fervor” among the North Vietnamese. But the South Vietnamese are portrayed as little more than conniving urchins and weak pawns of the imperialist Americans.
In a technique favored by the “progressive left,” Mr. Burns uses a small cadre of anti-war U.S. and pro-Hanoi Vietnamese “eyewitnesses” to explain the complicated policies of the U.S. government. Mr. Burns apparently refused to interview Henry Kissinger, telling the Portland Press Herald he doubted “Kissinger’s authority to adequately convey the perspectives of the U.S. government.” This alone disqualifies this “documentary” as definitive history on the Vietnam War.
Though Mr. Burns and his collaborators claim otherwise, the real heroes of “The Vietnam War” were not U.S. protesters, but the troops my brother and I led. They fought valiantly for our country and the president who brought us home.
Since meeting President Nixon in the 1980s, I have always remembered how he understood the incredible sacrifice of American blood in the battlefields of Vietnam. He was dedicated to ending the war the right way and committed to sustaining American honor. He kept his promise to bring us home.
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick failed to keep their promise to tell all sides about the long and difficult war in Vietnam. Like John Kerry, they have committed a grave injustice to those of us who fought there.
• Oliver North was a Marine platoon leader in Vietnam, and recipient of the Silver Star, the Bronze Star for Valor, and two Purple Hearts.

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Demise of the “Grand Old Party” (GOP)

The Demise of the “Grand Old Party” (GOP)

The Republican Party that we came to distrust and hate was destroyed by Donald Trump – That is a FACT! Am I sorry it happened? Not in the least; I feel my prayers were not in vain and I’ve been praying for this for a long time! Bernie Sanders almost did the same thing to the Dumocrats but the “progressive establishment” wouldn’t let it happen this time but it’s coming!

But, I digress – I’ve been celebrating for several weeks now – It’s actually been fun watching the so-called “conservatives” ‘jump ship’ because they don’t like “the Donald” – I have listened for years to so-called “principled conservatives” tell us “Conservatives do not compromise on principles!” Cow pucky! The 2016 Omnibus Bill the Republican Congress passed funded every damned piece of crap program the Kenyan in the White House shoved down our throats and soon we will be over $20 Trillion in debt!

So George Will, Henry Paulson, Jr., Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, and all the other so-called “conservatives”: Your “conservatives” Republican Congress didn’t compromise their principles, they threw them out the effing window or they never had any to begin with! You “establishment ‘conservative’” pukes are every bit as bad a your counter part party – There’s not 10¢ worth of difference between either establishment party (at today’s value of the US dollar, 10¢ is “0”) and your demise cannot come soon enough, probably, to save this nation from total economic collapse!

Now, several of you so-called conservatives are going to vote for the Hildabeast, the power-hungry-email erasing-slut the Dumocrats are running for the White House – Good! I hope you do because you obviously have more in common with her than you do with the American people! Donald Trump tapped into the frustration caused by you and your useful idiots and, believe me, there’s nobody to blame but you! Will Trump’s plans for bringing back our industrial base, increase the GDP, and begin to heal the nation from the worst and most lawless president this nation has ever been saddled with? I don’t know and won’t know until we let him and his cabinet lay out the full agenda but the American people are willing to give him a chance that you assholes won’t!

Your unbridled hatred of Donald Trump is because you know you cannot control him – He’s not a “party hack” and that pisses you off! How dare he strip you of your perceived “power” and return it to the people! Will Trump keep all of his campaign promises? That depends on the Congress. If the Republicans retain control of the House and Senate, we’ll see if those “conservatives” will work with him, like they did with the Kenyan, or will they fight him like they did when Obama first came into office? They proven to be a feckless bunch so far, so time will tell …

The American people will rebuild the Republican Party into one that, once again, represents the people; not ‘special interests”! There probably isn’t room under the new “big tent” for neo-cons but time will tell if the neo cons pull their collective heads from the position they’ve had them in all too long and smell what they’ve been shoveling out and have now become! As for you neo conservatives that are ‘jumping ship’ now and going to the Hildabeast: Don’t let the door slam on your ass as you slither out!

The Demise of the “Grand Old Party” (GOP)

The Demise of the “Grand Old Party” (GOP)

The Republican Party that we came to distrust and hate was destroyed by Donald Trump – That is a FACT! Am I sorry it happened? Not in the least; I feel my prayers were not in vain and I’ve been praying for this for a long time! Bernie Sanders almost did the same thing to the Dumocrats but the “progressive establishment” wouldn’t let it happen this time but it’s coming!

But, I digress – I’ve been celebrating for several weeks now – It’s actually been fun watching the so-called “conservatives” ‘jump ship’ because they don’t like “the Donald” – I have listened for years to so-called “principled conservatives” tell us “Conservatives do not compromise on principles!” Cow pucky! The 2016 Omnibus Bill the Republican Congress passed funded every damned piece of crap program the Kenyan in the White House shoved down our throats and soon we will be over $20 Trillion in debt!

So George Will, Henry Paulson, Jr., Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, and all the other so-called “conservatives”: Your “conservatives” Republican Congress didn’t compromise their principles, they threw them out the effing window or they never had any to begin with! You “establishment ‘conservative’” pukes are every bit as bad a your counter part party – There’s not 10¢ worth of difference between either establishment party (at today’s value of the US dollar, 10¢ is “0”) and your demise cannot come soon enough, probably, to save this nation from total economic collapse!

Now, several of you so-called conservatives are going to vote for the Hildabeast, the power-hungry-email erasing-slut the Dumocrats are running for the White House – Good! I hope you do because you obviously have more in common with her than you do with the American people! Donald Trump tapped into the frustration caused by you and your useful idiots and, believe me, there’s nobody to blame but you! Will Trump’s plans for bringing back our industrial base, increase the GDP, and begin to heal the nation from the worst and most lawless president this nation has ever been saddled with? I don’t know and won’t know until we let him and his cabinet lay out the full agenda but the American people are willing to give him a chance that you assholes won’t!

Your unbridled hatred of Donald Trump is because you know you cannot control him – He’s not a “party hack” and that pisses you off! How dare he strip you of your perceived “power” and return it to the people! Will Trump keep all of his campaign promises? That depends on the Congress. If the Republicans retain control of the House and Senate, we’ll see if those “conservatives” will work with him, like they did with the Kenyan, or will they fight him like they did when Obama first came into office? They proven to be a feckless bunch so far, so time will tell …

The American people will rebuild the Republican Party into one that, once again, represents the people; not ‘special interests”! There probably isn’t room under the new “big tent” for neo-cons but time will tell if the neo cons pull their collective heads from the position they’ve had them in all too long and smell what they’ve been shoveling out and have now become! As for you neo conservatives that are ‘jumping ship’ now and going to the Hildabeast: Don’t let the door slam on your ass as you slither out!